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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/stage_xyb.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/common.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/sanitizers.h"
#define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/"
#include <hwy/foreach_target.h>
#include <hwy/highway.h>
#include "lib/jxl/cms/opsin_params.h"
#include "lib/jxl/common.h" // JXL_HIGH_PRECISION
#include "lib/jxl/dec_xyb-inl.h"
namespace jxl {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
class XYBStage : public RenderPipelineStage {
explicit XYBStage(const OutputEncodingInfo& output_encoding_info)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings()),
output_is_xyb_(output_encoding_info.color_encoding.GetColorSpace() ==
ColorSpace::kXYB) {}
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
const HWY_FULL(float) d;
JXL_ENSURE(xextra == 0);
const size_t xsize_v = RoundUpTo(xsize, Lanes(d));
float* JXL_RESTRICT row0 = GetInputRow(input_rows, 0, 0);
float* JXL_RESTRICT row1 = GetInputRow(input_rows, 1, 0);
float* JXL_RESTRICT row2 = GetInputRow(input_rows, 2, 0);
// All calculations are lane-wise, still some might require
// value-dependent behaviour (e.g. NearestInt). Temporary unpoison last
// vector tail.
msan::UnpoisonMemory(row0 + xsize, sizeof(float) * (xsize_v - xsize));
msan::UnpoisonMemory(row1 + xsize, sizeof(float) * (xsize_v - xsize));
msan::UnpoisonMemory(row2 + xsize, sizeof(float) * (xsize_v - xsize));
// TODO(eustas): when using frame origin, addresses might be unaligned;
// making them aligned will void performance penalty.
if (output_is_xyb_) {
const auto scale_x = Set(d, jxl::cms::kScaledXYBScale[0]);
const auto scale_y = Set(d, jxl::cms::kScaledXYBScale[1]);
const auto scale_bmy = Set(d, jxl::cms::kScaledXYBScale[2]);
const auto offset_x = Set(d, jxl::cms::kScaledXYBOffset[0]);
const auto offset_y = Set(d, jxl::cms::kScaledXYBOffset[1]);
const auto offset_bmy = Set(d, jxl::cms::kScaledXYBOffset[2]);
for (ssize_t x = -xextra; x < static_cast<ssize_t>(xsize + xextra);
x += Lanes(d)) {
const auto in_x = LoadU(d, row0 + x);
const auto in_y = LoadU(d, row1 + x);
const auto in_b = LoadU(d, row2 + x);
auto out_x = Mul(Add(in_x, offset_x), scale_x);
auto out_y = Mul(Add(in_y, offset_y), scale_y);
auto out_b = Mul(Add(Sub(in_b, in_y), offset_bmy), scale_bmy);
StoreU(out_x, d, row0 + x);
StoreU(out_y, d, row1 + x);
StoreU(out_b, d, row2 + x);
} else {
for (ssize_t x = -xextra; x < static_cast<ssize_t>(xsize + xextra);
x += Lanes(d)) {
const auto in_opsin_x = LoadU(d, row0 + x);
const auto in_opsin_y = LoadU(d, row1 + x);
const auto in_opsin_b = LoadU(d, row2 + x);
auto r = Undefined(d);
auto g = Undefined(d);
auto b = Undefined(d);
XybToRgb(d, in_opsin_x, in_opsin_y, in_opsin_b, opsin_params_, &r, &g,
StoreU(r, d, row0 + x);
StoreU(g, d, row1 + x);
StoreU(b, d, row2 + x);
msan::PoisonMemory(row0 + xsize, sizeof(float) * (xsize_v - xsize));
msan::PoisonMemory(row1 + xsize, sizeof(float) * (xsize_v - xsize));
msan::PoisonMemory(row2 + xsize, sizeof(float) * (xsize_v - xsize));
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return c < 3 ? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInPlace
: RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "XYB"; }
const OpsinParams opsin_params_;
const bool output_is_xyb_;
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetXYBStage(
const OutputEncodingInfo& output_encoding_info) {
return jxl::make_unique<XYBStage>(output_encoding_info);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace jxl
namespace jxl {
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetXYBStage(
const OutputEncodingInfo& output_encoding_info) {
return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(GetXYBStage)(output_encoding_info);
namespace {
class FastXYBStage : public RenderPipelineStage {
FastXYBStage(uint8_t* rgb, size_t stride, size_t width, size_t height,
bool rgba, bool has_alpha, size_t alpha_c)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings()),
alpha_c_(alpha_c) {}
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
if (ypos >= height_) return true;
JXL_ENSURE(xextra == 0);
const float* xyba[4] = {
GetInputRow(input_rows, 0, 0), GetInputRow(input_rows, 1, 0),
GetInputRow(input_rows, 2, 0),
has_alpha_ ? GetInputRow(input_rows, alpha_c_, 0) : nullptr};
uint8_t* out_buf = rgb_ + stride_ * ypos + (rgba_ ? 4 : 3) * xpos;
return FastXYBTosRGB8(xyba, out_buf, rgba_,
xsize + xpos <= width_ ? xsize : width_ - xpos);
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return c < 3 || (has_alpha_ && c == alpha_c_)
? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInput
: RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "FastXYB"; }
uint8_t* rgb_;
size_t stride_;
size_t width_;
size_t height_;
bool rgba_;
bool has_alpha_;
size_t alpha_c_;
std::vector<float> opaque_alpha_;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetFastXYBTosRGB8Stage(
uint8_t* rgb, size_t stride, size_t width, size_t height, bool rgba,
bool has_alpha, size_t alpha_c) {
if (!HasFastXYBTosRGB8()) return nullptr;
return make_unique<FastXYBStage>(rgb, stride, width, height, rgba, has_alpha,
} // namespace jxl