__init__.py |
Jinja is a template engine written in pure Python. It provides a
non-XML syntax that supports inline expressions and an optional
sandboxed environment.
1927 |
_identifier.py |
1958 |
async_utils.py |
2472 |
bccache.py |
The optional bytecode cache system. This is useful if you have very
complex template situations and the compilation of all those templates
slows down your application too much.
Situations where this is useful are often forking web applications that
are initialized on the first request.
14061 |
compiler.py |
Compiles nodes from the parser into Python code. |
72172 |
constants.py |
a ac accumsan ad adipiscing aenean aliquam aliquet amet ante aptent arcu at
auctor augue bibendum blandit class commodo condimentum congue consectetuer
consequat conubia convallis cras cubilia cum curabitur curae cursus dapibus
diam dictum dictumst dignissim dis dolor donec dui duis egestas eget eleifend
elementum elit enim erat eros est et etiam eu euismod facilisi facilisis fames
faucibus felis fermentum feugiat fringilla fusce gravida habitant habitasse hac
hendrerit hymenaeos iaculis id imperdiet in inceptos integer interdum ipsum
justo lacinia lacus laoreet lectus leo libero ligula litora lobortis lorem
luctus maecenas magna magnis malesuada massa mattis mauris metus mi molestie
mollis montes morbi mus nam nascetur natoque nec neque netus nibh nisi nisl non
nonummy nostra nulla nullam nunc odio orci ornare parturient pede pellentesque
penatibus per pharetra phasellus placerat platea porta porttitor posuere
potenti praesent pretium primis proin pulvinar purus quam quis quisque rhoncus
ridiculus risus rutrum sagittis sapien scelerisque sed sem semper senectus sit
sociis sociosqu sodales sollicitudin suscipit suspendisse taciti tellus tempor
tempus tincidunt torquent tortor tristique turpis ullamcorper ultrices
ultricies urna ut varius vehicula vel velit venenatis vestibulum vitae vivamus
viverra volutpat vulputate |
1433 |
debug.py |
Rewrite the current exception to replace any tracebacks from
within compiled template code with tracebacks that look like they
came from the template source.
This must be called within an ``except`` block.
:param source: For ``TemplateSyntaxError``, the original source if
:return: The original exception with the rewritten traceback.
6299 |
defaults.py |
1267 |
environment.py |
Classes for managing templates and their runtime and compile time
61349 |
exceptions.py |
Baseclass for all template errors. |
5071 |
ext.py |
Extension API for adding custom tags and behavior. |
31502 |
filters.py |
Built-in template filters used with the ``|`` operator. |
53509 |
idtracking.py |
10704 |
lexer.py |
Implements a Jinja / Python combination lexer. The ``Lexer`` class
is used to do some preprocessing. It filters out invalid operators like
the bitshift operators we don't allow in templates. It separates
template code and python code in expressions.
29726 |
loaders.py |
API and implementations for loading templates from different data
23207 |
meta.py |
Functions that expose information about templates that might be
interesting for introspection.
4396 |
nativetypes.py |
Return a native Python type from the list of compiled nodes. If
the result is a single node, its value is returned. Otherwise, the
nodes are concatenated as strings. If the result can be parsed with
:func:`ast.literal_eval`, the parsed value is returned. Otherwise,
the string is returned.
:param values: Iterable of outputs to concatenate.
4226 |
nodes.py |
AST nodes generated by the parser for the compiler. Also provides
some node tree helper functions used by the parser and compiler in order
to normalize nodes.
34550 |
optimizer.py |
The optimizer tries to constant fold expressions and modify the AST
in place so that it should be faster to evaluate.
Because the AST does not contain all the scoping information and the
compiler has to find that out, we cannot do all the optimizations we
want. For example, loop unrolling doesn't work because unrolled loops
would have a different scope. The solution would be a second syntax tree
that stored the scoping rules.
1650 |
parser.py |
Parse tokens from the lexer into nodes for the compiler. |
39595 |
py.typed |
0 |
runtime.py |
The runtime functions and state used by compiled templates. |
33476 |
sandbox.py |
A sandbox layer that ensures unsafe operations cannot be performed.
Useful when the template itself comes from an untrusted source.
14584 |
tests.py |
Built-in template tests used with the ``is`` operator. |
5905 |
utils.py |
Pass the :class:`~jinja2.runtime.Context` as the first argument
to the decorated function when called while rendering a template.
Can be used on functions, filters, and tests.
If only ``Context.eval_context`` is needed, use
:func:`pass_eval_context`. If only ``Context.environment`` is
needed, use :func:`pass_environment`.
.. versionadded:: 3.0.0
Replaces ``contextfunction`` and ``contextfilter``.
23965 |
visitor.py |
API for traversing the AST nodes. Implemented by the compiler and
meta introspection.
3568 |