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* Copyright (c) 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
syntax = "proto3";
package webrtc.test_metrics;
// Root message of the proto file. Contains collection of all the metrics.
message MetricsSet {
repeated Metric metrics = 1;
// Metadata associated with the whole metrics set.
map<string, string> metadata = 2;
enum Unit {
// Default value that has to be defined.
// General unitless value. Can be used either for dimensionless quantities
// (ex ratio) or for units not presented in this enum and too specific to add
// to this enum.
BYTES = 4;
HERTZ = 6;
COUNT = 7;
enum ImprovementDirection {
// Default value that has to be defined.
// Single performance metric with all related metadata.
message Metric {
// Metric name, for example PSNR, SSIM, decode_time, etc.
string name = 1;
Unit unit = 2;
ImprovementDirection improvement_direction = 3;
// If the metric is generated by a test, this field can be used to specify
// this information.
string test_case = 4;
// Metadata associated with the whole metric.
map<string, string> metric_metadata = 5;
message TimeSeries {
message Sample {
// Timestamp in microseconds associated with a sample. For example,
// the timestamp when the sample was collected.
int64 timestamp_us = 1;
double value = 2;
// Metadata associated with this particular sample.
map<string, string> sample_metadata = 3;
// All samples collected for this metric. It can be empty if the Metric
// object only contains `stats`.
repeated Sample samples = 1;
// Contains all samples of the metric collected during test execution.
// It can be empty if the user only stores precomputed statistics into
// `stats`.
TimeSeries time_series = 6;
// Contains metric's precomputed statistics based on the `time_series` or if
// `time_series` is omitted (has 0 samples) contains precomputed statistics
// provided by the metric's calculator.
message Stats {
// Sample mean of the metric
optional double mean = 1;
// Is undefined if `time_series` contains only a single sample.
optional double stddev = 2;
optional double min = 3;
optional double max = 4;
Stats stats = 7;