context.h |
1185 |
default_span.h |
DefaultSpan provides a non-operational Span that propagates
the tracer context by wrapping it inside the Span object.
2430 |
noop.h |
No-op implementation of Span. This class should not be used directly.
5084 |
provider.h |
Stores the singleton global TracerProvider.
1486 |
scope.h |
Controls how long a span is active.
On creation of the Scope object, the given span is set to the currently
active span. On destruction, the given span is ended and the previously
active span will be the currently active span again.
1136 |
semantic_conventions.h |
This file is DEPRECATED, and no longer updated.
See file for details.
186146 |
span.h |
A Span represents a single operation within a Trace.
Span attributes can be provided:
- at span creation time, using Tracer::StartSpan(),
- during the span lifetime, using Span::SetAttribute()
Please note that head samplers,
in the SDK (@ref opentelemetry::sdk::trace::Sampler),
can only make sampling decisions based on data known
at span creation time.
When attributes are known early, adding attributes
with @ref opentelemetry::trace::Tracer::StartSpan() is preferable.
Attributes added or changed with Span::SetAttribute()
can not change a sampler decision.
Likewise, links can be provided:
- at span creation time, using Tracer::StartSpan(),
- during the span lifetime, using Span::AddLink() or Span::AddLinks().
When links are known early, adding links
with @ref opentelemetry::trace::Tracer::StartSpan() is preferable.
Links added with Span::AddLink() or Span::AddLinks()
can not change a sampler decision.
8581 |
span_context.h |
SpanContext contains the state that must propagate to child Spans and across
process boundaries. It contains TraceId and SpanId, TraceFlags, TraceState
and whether it was propagated from a remote parent.
3219 |
span_context_kv_iterable.h |
Supports internal iteration over a collection of SpanContext/key-value pairs.
1523 |
span_context_kv_iterable_view.h |
3795 |
span_id.h |
1708 |
span_metadata.h |
EndSpanOptions provides options to set properties of a Span when it is
965 |
span_startoptions.h |
StartSpanOptions provides options to set properties of a Span at the time of
its creation
2537 |
trace_flags.h |
Valid flags in W3C Trace Context version 1.
1916 |
trace_id.h |
1854 |
trace_state.h |
TraceState carries tracing-system specific context in a list of key-value pairs. TraceState
allows different vendors to propagate additional information and inter-operate with their legacy
id formats.
For more information, see the W3C Trace Context specification:
9850 |
tracer.h |
Handles span creation and in-process context propagation.
This class provides methods for manipulating the context, creating spans, and controlling spans'
7438 |
tracer_provider.h |
Creates new Tracer instances.
4206 |