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* Copyright (c) 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "api/voip/voip_base.h"
namespace webrtc {
struct VolumeInfo {
double audio_level = 0;
double total_energy = 0.0;
double total_duration = 0.0;
// VoipVolumeControl interface.
// This sub-API supports functions related to the input (microphone) and output
// (speaker) device.
// Caller must ensure that ChannelId is valid otherwise it will result in no-op
// with error logging.
class VoipVolumeControl {
// Mute/unmutes the microphone input sample before encoding process. Note that
// mute doesn't affect audio input level and energy values as input sample is
// silenced after the measurement.
// Returns following VoipResult;
// kOk - input source muted or unmuted as provided by `enable`.
// kInvalidArgument - `channel_id` is invalid.
virtual VoipResult SetInputMuted(ChannelId channel_id, bool enable) = 0;
// Gets the microphone volume info via `volume_info` reference.
// Returns following VoipResult;
// kOk - successfully set provided input volume info.
// kInvalidArgument - `channel_id` is invalid.
virtual VoipResult GetInputVolumeInfo(ChannelId channel_id,
VolumeInfo& volume_info) = 0;
// Gets the speaker volume info via `volume_info` reference.
// Returns following VoipResult;
// kOk - successfully set provided output volume info.
// kInvalidArgument - `channel_id` is invalid.
virtual VoipResult GetOutputVolumeInfo(ChannelId channel_id,
VolumeInfo& volume_info) = 0;
virtual ~VoipVolumeControl() = default;
} // namespace webrtc