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Support for uploading objects to the object service, following best
practices for that service.
Data for upload is read from a "reader" provided by a "reader factory". A
reader has an async `read(max_size)` method which reads and returns a chunk of
1 .. `max_size` bytes, or returns an empty string at EOF. A reader factory is an async
callable which returns a fresh reader, ready to read the first byte of the
object. When uploads are retried, the reader factory may be called more than
Note that `` returns a value suitable for use as a reader, if async
file IO is important to the application.
This module provides several pre-defined readers and reader factories for
common cases.
import six
if six.PY2:
raise ImportError("upload is only supported in Python 3")
import base64
import hashlib
import aiohttp
import taskcluster
from .asyncutils import ensureCoro
from .reader_writer import streamingCopy, BufferReader, BufferWriter, FileReader
from .retry import retry
async def uploadFromBuf(*, data, **kwargs):
Convenience method to upload data from an in-memory buffer. Arguments are the same
as `upload` except that `readerFactory` should not be supplied.
async def readerFactory():
return BufferReader(data)
await upload(**kwargs, readerFactory=readerFactory)
async def uploadFromFile(*, file, **kwargs):
Convenience method to upload data from a a file. The file should be open
for reading, in binary mode, and be seekable (``). Remaining
arguments are the same as `upload` except that `readerFactory` should not
be supplied.
async def readerFactory():
return FileReader(file)
await upload(**kwargs, readerFactory=readerFactory)
async def upload(*, projectId, name, contentType, contentLength, expires,
readerFactory, maxRetries=5, uploadId=None, objectService):
Upload the given data to the object service with the given metadata.
The `maxRetries` parameter has the same meaning as for service clients.
The `objectService` parameter is an instance of the Object class,
configured with credentials for the upload.
# wrap the readerFactory with one that will also hash the data
hashingReader = None
async def hashingReaderFactory():
nonlocal hashingReader
hashingReader = HashingReader(await readerFactory())
return hashingReader
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
if not uploadId:
uploadId = taskcluster.slugid.nice()
proposedUploadMethods = {}
if contentLength < DATA_INLINE_MAX_SIZE:
reader = await hashingReaderFactory()
writer = BufferWriter()
await streamingCopy(reader, writer)
encoded = base64.b64encode(writer.getbuffer())
proposedUploadMethods['dataInline'] = {
"contentType": contentType,
"objectData": encoded,
proposedUploadMethods['putUrl'] = {
"contentType": contentType,
"contentLength": contentLength,
uploadResp = await ensureCoro(objectService.createUpload)(name, {
"expires": expires,
"projectId": projectId,
"uploadId": uploadId,
"proposedUploadMethods": proposedUploadMethods,
async def tryUpload(retryFor):
uploadMethod = uploadResp["uploadMethod"]
if 'dataInline' in uploadMethod:
# data is already uploaded -- nothing to do
elif 'putUrl' in uploadMethod:
reader = await hashingReaderFactory()
await _putUrlUpload(uploadMethod['putUrl'], reader, session)
raise RuntimeError("Could not negotiate an upload method")
except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as exc:
# treat 4xx's as fatal, and retry others
if 400 <= exc.status < 500:
raise exc
return retryFor(exc)
except aiohttp.ClientError as exc:
# retry for all other aiohttp errors
return retryFor(exc)
# .. anything else is considered fatal
await retry(maxRetries, tryUpload)
hashes = hashingReader.hashes(contentLength)
await ensureCoro(objectService.finishUpload)(name, {
"projectId": projectId,
"uploadId": uploadId,
"hashes": hashes,
async def _putUrlUpload(method, reader, session):
chunk_size = 64 * 1024
async def reader_gen():
while True:
chunk = await
if not chunk:
yield chunk
resp = await session.put(method['url'], headers=method['headers'], data=reader_gen())
class HashingReader:
"""A Reader implementation that hashes contents as they are read."""
def __init__(self, inner):
self.inner = inner
self.sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
self.sha512 = hashlib.sha512()
self.bytes = 0
async def read(self, max_size):
chunk = await
return chunk
def update(self, chunk):
self.bytes += len(chunk)
def hashes(self, contentLength):
"""Return the hashes in a format suitable for finishUpload, first checking that all the bytes
in the content were hashed."""
if contentLength != self.bytes:
raise RuntimeError(f"hashed {self.bytes} bytes but content length is {contentLength}")
return {
"sha256": self.sha256.hexdigest(),
"sha512": self.sha512.hexdigest(),