Name Description Size
RTCCodecSpecificInfo.h Implement this protocol to pass codec specific info from the encoder. Corresponds to webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo. 718
RTCEncodedImage.h Represents an encoded frame's type. 1732
RTCEncodedImage.m 976
RTCI420Buffer.h Protocol for RTCYUVPlanarBuffers containing I420 data 686
RTCLogging.h 2431 1609
RTCMacros.h 2086
RTCMutableI420Buffer.h Extension of the I420 buffer with mutable data access 763
RTCMutableYUVPlanarBuffer.h Extension of the YUV planar data buffer with mutable data access 877
RTCSSLCertificateVerifier.h The certificate to verify 685
RTCVideoCapturer.h 1013
RTCVideoCapturer.m 704
RTCVideoCodecInfo.h Holds information to identify a codec. Corresponds to webrtc::SdpVideoFormat. 1405
RTCVideoCodecInfo.m 2292
RTCVideoDecoder.h Callback block for decoder. 1360
RTCVideoDecoderFactory.h RTCVideoDecoderFactory is an Objective-C version of webrtc::VideoDecoderFactory. 976
RTCVideoEncoder.h Callback block for encoder. 2370
RTCVideoEncoderFactory.h RTCVideoEncoderFactory is an Objective-C version of webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory::VideoEncoderSelector. 2465 979
RTCVideoEncoderQpThresholds.h QP thresholds for encoder. Corresponds to webrtc::VideoEncoder::QpThresholds. 859
RTCVideoEncoderQpThresholds.m 737
RTCVideoEncoderSettings.h Settings for encoder. Corresponds to webrtc::VideoCodec. 1274
RTCVideoEncoderSettings.m 808
RTCVideoFrame.h Width without rotation applied. 3049 2213
RTCVideoFrameBuffer.h 1308
RTCVideoRenderer.h The size of the frame. 1036
RTCYUVPlanarBuffer.h Protocol for RTCVideoFrameBuffers containing YUV planar data. 1635