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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// C++ implementation using std::thread of a ::JxlParallelRunner.
// The main class in this module, ThreadParallelRunner, implements a static
// method ThreadParallelRunner::Runner than can be passed as a
// JxlParallelRunner when using the JPEG XL library. This uses std::thread
// internally and related synchronization functions. The number of threads
// created is fixed at construction time and the threads are re-used for every
// ThreadParallelRunner::Runner call. Only one concurrent Runner() call per
// instance is allowed at a time.
// This is a scalable, lower-overhead thread pool runner, especially suitable
// for data-parallel computations in the fork-join model, where clients need to
// know when all tasks have completed.
// This thread pool can efficiently load-balance millions of tasks using an
// atomic counter, thus avoiding per-task virtual or system calls. With 48
// hyperthreads and 1M tasks that add to an atomic counter, overall runtime is
// 10-20x higher when using std::async, and ~200x for a queue-based thread
// pool.
// Usage:
// ThreadParallelRunner runner;
// JxlDecode(
// ... , &ThreadParallelRunner::Runner, static_cast<void*>(&runner));
#include <jxl/memory_manager.h>
#include <jxl/parallel_runner.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable> //NOLINT
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <mutex> //NOLINT
#include <thread> //NOLINT
#include <vector>
namespace jpegxl {
// Main helper class implementing the ::JxlParallelRunner interface.
class ThreadParallelRunner {
// ::JxlParallelRunner interface.
static JxlParallelRetCode Runner(void* runner_opaque, void* jpegxl_opaque,
JxlParallelRunInit init,
JxlParallelRunFunction func,
uint32_t start_range, uint32_t end_range);
// Starts the given number of worker threads and blocks until they are ready.
// "num_worker_threads" defaults to one per hyperthread. If zero, all tasks
// run on the main thread.
explicit ThreadParallelRunner(
int num_worker_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
// Waits for all threads to exit.
// Returns maximum number of main/worker threads that may call Func. Useful
// for allocating per-thread storage.
size_t NumThreads() const { return num_threads_; }
// Runs func(thread, thread) on all thread(s) that may participate in Run.
// If NumThreads() == 0, runs on the main thread with thread == 0, otherwise
// concurrently called by each worker thread in [0, NumThreads()).
template <class Func>
void RunOnEachThread(const Func& func) {
if (num_worker_threads_ == 0) {
const int thread = 0;
func(thread, thread);
data_func_ = reinterpret_cast<JxlParallelRunFunction>(&CallClosure<Func>);
jpegxl_opaque_ = const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(&func));
JxlMemoryManager memory_manager;
// After construction and between calls to Run, workers are "ready", i.e.
// waiting on worker_start_cv_. They are "started" by sending a "command"
// and notifying all worker_start_cv_ waiters. (That is why all workers
// must be ready/waiting - otherwise, the notification will not reach all of
// them and the main thread waits in vain for them to report readiness.)
using WorkerCommand = uint64_t;
// Special values; all others encode the begin/end parameters. Note that all
// these are no-op ranges (begin >= end) and therefore never used to encode
// ranges.
static constexpr WorkerCommand kWorkerWait = ~1ULL;
static constexpr WorkerCommand kWorkerOnce = ~2ULL;
static constexpr WorkerCommand kWorkerExit = ~3ULL;
// Calls f(task, thread). Used for type erasure of Func arguments. The
// signature must match JxlParallelRunFunction, hence a void* argument.
template <class Closure>
static void CallClosure(void* f, const uint32_t task, const size_t thread) {
(*reinterpret_cast<const Closure*>(f))(task, thread);
void WorkersReadyBarrier() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
// Typically only a single iteration.
while (workers_ready_ != threads_.size()) {
workers_ready_ = 0;
// Safely handle spurious worker wakeups.
worker_start_command_ = kWorkerWait;
// Precondition: all workers are ready.
void StartWorkers(const WorkerCommand worker_command) {
worker_start_command_ = worker_command;
// Workers will need this lock, so release it before they wake up.
// Attempts to reserve and perform some work from the global range of tasks,
// which is encoded within "command". Returns after all tasks are reserved.
static void RunRange(ThreadParallelRunner* self, WorkerCommand command,
int thread);
static void ThreadFunc(ThreadParallelRunner* self, int thread);
// Unmodified after ctor, but cannot be const because we call thread::join().
std::vector<std::thread> threads_;
const uint32_t num_worker_threads_; // == threads_.size()
const uint32_t num_threads_;
std::atomic<int> depth_{0}; // detects if Run is re-entered (not supported).
std::mutex mutex_; // guards both cv and their variables.
std::condition_variable workers_ready_cv_;
uint32_t workers_ready_ = 0;
std::condition_variable worker_start_cv_;
WorkerCommand worker_start_command_;
// Written by main thread, read by workers (after mutex lock/unlock).
JxlParallelRunFunction data_func_;
void* jpegxl_opaque_;
// Updated by workers; padding avoids false sharing.
uint8_t padding1[64];
std::atomic<uint32_t> num_reserved_{0};
uint8_t padding2[64];
} // namespace jpegxl