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# coding=utf-8
# noqa: E128,E201
from ..client import BaseClient
from ..client import createApiClient
from ..client import config
from ..client import createTemporaryCredentials
from ..client import createSession
_defaultConfig = config
class Index(BaseClient):
The index service is responsible for indexing tasks. The service ensures that
tasks can be located by user-defined names.
As described in the service documentation, tasks are typically indexed via Pulse
messages, so the most common use of API methods is to read from the index.
Slashes (`/`) aren't allowed in index paths.
classOptions = {
serviceName = 'index'
apiVersion = 'v1'
def ping(self, *args, **kwargs):
Ping Server
Respond without doing anything.
This endpoint is used to check that the service is up.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["ping"], *args, **kwargs)
def findTask(self, *args, **kwargs):
Find Indexed Task
Find a task by index path, returning the highest-rank task with that path. If no
task exists for the given path, this API end-point will respond with a 404 status.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["findTask"], *args, **kwargs)
def listNamespaces(self, *args, **kwargs):
List Namespaces
List the namespaces immediately under a given namespace.
This endpoint
lists up to 1000 namespaces. If more namespaces are present, a
`continuationToken` will be returned, which can be given in the next
request. For the initial request, the payload should be an empty JSON
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["listNamespaces"], *args, **kwargs)
def listTasks(self, *args, **kwargs):
List Tasks
List the tasks immediately under a given namespace.
This endpoint
lists up to 1000 tasks. If more tasks are present, a
`continuationToken` will be returned, which can be given in the next
request. For the initial request, the payload should be an empty JSON
**Remark**, this end-point is designed for humans browsing for tasks, not
services, as that makes little sense.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["listTasks"], *args, **kwargs)
def insertTask(self, *args, **kwargs):
Insert Task into Index
Insert a task into the index. If the new rank is less than the existing rank
at the given index path, the task is not indexed but the response is still 200 OK.
Please see the introduction above for information
about indexing successfully completed tasks automatically using custom routes.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["insertTask"], *args, **kwargs)
def deleteTask(self, *args, **kwargs):
Remove Task from Index
Remove a task from the index. This is intended for administrative use,
where an index entry is no longer appropriate. The parent namespace is
not automatically deleted. Index entries with lower rank that were
previously inserted will not re-appear, as they were never stored.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["deleteTask"], *args, **kwargs)
def findArtifactFromTask(self, *args, **kwargs):
Get Artifact From Indexed Task
Find a task by index path and redirect to the artifact on the most recent
run with the given `name`.
Note that multiple calls to this endpoint may return artifacts from differen tasks
if a new task is inserted into the index between calls. Avoid using this method as
a stable link to multiple, connected files if the index path does not contain a
unique identifier. For example, the following two links may return unrelated files:
This problem be remedied by including the revision in the index path or by bundling both
installer and debug symbols into a single artifact.
If no task exists for the given index path, this API end-point responds with 404.
This method is ``stable``
return self._makeApiCall(self.funcinfo["findArtifactFromTask"], *args, **kwargs)
funcinfo = {
"deleteTask": {
'args': ['namespace'],
'method': 'delete',
'name': 'deleteTask',
'route': '/task/<namespace>',
'stability': 'stable',
"findArtifactFromTask": {
'args': ['indexPath', 'name'],
'method': 'get',
'name': 'findArtifactFromTask',
'route': '/task/<indexPath>/artifacts/<name>',
'stability': 'stable',
"findTask": {
'args': ['indexPath'],
'method': 'get',
'name': 'findTask',
'output': 'v1/indexed-task-response.json#',
'route': '/task/<indexPath>',
'stability': 'stable',
"insertTask": {
'args': ['namespace'],
'input': 'v1/insert-task-request.json#',
'method': 'put',
'name': 'insertTask',
'output': 'v1/indexed-task-response.json#',
'route': '/task/<namespace>',
'stability': 'stable',
"listNamespaces": {
'args': ['namespace'],
'method': 'get',
'name': 'listNamespaces',
'output': 'v1/list-namespaces-response.json#',
'query': ['continuationToken', 'limit'],
'route': '/namespaces/<namespace>',
'stability': 'stable',
"listTasks": {
'args': ['namespace'],
'method': 'get',
'name': 'listTasks',
'output': 'v1/list-tasks-response.json#',
'query': ['continuationToken', 'limit'],
'route': '/tasks/<namespace>',
'stability': 'stable',
"ping": {
'args': [],
'method': 'get',
'name': 'ping',
'route': '/ping',
'stability': 'stable',
__all__ = ['createTemporaryCredentials', 'config', '_defaultConfig', 'createApiClient', 'createSession', 'Index']