Source code

Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use askama_escape::{Escaper, MarkupDisplay};
use serde::Serialize;
/// Serialize to YAML (requires `serde_yaml` feature)
/// ## Errors
/// This will panic if `S`'s implementation of `Serialize` decides to fail,
/// or if `T` contains a map with non-string keys.
pub fn yaml<E: Escaper, S: Serialize>(e: E, s: S) -> Result<MarkupDisplay<E, String>> {
match serde_yaml::to_string(&s) {
Ok(s) => Ok(MarkupDisplay::new_safe(s, e)),
Err(e) => Err(Error::from(e)),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use askama_escape::Html;
fn test_yaml() {
assert_eq!(yaml(Html, true).unwrap().to_string(), "true\n");
assert_eq!(yaml(Html, "foo").unwrap().to_string(), "foo\n");
assert_eq!(yaml(Html, true).unwrap().to_string(), "true\n");
assert_eq!(yaml(Html, "foo").unwrap().to_string(), "foo\n");
yaml(Html, &vec!["foo", "bar"]).unwrap().to_string(),
"- foo\n- bar\n"