Name Description Size 599
pa_memorybarrier.h @file pa_memorybarrier.h @ingroup common_src 6311
pa_ringbuffer.c @file @ingroup common_src 9393
pa_ringbuffer.h @file @ingroup common_src @brief Single-reader single-writer lock-free ring buffer PaUtilRingBuffer is a ring buffer used to transport samples between different execution contexts (threads, OS callbacks, interrupt handlers) without requiring the use of any locks. This only works when there is a single reader and a single writer (ie. one thread or callback writes to the ring buffer, another thread or callback reads from it). The PaUtilRingBuffer structure manages a ring buffer containing N elements, where N must be a power of two. An element may be any size (specified in bytes). The memory area used to store the buffer elements must be allocated by the client prior to calling PaUtil_InitializeRingBuffer() and must outlive the use of the ring buffer. @note The ring buffer functions are not normally exposed in the PortAudio libraries. If you want to call them then you will need to add pa_ringbuffer.c to your application source code. 9146
README.chromium Name: Portaudio library for mac 427