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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Please DONOT touch this file.
// Any changes done here would be overwritten by pre-commit git hook
#include "opentelemetry/sdk/version/version.h"
namespace sdk
namespace version
const int major_version = 1;
const int minor_version = 18;
const int patch_version = 0;
const char *pre_release = "NONE";
const char *build_metadata = "NONE";
const char *short_version = "1.18.0";
const char *full_version = "1.18.0-NONE-NONE";
const char *build_date = "Mon Nov 25 08:46:03 PM UTC 2024";
} // namespace version
} // namespace sdk