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"""Parse link title
from ..common.utils import charCodeAt, unescapeAll
class _Result:
__slots__ = ("ok", "pos", "lines", "str")
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.ok = False
self.pos = 0
self.lines = 0
self.str = ""
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.str
def parseLinkTitle(string: str, pos: int, maximum: int) -> _Result:
lines = 0
start = pos
result = _Result()
if pos >= maximum:
return result
marker = charCodeAt(string, pos)
# /* " */ /* ' */ /* ( */
if marker != 0x22 and marker != 0x27 and marker != 0x28:
return result
pos += 1
# if opening marker is "(", switch it to closing marker ")"
if marker == 0x28:
marker = 0x29
while pos < maximum:
code = charCodeAt(string, pos)
if code == marker:
title = string[start + 1 : pos]
title = unescapeAll(title)
result.pos = pos + 1
result.lines = lines
result.str = title
result.ok = True
return result
elif code == 0x28 and marker == 0x29: # /* ( */ /* ) */
return result
elif code == 0x0A:
lines += 1
elif code == 0x5C and pos + 1 < maximum: # /* \ */
pos += 1
if charCodeAt(string, pos) == 0x0A:
lines += 1
pos += 1
return result