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* Copyright (c) 2024 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/congestion_control_feedback_tracker.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtcp_packet/congestion_control_feedback.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_packet_received.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/network/ecn_marking.h"
namespace webrtc {
void CongestionControlFeedbackTracker::ReceivedPacket(
const RtpPacketReceived& packet) {
int64_t unwrapped_sequence_number =
if (last_sequence_number_in_feedback_ &&
unwrapped_sequence_number < *last_sequence_number_in_feedback_ + 1) {
<< "Received packet unorderered between feeedback. SSRC: "
<< packet.Ssrc() << " Seq: " << packet.SequenceNumber()
<< " last feedback: "
<< static_cast<uint16_t>(*last_sequence_number_in_feedback_);
// TODO: - According to spec, the old packets
// should be reported again. But at the moment, we dont store history of
// packet we already reported and thus, they will be reported as lost. Note
// that this is likely not a problem in webrtc since the packets will also
// be removed from the send history when they are first reported as
// received.
last_sequence_number_in_feedback_ = unwrapped_sequence_number - 1;
packets_.push_back({.ssrc = packet.Ssrc(),
.unwrapped_sequence_number = unwrapped_sequence_number,
.arrival_time = packet.arrival_time(),
.ecn = packet.ecn()});
void CongestionControlFeedbackTracker::AddPacketsToFeedback(
Timestamp feedback_time,
std::vector<rtcp::CongestionControlFeedback::PacketInfo>& packet_feedback) {
if (packets_.empty()) {
absl::c_sort(packets_, [](const PacketInfo& a, const PacketInfo& b) {
return std::tie(a.unwrapped_sequence_number, a.arrival_time) <
std::tie(b.unwrapped_sequence_number, b.arrival_time);
if (!last_sequence_number_in_feedback_) {
last_sequence_number_in_feedback_ =
packets_.front().unwrapped_sequence_number - 1;
auto packet_it = packets_.begin();
uint32_t ssrc = packet_it->ssrc;
for (int64_t sequence_number = *last_sequence_number_in_feedback_ + 1;
sequence_number <= packets_.back().unwrapped_sequence_number;
++sequence_number) {
RTC_DCHECK(packet_it != packets_.end());
RTC_DCHECK_EQ(ssrc, packet_it->ssrc);
rtc::EcnMarking ecn = rtc::EcnMarking::kNotEct;
TimeDelta arrival_time_offset = TimeDelta::MinusInfinity();
if (sequence_number == packet_it->unwrapped_sequence_number) {
arrival_time_offset = feedback_time - packet_it->arrival_time;
ecn = packet_it->ecn;
while (packet_it != packets_.end() &&
packet_it->unwrapped_sequence_number == sequence_number) {
// According to RFC 8888:
// If duplicate copies of a particular RTP packet are received, then the
// arrival time of the first copy to arrive MUST be reported. If any of
// the copies of the duplicated packet are ECN-CE marked, then an ECN-CE
// mark MUST be reported for that packet; otherwise, the ECN mark of the
// first copy to arrive is reported.
if (packet_it->ecn == rtc::EcnMarking::kCe) {
ecn = rtc::EcnMarking::kCe;
RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Received duplicate packet ssrc:" << ssrc
<< " seq:" << static_cast<uint16_t>(sequence_number)
<< " ecn: " << static_cast<int>(ecn);
} // else - the packet has not been received yet.
{.ssrc = ssrc,
.sequence_number = static_cast<uint16_t>(sequence_number),
.arrival_time_offset = arrival_time_offset,
.ecn = ecn});
last_sequence_number_in_feedback_ = packets_.back().unwrapped_sequence_number;
} // namespace webrtc