Name Description Size
RTCAudioSource+Private.h The AudioSourceInterface object passed to this RTCAudioSource during construction. 1300
RTCAudioSource.h 1027 1689
RTCAudioTrack+Private.h AudioTrackInterface created or passed in at construction. 1051
RTCAudioTrack.h The audio source for this audio track. 822 2415
RTCCertificate.h Private key in PEM. 1375 2655
RTCConfiguration+Native.h Optional TurnCustomizer. With this class one can modify outgoing TURN messages. The object passed in must remain valid until PeerConnection::Close() is called. 860
RTCConfiguration+Private.h RTCConfiguration struct representation of this RTCConfiguration. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 2886
RTCConfiguration.h Represents the ice transport policy. This exposes the same states in C++, which include one more state than what exists in the W3C spec. 9906 23285
RTCCryptoOptions.h Objective-C bindings for webrtc::CryptoOptions. This API had to be flattened as Objective-C doesn't support nested structures. 2344 1527
RTCDataChannel+Private.h The native DataBuffer representation of this RTCDatabuffer object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 1647
RTCDataChannel.h NSData representation of the underlying buffer. 4030 6274
RTCDataChannelConfiguration+Private.h 687
RTCDataChannelConfiguration.h Set to YES if ordered delivery is required. 1660 2077
RTCDtmfSender+Private.h Initialize an RTCDtmfSender with a native DtmfSenderInterface. 991
RTCDtmfSender.h Returns true if this RTCDtmfSender is capable of sending DTMF. Otherwise returns false. To be able to send DTMF, the associated RTCRtpSender must be able to send packets, and a "telephone-event" codec must be negotiated. 2514 2469
RTCEncodedImage+Private.h Interfaces for converting to/from internal C++ formats. 789 5193
RTCFieldTrials.h The only valid value for the following if set is kRTCFieldTrialEnabledValue. 1380 2346
RTCFileLogger.h 2614 5312
RTCIceCandidate+Private.h The native IceCandidateInterface representation of this RTCIceCandidate object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 1061
RTCIceCandidate.h If present, the identifier of the "media stream identification" for the media component this candidate is associated with. 1456 2364
RTCIceCandidateErrorEvent+Private.h 786
RTCIceCandidateErrorEvent.h The local IP address used to communicate with the STUN or TURN server. 1649 1312
RTCIceServer+Private.h IceServer struct representation of this RTCIceServer object's data. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 974
RTCIceServer.h URI(s) for this server represented as NSStrings. 4580 7909
RTCLegacyStatsReport+Private.h Initialize an RTCLegacyStatsReport object from a native StatsReport. 753
RTCLegacyStatsReport.h This does not currently conform to the spec. 1124 1969
RTCMediaConstraints+Private.h A MediaConstraints representation of this RTCMediaConstraints object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 1024
RTCMediaConstraints.h Constraint keys for media sources. 1681 3664
RTCMediaSource+Private.h 1369
RTCMediaSource.h The current state of the RTCMediaSource. 892 2482
RTCMediaStream+Private.h MediaStreamInterface representation of this RTCMediaStream object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 1287
RTCMediaStream.h The audio tracks in this stream. 1634 accessed on _signalingThread 5828
RTCMediaStreamTrack+Private.h The native MediaStreamTrackInterface passed in or created during construction. 2171
RTCMediaStreamTrack.h Represents the state of the track. This exposes the same states in C++. 1430 5506
RTCMetrics.h Enables gathering of metrics (which can be fetched with RTCGetAndResetMetrics). Must be called before any other call into WebRTC. 830 1147
RTCMetricsSampleInfo+Private.h Initialize an RTCMetricsSampleInfo object from native SampleInfo. 763
RTCMetricsSampleInfo.h Example of RTCMetricsSampleInfo: name: "WebRTC.Video.InputFramesPerSecond" min: 1 max: 100 bucketCount: 50 samples: [29]:2 [30]:1 1256 1257 1271
RTCPeerConnection+Private.h These objects are created by RTCPeerConnectionFactory to wrap an id<RTCPeerConnectionDelegate> and call methods on that interface. 5568 4047
RTCPeerConnection.h Represents the signaling state of the peer connection. 16911 40056
RTCPeerConnectionFactory+Native.h This class extension exposes methods that work directly with injectable C++ components. 3912
RTCPeerConnectionFactory+Private.h PeerConnectionFactoryInterface created and held by this RTCPeerConnectionFactory object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 1141
RTCPeerConnectionFactory.h Initialize object with default H264 video encoder/decoder factories and default ADM 5228 16966
RTCPeerConnectionFactoryBuilder+DefaultComponents.h 626 1963
RTCPeerConnectionFactoryBuilder.h 1830 2625
RTCPeerConnectionFactoryOptions+Private.h Returns the equivalent native PeerConnectionFactoryInterface::Options structure. 813
RTCPeerConnectionFactoryOptions.h 1099 2089
RTCRtcpParameters+Private.h Returns the equivalent native RtcpParameters structure. 911
RTCRtcpParameters.h The Canonical Name used by RTCP. 841 1225
RTCRtpCapabilities+Private.h The native RtpCapabilities representation of this RTCRtpCapabilities object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 970
RTCRtpCapabilities.h 926 2206
RTCRtpCodecCapability+Private.h The native RtpCodecCapability representation of this RTCRtpCodecCapability object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 1014
RTCRtpCodecCapability.h The preferred RTP payload type. 1765 4474
RTCRtpCodecParameters+Private.h Returns the equivalent native RtpCodecParameters structure. 935
RTCRtpCodecParameters.h Defined in 2542 4344
RTCRtpEncodingParameters+Private.h Returns the equivalent native RtpEncodingParameters structure. 953
RTCRtpEncodingParameters.h Corresponds to webrtc::Priority. 2368 4518
RTCRtpHeaderExtension+Private.h Returns the equivalent native RtpExtension structure. 911
RTCRtpHeaderExtension.h The URI of the RTP header extension, as defined in RFC5285. 993 1256
RTCRtpHeaderExtensionCapability+Private.h The native RtpHeaderExtensionCapability representation of this RTCRtpHeaderExtensionCapability object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 1125
RTCRtpHeaderExtensionCapability.h The URI of the RTP header extension, as defined in RFC5285. 1220 2604
RTCRtpParameters+Private.h Returns the equivalent native RtpParameters structure. 905
RTCRtpParameters.h Corresponds to webrtc::DegradationPreference. 1980 4865
RTCRtpReceiver+Native.h This class extension exposes methods that work directly with injectable C++ components. 1048
RTCRtpReceiver+Private.h Initialize an RTCRtpReceiver with a native RtpReceiverInterface. 1594
RTCRtpReceiver.h Represents the media type of the RtpReceiver. 3189 5252
RTCRtpSender+Native.h This class extension exposes methods that work directly with injectable C++ components. 1083
RTCRtpSender+Private.h Initialize an RTCRtpSender with a native RtpSenderInterface. 1000
RTCRtpSender.h A unique identifier for this sender. 1684 4233
RTCRtpSource+Private.h Initialize an RTCRtpSource with a native RtpSource. 759
RTCRtpSource.h Represents the source type of received media. 2021 2586
RTCRtpTransceiver+Private.h Initialize an RTCRtpTransceiver with a native RtpTransceiverInterface. 1461
RTCRtpTransceiver.h 7296 9769
RTCSessionDescription+Private.h The native SessionDescriptionInterface representation of this RTCSessionDescription object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs. 1253
RTCSessionDescription.h Represents the session description type. This exposes the same types that are in C++, which doesn't include the rollback type that is in the W3C spec. 1403 3601
RTCSSLAdapter.h Initialize and clean up the SSL library. Failure is fatal. These call the corresponding functions in webrtc/rtc_base/ssladapter.h. 704 738
RTCStatisticsReport+Private.h 625
RTCStatisticsReport.h A statistics report. Encapsulates a number of RTCStatistics objects. 1899 Converts a single value to a suitable NSNumber, NSString or NSArray containing NSNumbers or NSStrings, or NSDictionary of NSString keys to NSNumber values. 7413
RTCTracing.h Starts capture to specified file. Must be a valid writable path. Returns YES if capture starts. 792 829
RTCVideoCodecInfo+Private.h Interface for converting to/from internal C++ formats. 796 2229
RTCVideoEncoderSettings+Private.h Interfaces for converting to/from internal C++ formats. 832 1685
RTCVideoSource+Private.h The VideoTrackSourceInterface object passed to this RTCVideoSource during construction. 1924
RTCVideoSource.h Calling this function will cause frames to be scaled down to the requested resolution. Also, frames will be cropped to match the requested aspect ratio, and frames will be dropped to match the requested fps. The requested aspect ratio is orientation agnostic and will be adjusted to maintain the input orientation, so it doesn't matter if e.g. 1280x720 or 720x1280 is requested. 1246 3670
RTCVideoTrack+Private.h VideoTrackInterface created or passed in at construction. 1018
RTCVideoTrack.h The video source for this video track. 1162 accessed on _workerThread 4579