Name Description Size
cpp_config.hpp 2888
cpp_config_decl.hpp 2765
fbuffer.hpp 1230
fbuffer_decl.hpp 657
iterator.hpp 1321
iterator_decl.hpp 1067
meta.hpp 1158
meta_decl.hpp 1191
object.hpp @param obj object @param z zone 33287
object_decl.hpp Clone (deep copy) object. The copied object is located on newly allocated zone. @param obj copy source object @return object_handle that holds deep copied object and zone. 3047
object_fwd.hpp See 7010
object_fwd_decl.hpp 1953
pack.hpp @tparam Stream Any type that have a member function `Stream write(const char*, size_t s)` 44895
pack_decl.hpp @tparam Stream Any type that have a member function `Stream write(const char*, size_t s)` 2184
parse_return.hpp 804
preprocessor.hpp Revised by Paul Mensonides (2002) 493
sbuffer.hpp 3045
sbuffer_decl.hpp 708
unpack.hpp __GNUC__ && !__clang__ 49639
unpack_decl.hpp @param type msgpack data type. @param size msgpack data size. @param user_data The user_data that is set by msgpack::unpack functions. @return If the data should be referenced, then return true, otherwise (should be copied) false. This function is called when unpacking STR, BIN, or EXT. 15405
unpack_exception.hpp 3199
version.hpp msgpack/version.hpp 962
versioning.hpp 2517
vrefbuffer.hpp 7075
vrefbuffer_decl.hpp 834
zbuffer.hpp 3717
zbuffer_decl.hpp 795
zone.hpp 576
zone_decl.hpp 601