Name Description Size
.cvsignore 158
cutest.h Public interface *** ********************** 22804
getopt_s.c getopt.c a minimal implementation of the getopt() function, written so that test applications that use that function can run on non-POSIX platforms 3418
getopt_s.h getopt.h interface to a minimal implementation of the getopt() function, written so that test applications that use that function can run on non-POSIX platforms 2220 2551
rdbx_driver.c rdbx_driver.c driver for the rdbx implementation (replay database with extended range) David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. 9871
replay_driver.c replay_driver.c A driver for the replay_database implementation David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. 7992
roc_driver.c roc_driver.c test driver for rollover counter replay implementation David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. 4966
rtp.c rtp.c library functions for the real-time transport protocol David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. 6581
rtp.h rtp.h rtp interface for srtp reference implementation David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. data types: rtp_msg_t an rtp message (the data that goes on the wire) rtp_sender_t sender side socket and rtp info rtp_receiver_t receiver side socket and rtp info 4527
rtp_decoder.c rtp_decoder.c decoder structures and functions for SRTP pcap decoder Example: $ wget --no-check-certificate \ $ ./test/rtp_decoder -a -t 10 -e 128 -b \ aSBrbm93IGFsbCB5b3VyIGxpdHRsZSBzZWNyZXRz \ < ~/marseillaise-srtp.pcap \ | text2pcap -t "%M:%S." -u 10000,10000 - - \ > ./marseillaise-rtp.pcap There is also a different way of setting up key size and tag size based upon RFC 4568 crypto suite specification, i.e.: $ ./test/rtp_decoder -s AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 -b \ aSBrbm93IGFsbCB5b3VyIGxpdHRsZSBzZWNyZXRz ... Audio can be extracted using extractaudio utility from the RTPproxy package: $ extractaudio -A ./marseillaise-rtp.pcap ./marseillaise-out.wav Bernardo Torres <> Some structure and code from 25518
rtp_decoder.h rtp_decoder.h decoder structures and functions for SRTP pcap decoder Bernardo Torres <> Some structure and code from 3519
rtpw.c rtpw.c rtp word sender/receiver David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. This app is a simple RTP application intended only for testing libsrtp. It reads one word at a time from words.txt (or whatever file is specified as DICT_FILE or with -w), and sends one word out each USEC_RATE microseconds. Secure RTP protections can be applied. See the usage() function for more details. 21472 4322 6274
srtp_driver.c srtp_driver.c a test driver for libSRTP David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. 126197
test_srtp.c test_srtp.c Unit tests for internal srtp functions Cisco Systems, Inc. 5877
ut_sim.c ut_sim.c an unreliable transport simulator (for testing replay databases and suchlike) David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. 2761
ut_sim.h ut-sim.h an unreliable transport simulator (for testing replay databases and suchlike) David A. McGrew Cisco Systems, Inc. 2386
util.c util.c Utilities used by the test apps John A. Foley Cisco Systems, Inc. 5308
util.h util.h Utilities used by the test apps John A. Foley Cisco Systems, Inc. 2001
words.txt 2126