Name Description Size
auto_corr_to_refl_coef.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_AutoCorrToReflCoef(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 2859
auto_correlation.c Unroll the loop to improve performance. 2177
complex_bit_reverse.c Tables for data buffer indexes that are bit reversed and thus need to be swapped. Note that, index_7[{0, 2, 4, ...}] are for the left side of the swap operations, while index_7[{1, 3, 5, ...}] are for the right side of the operation. Same for index_8. 4382
complex_bit_reverse_arm.S 4606
complex_bit_reverse_mips.c 9564
complex_fft.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_ComplexFFT(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 9836
complex_fft_mips.c 19687
complex_fft_tables.h 9230
copy_set_operations.c This file contains the implementation of functions WebRtcSpl_MemSetW16() WebRtcSpl_MemSetW32() WebRtcSpl_MemCpyReversedOrder() WebRtcSpl_CopyFromEndW16() WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW16() WebRtcSpl_ZerosArrayW32() The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 2097
cross_correlation.c C version of WebRtcSpl_CrossCorrelation() for generic platforms. 1187
cross_correlation_mips.c 6240
cross_correlation_neon.c NEON version of WebRtcSpl_CrossCorrelation() for ARM32/64 platforms. 3191
division_operations.c This file contains implementations of the divisions WebRtcSpl_DivU32U16() WebRtcSpl_DivW32W16() WebRtcSpl_DivW32W16ResW16() WebRtcSpl_DivResultInQ31() WebRtcSpl_DivW32HiLow() The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 3388 Unroll the loop to improve performance. 1245
dot_product_with_scale.h 1451
downsample_fast.c 2486
downsample_fast_mips.c 10155
downsample_fast_neon.c 9668
energy.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_Energy(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 1127
filter_ar.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_FilterAR(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 3171
filter_ar_fast_q12.c 1630
filter_ar_fast_q12_armv7.S 7669
filter_ar_fast_q12_mips.c 7957
filter_ma_fast_q12.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_FilterMAFastQ12(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 1841
get_hanning_window.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_GetHanningWindow(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 3190
get_scaling_square.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_GetScalingSquare(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 1347
ilbc_specific_functions.c This file contains implementations of the iLBC specific functions WebRtcSpl_ReverseOrderMultArrayElements() WebRtcSpl_ElementwiseVectorMult() WebRtcSpl_AddVectorsAndShift() WebRtcSpl_AddAffineVectorToVector() WebRtcSpl_AffineTransformVector() 2938
levinson_durbin.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_LevinsonDurbin(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 7971
lpc_to_refl_coef.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_LpcToReflCoef(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 1805
min_max_operations.c This file contains the implementation of functions WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16C() WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW32C() WebRtcSpl_MaxValueW16C() WebRtcSpl_MaxValueW32C() WebRtcSpl_MinValueW16C() WebRtcSpl_MinValueW32C() WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsIndexW16() WebRtcSpl_MaxIndexW16() WebRtcSpl_MaxIndexW32() WebRtcSpl_MinIndexW16() WebRtcSpl_MinIndexW32() 6460
min_max_operations_mips.c This file contains the implementation of function WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16() The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h. 16736
min_max_operations_neon.c 9674
randomization_functions.c This file contains implementations of the randomization functions WebRtcSpl_RandU() WebRtcSpl_RandN() WebRtcSpl_RandUArray() The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 6565
real_fft.c 3149 3731
refl_coef_to_lpc.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_ReflCoefToLpc(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 1478
resample.c This file contains the resampling functions for 22 kHz. The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 16788
resample_48khz.c This file contains resampling functions between 48 kHz and nb/wb. The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 5827
resample_by_2.c This file contains the resampling by two functions. The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 5965
resample_by_2_internal.c This header file contains some internal resampling functions. 20609
resample_by_2_internal.h This header file contains some internal resampling functions. 2244
resample_by_2_mips.c This file contains the resampling by two functions. The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 10640
resample_fractional.c This file contains the resampling functions between 48, 44, 32 and 24 kHz. The description headers can be found in signal_processing_library.h 7834 25408
spl_init.c 3105
spl_inl.c 1070
spl_sqrt.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_Sqrt(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 5044
splitting_filter.c This file contains the splitting filter functions. 8603
sqrt_of_one_minus_x_squared.c This file contains the function WebRtcSpl_SqrtOfOneMinusXSquared(). The description header can be found in signal_processing_library.h 1112
vector_scaling_operations.c This file contains implementations of the functions WebRtcSpl_VectorBitShiftW16() WebRtcSpl_VectorBitShiftW32() WebRtcSpl_VectorBitShiftW32ToW16() WebRtcSpl_ScaleVector() WebRtcSpl_ScaleVectorWithSat() WebRtcSpl_ScaleAndAddVectors() WebRtcSpl_ScaleAndAddVectorsWithRoundC() 4909
vector_scaling_operations_mips.c This file contains implementations of the functions WebRtcSpl_ScaleAndAddVectorsWithRound_mips() 2501