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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import re
import json
import datetime
import base64
import logging
import os
import requests
import requests.exceptions
import slugid
import time
import six
import random
import taskcluster_urls as liburls
from . import exceptions
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Regular expression matching: X days Y hours Z minutes
# todo: support hr, wk, yr
r = re.compile(''.join([
def calculateSleepTime(attempt):
""" From the go client
if attempt <= 0:
return 0
# We subtract one to get exponents: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..
delay = float(2 ** (attempt - 1)) * float(DELAY_FACTOR)
# Apply randomization factor
delay = delay * (RANDOMIZATION_FACTOR * (random.random() * 2 - 1) + 1)
# Always limit with a maximum delay
return min(delay, MAX_DELAY)
def toStr(obj, encoding='utf-8'):
if six.PY3 and isinstance(obj, six.binary_type):
obj = obj.decode(encoding)
obj = str(obj)
return obj
def fromNow(offset, dateObj=None):
Generate a `datetime.datetime` instance which is offset using a string.
See the for a full example, but offset could be '1 day' for
a datetime object one day in the future
# We want to handle past dates as well as future
future = True
offset = offset.lstrip()
if offset.startswith('-'):
future = False
offset = offset[1:].lstrip()
if offset.startswith('+'):
offset = offset[1:].lstrip()
# Parse offset
m = r.match(offset)
if m is None:
raise ValueError("offset string: '%s' does not parse" % offset)
# In order to calculate years and months we need to calculate how many days
# to offset the offset by, since timedelta only goes as high as weeks
days = 0
hours = 0
minutes = 0
seconds = 0
years = int('years'))
days += 365 * years
months = int('months'))
days += 30 * months
days += int('days') or 0)
hours += int('hours') or 0)
minutes += int('minutes') or 0)
seconds += int('seconds') or 0)
# Offset datetime from utc
delta = datetime.timedelta(
weeks=int('weeks') or 0),
if not dateObj:
dateObj = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
return dateObj + delta if future else dateObj - delta
def fromNowJSON(offset):
Like fromNow() but returns in a taskcluster-json compatible way
return stringDate(fromNow(offset))
def dumpJson(obj, **kwargs):
""" Match JS's JSON.stringify. When using the default seperators,
base64 encoding JSON results in \n sequences in the output. Hawk
barfs in your face if you have that in the text"""
def handleDateAndBinaryForJs(x):
if six.PY3 and isinstance(x, six.binary_type):
x = x.decode()
if isinstance(x, datetime.datetime) or isinstance(x,
return stringDate(x)
return x
d = json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'), default=handleDateAndBinaryForJs, **kwargs)
assert '\n' not in d
return d
def stringDate(date):
# Convert to isoFormat
string = date.isoformat()
# If there is no timezone and no Z added, we'll add one at the end.
# This is just to be fully compliant with:
if string.endswith('+00:00'):
return string[:-6] + 'Z'
if date.utcoffset() is None and string[-1] != 'Z':
return string + 'Z'
return string
def makeB64UrlSafe(b64str):
""" Make a base64 string URL Safe """
if isinstance(b64str, six.text_type):
b64str = b64str.encode()
# see RFC 4648, sec. 5
return b64str.replace(b'+', b'-').replace(b'/', b'_')
def makeB64UrlUnsafe(b64str):
""" Make a base64 string URL Unsafe """
if isinstance(b64str, six.text_type):
b64str = b64str.encode()
# see RFC 4648, sec. 5
return b64str.replace(b'-', b'+').replace(b'_', b'/')
def encodeStringForB64Header(s):
""" HTTP Headers can't have new lines in them, let's """
if isinstance(s, six.text_type):
s = s.encode()
if six.PY3:
b64str = base64.encodebytes(s)
b64str = base64.encodestring(s)
return b64str.strip().replace(b'\n', b'')
def slugId():
""" Generate a taskcluster slugid. This is a V4 UUID encoded into
URL-Safe Base64 (RFC 4648, sec 5) with '=' padding removed """
return slugid.nice()
def stableSlugId():
"""Returns a closure which can be used to generate stable slugIds.
Stable slugIds can be used in a graph to specify task IDs in multiple
places without regenerating them, e.g. taskId, requires, etc.
_cache = {}
def closure(name):
if name not in _cache:
_cache[name] = slugId()
return _cache[name]
return closure
def scopeMatch(assumedScopes, requiredScopeSets):
Take a list of a assumed scopes, and a list of required scope sets on
disjunctive normal form, and check if any of the required scope sets are
requiredScopeSets = [
["scopeA", "scopeB"],
In this case assumed_scopes must contain, either:
"scopeA" AND "scopeB", OR just "scopeC".
for scopeSet in requiredScopeSets:
for requiredScope in scopeSet:
for scope in assumedScopes:
if scope == requiredScope:
# requiredScope satisifed, no need to check more scopes
if scope.endswith("*") and requiredScope.startswith(scope[:-1]):
# requiredScope satisifed, no need to check more scopes
# requiredScope not satisfied, stop checking scopeSet
# scopeSet satisfied, so we're happy
return True
# none of the requiredScopeSets were satisfied
return False
def scope_match(assumed_scopes, required_scope_sets):
""" This is a deprecated form of def scopeMatch(assumedScopes, requiredScopeSets).
That form should be used.
import warnings
warnings.warn('NOTE: scope_match is deprecated. Use scopeMatch')
return scopeMatch(assumed_scopes, required_scope_sets)
def makeHttpRequest(method, url, payload, headers, retries=MAX_RETRIES, session=None):
""" Make an HTTP request and retry it until success, return request """
retry = -1
response = None
while retry < retries:
retry += 1
# if this isn't the first retry then we sleep
if retry > 0:
snooze = float(retry * retry) / 10.0'Sleeping %0.2f seconds for exponential backoff', snooze)
# Seek payload to start, if it is a file
if hasattr(payload, 'seek'):
log.debug('Making attempt %d', retry)
response = makeSingleHttpRequest(method, url, payload, headers, session)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as rerr:
if retry < retries:
log.warn('Retrying because of: %s' % rerr)
# raise a connection exception
raise rerr
# Handle non 2xx status code and retry if possible
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
status = response.status_code
if 500 <= status and status < 600 and retry < retries:
if retry < retries:
log.warn('Retrying because of: %d status' % status)
raise exceptions.TaskclusterRestFailure("Unknown Server Error", superExc=None)
return response
# This code-path should be unreachable
assert False, "Error from last retry should have been raised!"
def makeSingleHttpRequest(method, url, payload, headers, session=None):
method = method.upper()
log.debug('Making a %s request to %s', method, url)
log.debug('HTTP Headers: %s' % str(headers))
log.debug('HTTP Payload: %s (limit 100 char)' % str(payload)[:100])
obj = session if session else requests
response = obj.request(method.upper(), url, data=payload, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
log.debug('Received HTTP Status: %s' % response.status_code)
log.debug('Received HTTP Headers: %s' % str(response.headers))
return response
def putFile(filename, url, contentType):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
contentLength = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size
return makeHttpRequest('put', url, f, headers={
'Content-Length': str(contentLength),
'Content-Type': contentType,
def encryptEnvVar(taskId, startTime, endTime, name, value, keyFile):
raise Exception("Encrypted environment variables are no longer supported")
def decryptMessage(message, privateKey):
raise Exception("Decryption is no longer supported")
def isExpired(certificate):
""" Check if certificate is expired """
if isinstance(certificate, six.string_types):
certificate = json.loads(certificate)
expiry = certificate.get('expiry', 0)
return expiry < int(time.time() * 1000) + 20 * 60
def optionsFromEnvironment(defaults=None):
"""Fetch root URL and credentials from the standard TASKCLUSTER_…
environment variables and return them in a format suitable for passing to a
client constructor."""
options = defaults or {}
credentials = options.get('credentials', {})
rootUrl = os.environ.get('TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL')
if rootUrl:
options['rootUrl'] = liburls.normalize_root_url(rootUrl)
clientId = os.environ.get('TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT_ID')
if clientId:
credentials['clientId'] = clientId
accessToken = os.environ.get('TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN')
if accessToken:
credentials['accessToken'] = accessToken
certificate = os.environ.get('TASKCLUSTER_CERTIFICATE')
if certificate:
credentials['certificate'] = certificate
if credentials:
options['credentials'] = credentials
return options