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# Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Extra build variables.
libjxl_root_package = "libjxl"
libjxl_deps_brotli = ["@brotli//:brotlidec", "@brotli//:brotlienc"]
libjxl_deps_gif = ["@gif//:gif"]
libjxl_deps_gtest = ["@googletest//:gtest_main"]
libjxl_deps_hwy = ["@highway//:hwy"]
libjxl_deps_hwy_nanobenchmark = ["@highway//:nanobenchmark"]
libjxl_deps_hwy_test_util = ["@highway//:hwy_test_util"]
libjxl_deps_jpeg = ["@libjpeg_turbo//:jpeg"]
libjxl_deps_exr = ["@openexr//:OpenEXR"]
libjxl_deps_png = ["@libpng//:png"]
libjxl_deps_runfiles = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp/runfiles"]
libjxl_deps_skcms = ["@skcms//:skcms"]
libjxl_deps_testdata = ["//:testdata"]
libjxl_test_shards = {
"jpegli/decode_api_test": 10,
"jpegli/encode_api_test": 4,
"jpegli/input_suspension_test": 6,
"jpegli/output_suspension_test": 2,
"jxl/ans_test": 2,
"jxl/linalg_test": 2,
"jxl/modular_test": 4,
"jxl/roundtrip_test": 4,
"jxl/xorshift128plus_test": 2,
"jxl/ac_strategy_test": 10, # TODO(eustas): separate heavy shard
"jxl/dct_test": 32,
"jxl/decode_test": 10, # TODO(eustas): separate heavy shard
"jxl/fast_dct_test": 8, # TODO(eustas): separate ultra-heavy shard
"jxl/fast_math_test": 10, # TODO(eustas): separate heavy shard
"jxl/jxl_test": 10, # TODO(eustas): separate heavy shard
"jxl/render_pipeline/render_pipeline_test": 10,
libjxl_test_timeouts = {
"jxl/fast_dct_test": "long",
"jxl/dct_test": "long",