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# coding=utf-8
# noqa: E128,E201
from ..client import BaseClient
from ..client import createApiClient
from ..client import config
from ..client import createTemporaryCredentials
from ..client import createSession
_defaultConfig = config
class Object(BaseClient):
The object service provides HTTP-accessible storage for large blobs of data.
Objects can be uploaded and downloaded, with the object data flowing directly
from the storage "backend" to the caller, and not directly via this service.
Once uploaded, objects are immutable until their expiration time.
classOptions = {
serviceName = 'object'
apiVersion = 'v1'
def ping(self, *args, **kwargs):
Ping Server
Respond without doing anything.
This endpoint is used to check that the service is up.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["ping"], *args, **kwargs)
def createUpload(self, *args, **kwargs):
Begin upload of a new object
Create a new object by initiating upload of its data.
This endpoint implements negotiation of upload methods. It can be called
multiple times if necessary, either to propose new upload methods or to
renew credentials for an already-agreed upload.
The `name` parameter can contain any printable ASCII character (0x20 - 0x7e).
The `uploadId` must be supplied by the caller, and any attempts to upload
an object with the same name but a different `uploadId` will fail.
Thus the first call to this method establishes the `uploadId` for the
object, and as long as that value is kept secret, no other caller can
upload an object of that name, regardless of scopes. Object expiration
cannot be changed after the initial call, either. It is possible to call
this method with no proposed upload methods, which has the effect of "locking
in" the `expiration`, `projectId`, and `uploadId` properties and any
supplied hashes.
Unfinished uploads expire after 1 day.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["createUpload"], *args, **kwargs)
def finishUpload(self, *args, **kwargs):
Mark an upload as complete.
This endpoint marks an upload as complete. This indicates that all data has been
transmitted to the backend. After this call, no further calls to `uploadObject` are
allowed, and downloads of the object may begin. This method is idempotent, but will
fail if given an incorrect uploadId for an unfinished upload.
Note that, once `finishUpload` is complete, the object is considered immutable.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["finishUpload"], *args, **kwargs)
def startDownload(self, *args, **kwargs):
Download object data
Start the process of downloading an object's data. Call this endpoint with a list of acceptable
download methods, and the server will select a method and return the corresponding payload.
Returns a 406 error if none of the given download methods are available.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["startDownload"], *args, **kwargs)
def object(self, *args, **kwargs):
Get an object's metadata
Get the metadata for the named object. This metadata is not sufficient to
get the object's content; for that use `startDownload`.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["object"], *args, **kwargs)
def download(self, *args, **kwargs):
Get an object's data
Get the data in an object directly. This method does not return a JSON body, but
redirects to a location that will serve the object content directly.
URLs for this endpoint, perhaps with attached authentication (`?bewit=..`),
are typically used for downloads of objects by simple HTTP clients such as
web browsers, curl, or wget.
This method is limited by the common capabilities of HTTP, so it may not be
the most efficient, resilient, or featureful way to retrieve an artifact.
Situations where such functionality is required should ues the
`startDownload` API endpoint.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["download"], *args, **kwargs)
funcinfo = {
"createUpload": {
'args': ['name'],
'input': 'v1/create-upload-request.json#',
'method': 'put',
'name': 'createUpload',
'output': 'v1/create-upload-response.json#',
'route': '/upload/<name>',
'stability': 'stable',
"download": {
'args': ['name'],
'method': 'get',
'name': 'download',
'route': '/download/<name>',
'stability': 'stable',
"finishUpload": {
'args': ['name'],
'input': 'v1/finish-upload-request.json#',
'method': 'post',
'name': 'finishUpload',
'route': '/finish-upload/<name>',
'stability': 'stable',
"object": {
'args': ['name'],
'method': 'get',
'name': 'object',
'output': 'v1/get-object-response.json#',
'route': '/metadata/<name>',
'stability': 'stable',
"ping": {
'args': [],
'method': 'get',
'name': 'ping',
'route': '/ping',
'stability': 'stable',
"startDownload": {
'args': ['name'],
'input': 'v1/download-object-request.json#',
'method': 'put',
'name': 'startDownload',
'output': 'v1/download-object-response.json#',
'route': '/start-download/<name>',
'stability': 'stable',
__all__ = ['createTemporaryCredentials', 'config', '_defaultConfig', 'createApiClient', 'createSession', 'Object']