Name Description Size Builds the AppRTC collider using the golang toolchain. The golang toolchain is downloaded by We use that here to build the AppRTC collider server. This script needs to know the path to the 'src' directory in apprtc, the root directory of 'go' and the output_dir. 2263 Downloads prebuilt AppRTC and Go from WebRTC storage and unpacks it. Requires that depot_tools is installed and in the PATH. It downloads compressed files in the directory where the script lives. This is because the precondition is that the script lives in the same directory of the .sha1 files. 1970
golang 40 This directory contains prebuilt tools used during end-to-end tests. 1742 This script sets up AppRTC and its dependencies. Requires that depot_tools is installed and in the PATH. It will put the result under <output_dir>/collider. 1368 Utilities for all our deps-management stuff. 4177