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* Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* DO NOT EDIT, this is an Auto-generated file from:
* buildscripts/semantic-convention/templates/registry/semantic_attributes-h.j2
#pragma once
#include "opentelemetry/common/macros.h"
#include "opentelemetry/version.h"
namespace semconv
namespace process
* Length of the process.command_args array
* <p>
* This field can be useful for querying or performing bucket analysis on how many arguments were
* provided to start a process. More arguments may be an indication of suspicious activity.
static constexpr const char *kProcessArgsCount = "process.args_count";
* The command used to launch the process (i.e. the command name). On Linux based systems, can be
* set to the zeroth string in @code proc/[pid]/cmdline @endcode. On Windows, can be set to the
* first parameter extracted from @code GetCommandLineW @endcode.
static constexpr const char *kProcessCommand = "process.command";
* All the command arguments (including the command/executable itself) as received by the process.
* On Linux-based systems (and some other Unixoid systems supporting procfs), can be set according
* to the list of null-delimited strings extracted from @code proc/[pid]/cmdline @endcode. For
* libc-based executables, this would be the full argv vector passed to @code main @endcode.
static constexpr const char *kProcessCommandArgs = "process.command_args";
* The full command used to launch the process as a single string representing the full command. On
* Windows, can be set to the result of @code GetCommandLineW @endcode. Do not set this if you have
* to assemble it just for monitoring; use @code process.command_args @endcode instead.
static constexpr const char *kProcessCommandLine = "process.command_line";
* Specifies whether the context switches for this data point were voluntary or involuntary.
static constexpr const char *kProcessContextSwitchType = "process.context_switch_type";
* Deprecated, use @code cpu.mode @endcode instead.
* <p>
* @deprecated
* Replaced by @code cpu.mode @endcode
static constexpr const char *kProcessCpuState = "process.cpu.state";
* The date and time the process was created, in ISO 8601 format.
static constexpr const char *kProcessCreationTime = "process.creation.time";
* The GNU build ID as found in the @code @endcode ELF section (hex string).
static constexpr const char *kProcessExecutableBuildIdGnu = "process.executable.build_id.gnu";
* The Go build ID as retrieved by @code go tool buildid <go executable> @endcode.
static constexpr const char *kProcessExecutableBuildIdGo = "process.executable.build_id.go";
* Profiling specific build ID for executables. See the OTel specification for Profiles for more
* information.
static constexpr const char *kProcessExecutableBuildIdProfiling =
* The name of the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to the @code Name @endcode
* in @code proc/[pid]/status @endcode. On Windows, can be set to the base name of @code
* GetProcessImageFileNameW @endcode.
static constexpr const char *kProcessExecutableName = "";
* The full path to the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to the target of
* @code proc/[pid]/exe @endcode. On Windows, can be set to the result of @code
* GetProcessImageFileNameW @endcode.
static constexpr const char *kProcessExecutablePath = "process.executable.path";
* The exit code of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessExitCode = "process.exit.code";
* The date and time the process exited, in ISO 8601 format.
static constexpr const char *kProcessExitTime = "process.exit.time";
* The PID of the process's group leader. This is also the process group ID (PGID) of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessGroupLeaderPid = "";
* Whether the process is connected to an interactive shell.
static constexpr const char *kProcessInteractive = "process.interactive";
* The username of the user that owns the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessOwner = "process.owner";
* The type of page fault for this data point. Type @code major @endcode is for major/hard page
* faults, and @code minor @endcode is for minor/soft page faults.
static constexpr const char *kProcessPagingFaultType = "process.paging.fault_type";
* Parent Process identifier (PPID).
static constexpr const char *kProcessParentPid = "process.parent_pid";
* Process identifier (PID).
static constexpr const char *kProcessPid = "";
* The real user ID (RUID) of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessRealUserId = "";
* The username of the real user of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessRealUserName = "";
* An additional description about the runtime of the process, for example a specific vendor
* customization of the runtime environment.
static constexpr const char *kProcessRuntimeDescription = "process.runtime.description";
* The name of the runtime of this process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessRuntimeName = "";
* The version of the runtime of this process, as returned by the runtime without modification.
static constexpr const char *kProcessRuntimeVersion = "process.runtime.version";
* The saved user ID (SUID) of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessSavedUserId = "";
* The username of the saved user.
static constexpr const char *kProcessSavedUserName = "";
* The PID of the process's session leader. This is also the session ID (SID) of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessSessionLeaderPid = "";
* Process title (proctitle)
* <p>
* In many Unix-like systems, process title (proctitle), is the string that represents the name or
* command line of a running process, displayed by system monitoring tools like ps, top, and htop.
static constexpr const char *kProcessTitle = "process.title";
* The effective user ID (EUID) of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessUserId = "";
* The username of the effective user of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessUserName = "";
* Virtual process identifier.
* <p>
* The process ID within a PID namespace. This is not necessarily unique across all processes on the
* host but it is unique within the process namespace that the process exists within.
static constexpr const char *kProcessVpid = "process.vpid";
* The working directory of the process.
static constexpr const char *kProcessWorkingDirectory = "process.working_directory";
namespace ProcessContextSwitchTypeValues
* none
static constexpr const char *kVoluntary = "voluntary";
* none
static constexpr const char *kInvoluntary = "involuntary";
} // namespace ProcessContextSwitchTypeValues
namespace ProcessCpuStateValues
* none
static constexpr const char *kSystem = "system";
* none
static constexpr const char *kUser = "user";
* none
static constexpr const char *kWait = "wait";
} // namespace ProcessCpuStateValues
namespace ProcessPagingFaultTypeValues
* none
static constexpr const char *kMajor = "major";
* none
static constexpr const char *kMinor = "minor";
} // namespace ProcessPagingFaultTypeValues
} // namespace process
} // namespace semconv