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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "opentelemetry/common/attribute_value.h"
#include "opentelemetry/common/key_value_iterable.h"
#include "opentelemetry/nostd/function_ref.h"
#include "opentelemetry/nostd/span.h"
#include "opentelemetry/nostd/string_view.h"
#include "opentelemetry/nostd/type_traits.h"
#include "opentelemetry/nostd/utility.h"
#include "opentelemetry/version.h"
namespace common
// NOTE - code within `detail` namespace implements internal details, and not part
// of the public interface.
namespace detail
inline void take_key_value(nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue) {}
template <class T>
auto is_key_value_iterable_impl(T iterable)
-> decltype(take_key_value(std::begin(iterable)->first, std::begin(iterable)->second),
std::false_type is_key_value_iterable_impl(...);
template <class T>
struct is_key_value_iterable
static const bool value = decltype(detail::is_key_value_iterable_impl(std::declval<T>()))::value;
} // namespace detail
* @brief Container for key-value pairs that can transform every value in it to one of types
* listed in common::AttributeValue. It may contain value types that are not directly map'able
* to primitive value types. In that case the `ForEachKeyValue` method acts as a transform to
* convert the value type to one listed under AtributeValue (bool, int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t,
* uint64_t, double, nostd::string_view, or arrays of primite types). For example, if UUID,
* GUID, or UTF-16 string type is passed as one of values stored inside this container, the
* container itself may provide a custom implementation of `ForEachKeyValue` to transform the
* 'non-standard' type to one of the standard types.
template <class T>
class KeyValueIterableView final : public KeyValueIterable
explicit KeyValueIterableView(const T &container) noexcept : container_{&container} {}
// KeyValueIterable
bool ForEachKeyValue(nostd::function_ref<bool(nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue)>
callback) const noexcept override
auto iter = std::begin(*container_);
auto last = std::end(*container_);
for (; iter != last; ++iter)
if (!callback(iter->first, iter->second))
return false;
return true;
size_t size() const noexcept override { return nostd::size(*container_); }
const T *container_;
template <class T, nostd::enable_if_t<detail::is_key_value_iterable<T>::value> * = nullptr>
KeyValueIterableView<T> MakeKeyValueIterableView(const T &container) noexcept
return KeyValueIterableView<T>(container);
* Utility function to help to make a attribute view from initializer_list
* @param attributes
* @return nostd::span<const std::pair<nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue>>
inline static nostd::span<const std::pair<nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue>>
MakeAttributes(std::initializer_list<std::pair<nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue>>
attributes) noexcept
return nostd::span<const std::pair<nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue>>{
attributes.begin(), attributes.end()};
* Utility function to help to make a attribute view from a span
* @param attributes
* @return nostd::span<const std::pair<nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue>>
inline static nostd::span<const std::pair<nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue>>
nostd::span<const std::pair<nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue>> attributes) noexcept
return attributes;
* Utility function to help to make a attribute view from a KeyValueIterable
* @param attributes
* @return common::KeyValueIterable
inline static const common::KeyValueIterable &MakeAttributes(
const common::KeyValueIterable &attributes) noexcept
return attributes;
* Utility function to help to make a attribute view from a key-value iterable object
* @param attributes
* @return nostd::span<const std::pair<nostd::string_view, common::AttributeValue>>
template <
class ArgumentType,
nostd::enable_if_t<common::detail::is_key_value_iterable<ArgumentType>::value> * = nullptr>
inline static common::KeyValueIterableView<ArgumentType> MakeAttributes(
const ArgumentType &arg) noexcept
return common::KeyValueIterableView<ArgumentType>(arg);
} // namespace common