a.c |
218 |
adso |
b |
c |
double_dependency.gyp |
492 |
double_dependent.gyp |
257 |
extra_targets.gyp |
471 |
gyptest-all-dependent-settings-order.py |
Tests that all_dependent_settings are processed in topological order.
540 |
gyptest-double-dependency.py |
Verify that pulling in a dependency a second time in a conditional works for
shared_library targets. Regression test for http://crbug.com/122588
470 |
gyptest-extra-targets.py |
Verify that dependencies don't pull unused targets into the build.
551 |
gyptest-indirect-module-dependency.py |
Make sure that we cause downstream modules to get built when we depend on the
parent targets.
597 |
gyptest-lib-only.py |
Verify that a link time only dependency will get pulled into the set of built
targets, even if no executable uses it.
1207 |
gyptest-none-traversal.py |
Verify that static library dependencies don't traverse none targets, unless
explicitly specified.
555 |
gyptest-sharedlib-linksettings.py |
Verify that link_settings in a shared_library are not propagated to targets
that depend on the shared_library, but are used in the shared_library itself.
595 |
lib_only.gyp |
332 |
main.c |
262 |
module-dep |
none_traversal.gyp |
963 |
sharedlib-linksettings |