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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/stage_write.h"
#include <jxl/memory_manager.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "lib/jxl/alpha.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/common.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/sanitizers.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/dec_cache.h"
#include "lib/jxl/dec_xyb.h"
#include "lib/jxl/image.h"
#include "lib/jxl/image_bundle.h"
#include "lib/jxl/memory_manager_internal.h"
#define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/"
#include <hwy/foreach_target.h>
#include <hwy/highway.h>
namespace jxl {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
// These templates are not found via ADL.
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Add;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Clamp;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Div;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Max;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Mul;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::NearestInt;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Or;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Rebind;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::ShiftLeftSame;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::ShiftRightSame;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::VFromD;
// 8x8 ordered dithering pattern from
// scaled to have an average of 0 and be fully contained in (-0.5, 0.5).
// Matrix is duplicated in width to avoid inconsistencies or out-of-bound-reads
// if doing unaligned operations.
const float kDither[(2 * 8) * 8] = {
-0.4921875, 0.0078125, -0.3671875, 0.1328125, //
-0.4609375, 0.0390625, -0.3359375, 0.1640625, //
-0.4921875, 0.0078125, -0.3671875, 0.1328125, //
-0.4609375, 0.0390625, -0.3359375, 0.1640625, //
0.2578125, -0.2421875, 0.3828125, -0.1171875, //
0.2890625, -0.2109375, 0.4140625, -0.0859375, //
0.2578125, -0.2421875, 0.3828125, -0.1171875, //
0.2890625, -0.2109375, 0.4140625, -0.0859375, //
-0.3046875, 0.1953125, -0.4296875, 0.0703125, //
-0.2734375, 0.2265625, -0.3984375, 0.1015625, //
-0.3046875, 0.1953125, -0.4296875, 0.0703125, //
-0.2734375, 0.2265625, -0.3984375, 0.1015625, //
0.4453125, -0.0546875, 0.3203125, -0.1796875, //
0.4765625, -0.0234375, 0.3515625, -0.1484375, //
0.4453125, -0.0546875, 0.3203125, -0.1796875, //
0.4765625, -0.0234375, 0.3515625, -0.1484375, //
-0.4453125, 0.0546875, -0.3203125, 0.1796875, //
-0.4765625, 0.0234375, -0.3515625, 0.1484375, //
-0.4453125, 0.0546875, -0.3203125, 0.1796875, //
-0.4765625, 0.0234375, -0.3515625, 0.1484375, //
0.3046875, -0.1953125, 0.4296875, -0.0703125, //
0.2734375, -0.2265625, 0.3984375, -0.1015625, //
0.3046875, -0.1953125, 0.4296875, -0.0703125, //
0.2734375, -0.2265625, 0.3984375, -0.1015625, //
-0.2578125, 0.2421875, -0.3828125, 0.1171875, //
-0.2890625, 0.2109375, -0.4140625, 0.0859375, //
-0.2578125, 0.2421875, -0.3828125, 0.1171875, //
-0.2890625, 0.2109375, -0.4140625, 0.0859375, //
0.4921875, -0.0078125, 0.3671875, -0.1328125, //
0.4609375, -0.0390625, 0.3359375, -0.1640625, //
0.4921875, -0.0078125, 0.3671875, -0.1328125, //
0.4609375, -0.0390625, 0.3359375, -0.1640625, //
using DF = HWY_FULL(float);
// Converts `v` to an appropriate value for the given unsigned type.
// If the unsigned type is an 8-bit type, performs ordered dithering.
template <typename T>
VFromD<Rebind<T, DF>> MakeUnsigned(VFromD<DF> v, size_t x0, size_t y0,
VFromD<DF> mul) {
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "T must be an unsigned type");
using DU = Rebind<T, DF>;
v = Mul(v, mul);
// TODO(veluca): if constexpr with C++17
if (sizeof(T) == 1) {
size_t pos = (y0 % 8) * (2 * 8) + (x0 % 8);
auto dither = LoadDup128(DF(), kDither + pos);
auto dither = LoadU(DF(), kDither + pos);
v = Add(v, dither);
v = Clamp(Zero(DF()), v, mul);
return DemoteTo(DU(), NearestInt(v));
class WriteToOutputStage : public RenderPipelineStage {
WriteToOutputStage(const ImageOutput& main_output, size_t width,
size_t height, bool has_alpha, bool unpremul_alpha,
size_t alpha_c, Orientation undo_orientation,
const std::vector<ImageOutput>& extra_output,
JxlMemoryManager* memory_manager)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings()),
num_color_(main_.num_channels_ < 3 ? 1 : 3),
want_alpha_(main_.num_channels_ == 2 || main_.num_channels_ == 4),
opaque_alpha_(kMaxPixelsPerCall, 1.0f),
memory_manager_(memory_manager) {
for (size_t ec = 0; ec < extra_output.size(); ++ec) {
if (extra_output[ec].callback.IsPresent() || extra_output[ec].buffer) {
Output extra(extra_output[ec]);
extra.channel_index_ = 3 + ec;
WriteToOutputStage(const WriteToOutputStage&) = delete;
WriteToOutputStage& operator=(const WriteToOutputStage&) = delete;
WriteToOutputStage(WriteToOutputStage&&) = delete;
WriteToOutputStage& operator=(WriteToOutputStage&&) = delete;
~WriteToOutputStage() override {
if (main_.run_opaque_) {
for (auto& extra : extra_channels_) {
if (extra.run_opaque_) {
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
JXL_ENSURE(xextra == 0);
JXL_ENSURE(main_.run_opaque_ || main_.buffer_);
if (ypos >= height_) return true;
if (xpos >= width_) return true;
if (flip_y_) {
ypos = height_ - 1u - ypos;
size_t limit = std::min(xsize, width_ - xpos);
for (size_t x0 = 0; x0 < limit; x0 += kMaxPixelsPerCall) {
size_t xstart = xpos + x0;
size_t len = std::min<size_t>(kMaxPixelsPerCall, limit - x0);
const float* line_buffers[4];
for (size_t c = 0; c < num_color_; c++) {
line_buffers[c] = GetInputRow(input_rows, c, 0) + x0;
if (has_alpha_) {
line_buffers[num_color_] = GetInputRow(input_rows, alpha_c_, 0) + x0;
} else {
// opaque_alpha_ is a way to set all values to 1.0f.
line_buffers[num_color_] =;
if (has_alpha_ && want_alpha_ && unpremul_alpha_) {
UnpremulAlpha(thread_id, len, line_buffers);
OutputBuffers(main_, thread_id, ypos, xstart, len, line_buffers);
for (const auto& extra : extra_channels_) {
line_buffers[0] = GetInputRow(input_rows, extra.channel_index_, 0) + x0;
OutputBuffers(extra, thread_id, ypos, xstart, len, line_buffers);
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
if (c < num_color_ || (has_alpha_ && c == alpha_c_)) {
return RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInput;
for (const auto& extra : extra_channels_) {
if (c == extra.channel_index_) {
return RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInput;
return RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "WritePixelCB"; }
struct Output {
explicit Output(const ImageOutput& image_out)
: pixel_callback_(image_out.callback),
bits_per_sample_(image_out.bits_per_sample) {}
Status PrepareForThreads(size_t num_threads) {
if (pixel_callback_.IsPresent()) {
run_opaque_ =
pixel_callback_.Init(num_threads, /*num_pixels=*/kMaxPixelsPerCall);
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(run_opaque_ != nullptr);
} else {
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(buffer_ != nullptr);
return true;
PixelCallback pixel_callback_;
void* run_opaque_ = nullptr;
void* buffer_ = nullptr;
size_t buffer_size_;
size_t stride_;
size_t num_channels_;
bool swap_endianness_;
JxlDataType data_type_;
size_t bits_per_sample_;
size_t channel_index_; // used for extra_channels
Status PrepareForThreads(size_t num_threads) override {
for (auto& extra : extra_channels_) {
for (AlignedMemory& temp : temp_out_) {
size_t alloc_size =
sizeof(float) * kMaxPixelsPerCall * main_.num_channels_;
AlignedMemory::Create(memory_manager_, alloc_size));
if ((has_alpha_ && want_alpha_ && unpremul_alpha_) || flip_x_) {
temp_in_.resize(num_threads * main_.num_channels_);
for (AlignedMemory& temp : temp_in_) {
size_t alloc_size = sizeof(float) * kMaxPixelsPerCall;
temp, AlignedMemory::Create(memory_manager_, alloc_size));
return true;
static bool ShouldFlipX(Orientation undo_orientation) {
return (undo_orientation == Orientation::kFlipHorizontal ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kRotate180 ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kRotate270 ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kAntiTranspose);
static bool ShouldFlipY(Orientation undo_orientation) {
return (undo_orientation == Orientation::kFlipVertical ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kRotate180 ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kRotate90 ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kAntiTranspose);
static bool ShouldTranspose(Orientation undo_orientation) {
return (undo_orientation == Orientation::kTranspose ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kRotate90 ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kRotate270 ||
undo_orientation == Orientation::kAntiTranspose);
void UnpremulAlpha(size_t thread_id, size_t len,
const float** line_buffers) const {
const HWY_FULL(float) d;
auto one = Set(d, 1.0f);
float* temp_in[4];
for (size_t c = 0; c < main_.num_channels_; ++c) {
size_t tix = thread_id * main_.num_channels_ + c;
temp_in[c] = temp_in_[tix].address<float>();
memcpy(temp_in[c], line_buffers[c], sizeof(float) * len);
auto small_alpha = Set(d, kSmallAlpha);
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < len; ix += Lanes(d)) {
auto alpha = LoadU(d, temp_in[num_color_] + ix);
auto mul = Div(one, Max(small_alpha, alpha));
for (size_t c = 0; c < num_color_; ++c) {
auto val = LoadU(d, temp_in[c] + ix);
StoreU(Mul(val, mul), d, temp_in[c] + ix);
for (size_t c = 0; c < main_.num_channels_; ++c) {
line_buffers[c] = temp_in[c];
void OutputBuffers(const Output& out, size_t thread_id, size_t ypos,
size_t xstart, size_t len, const float* input[4]) const {
if (flip_x_) {
FlipX(out, thread_id, len, &xstart, input);
if (out.data_type_ == JXL_TYPE_UINT8) {
uint8_t* JXL_RESTRICT temp = temp_out_[thread_id].address<uint8_t>();
StoreUnsignedRow(out, input, len, temp, xstart, ypos);
WriteToOutput(out, thread_id, ypos, xstart, len, temp);
} else if (out.data_type_ == JXL_TYPE_UINT16 ||
out.data_type_ == JXL_TYPE_FLOAT16) {
uint16_t* JXL_RESTRICT temp = temp_out_[thread_id].address<uint16_t>();
if (out.data_type_ == JXL_TYPE_UINT16) {
StoreUnsignedRow(out, input, len, temp, xstart, ypos);
} else {
StoreFloat16Row(out, input, len, temp);
if (out.swap_endianness_) {
const HWY_FULL(uint16_t) du;
size_t output_len = len * out.num_channels_;
for (size_t j = 0; j < output_len; j += Lanes(du)) {
auto v = LoadU(du, temp + j);
auto vswap = Or(ShiftRightSame(v, 8), ShiftLeftSame(v, 8));
StoreU(vswap, du, temp + j);
WriteToOutput(out, thread_id, ypos, xstart, len, temp);
} else if (out.data_type_ == JXL_TYPE_FLOAT) {
float* JXL_RESTRICT temp = temp_out_[thread_id].address<float>();
StoreFloatRow(out, input, len, temp);
if (out.swap_endianness_) {
size_t output_len = len * out.num_channels_;
for (size_t j = 0; j < output_len; ++j) {
temp[j] = BSwapFloat(temp[j]);
WriteToOutput(out, thread_id, ypos, xstart, len, temp);
void FlipX(const Output& out, size_t thread_id, size_t len, size_t* xstart,
const float** line_buffers) const {
float* temp_in[4];
for (size_t c = 0; c < out.num_channels_; ++c) {
size_t tix = thread_id * main_.num_channels_ + c;
temp_in[c] = temp_in_[tix].address<float>();
if (temp_in[c] != line_buffers[c]) {
memcpy(temp_in[c], line_buffers[c], sizeof(float) * len);
size_t last = (len - 1u);
size_t num = (len / 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < out.num_channels_; ++c) {
std::swap(temp_in[c][i], temp_in[c][last - i]);
for (size_t c = 0; c < out.num_channels_; ++c) {
line_buffers[c] = temp_in[c];
*xstart = width_ - *xstart - len;
template <typename T>
void StoreUnsignedRow(const Output& out, const float* input[4], size_t len,
T* output, size_t xstart, size_t ypos) const {
const HWY_FULL(float) d;
auto mul = Set(d, (1u << (out.bits_per_sample_)) - 1);
const Rebind<T, decltype(d)> du;
const size_t padding = RoundUpTo(len, Lanes(d)) - len;
for (size_t c = 0; c < out.num_channels_; ++c) {
msan::UnpoisonMemory(input[c] + len, sizeof(input[c][0]) * padding);
if (out.num_channels_ == 1) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
StoreU(MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[0][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul),
du, &output[i]);
} else if (out.num_channels_ == 2) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[0][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul),
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[1][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul), du,
&output[2 * i]);
} else if (out.num_channels_ == 3) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[0][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul),
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[1][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul),
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[2][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul), du,
&output[3 * i]);
} else if (out.num_channels_ == 4) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[0][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul),
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[1][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul),
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[2][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul),
MakeUnsigned<T>(LoadU(d, &input[3][i]), xstart + i, ypos, mul), du,
&output[4 * i]);
msan::PoisonMemory(output + out.num_channels_ * len,
sizeof(output[0]) * out.num_channels_ * padding);
static void StoreFloat16Row(const Output& out, const float* input[4],
size_t len, uint16_t* output) {
const HWY_FULL(float) d;
const Rebind<uint16_t, decltype(d)> du;
const Rebind<hwy::float16_t, decltype(d)> df16;
const size_t padding = RoundUpTo(len, Lanes(d)) - len;
for (size_t c = 0; c < out.num_channels_; ++c) {
msan::UnpoisonMemory(input[c] + len, sizeof(input[c][0]) * padding);
if (out.num_channels_ == 1) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
auto v0 = LoadU(d, &input[0][i]);
StoreU(BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v0)), du, &output[i]);
} else if (out.num_channels_ == 2) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
auto v0 = LoadU(d, &input[0][i]);
auto v1 = LoadU(d, &input[1][i]);
StoreInterleaved2(BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v0)),
BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v1)), du, &output[2 * i]);
} else if (out.num_channels_ == 3) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
auto v0 = LoadU(d, &input[0][i]);
auto v1 = LoadU(d, &input[1][i]);
auto v2 = LoadU(d, &input[2][i]);
StoreInterleaved3(BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v0)),
BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v1)),
BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v2)), du, &output[3 * i]);
} else if (out.num_channels_ == 4) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
auto v0 = LoadU(d, &input[0][i]);
auto v1 = LoadU(d, &input[1][i]);
auto v2 = LoadU(d, &input[2][i]);
auto v3 = LoadU(d, &input[3][i]);
StoreInterleaved4(BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v0)),
BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v1)),
BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v2)),
BitCast(du, DemoteTo(df16, v3)), du, &output[4 * i]);
msan::PoisonMemory(output + out.num_channels_ * len,
sizeof(output[0]) * out.num_channels_ * padding);
static void StoreFloatRow(const Output& out, const float* input[4],
size_t len, float* output) {
const HWY_FULL(float) d;
if (out.num_channels_ == 1) {
memcpy(output, input[0], len * sizeof(output[0]));
} else if (out.num_channels_ == 2) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
StoreInterleaved2(LoadU(d, &input[0][i]), LoadU(d, &input[1][i]), d,
&output[2 * i]);
} else if (out.num_channels_ == 3) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
StoreInterleaved3(LoadU(d, &input[0][i]), LoadU(d, &input[1][i]),
LoadU(d, &input[2][i]), d, &output[3 * i]);
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += Lanes(d)) {
StoreInterleaved4(LoadU(d, &input[0][i]), LoadU(d, &input[1][i]),
LoadU(d, &input[2][i]), LoadU(d, &input[3][i]), d,
&output[4 * i]);
template <typename T>
void WriteToOutput(const Output& out, size_t thread_id, size_t ypos,
size_t xstart, size_t len, T* output) const {
if (transpose_) {
// TODO(szabadka) Buffer 8x8 chunks and transpose with SIMD.
if (out.run_opaque_) {
for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < len; ++i, j += out.num_channels_) {, thread_id, ypos, xstart + i,
1, output + j);
} else {
const size_t pixel_stride = out.num_channels_ * sizeof(T);
const size_t offset = xstart * out.stride_ + ypos * pixel_stride;
for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < len; ++i, j += out.num_channels_) {
const size_t ix = offset + i * out.stride_;
JXL_DASSERT(ix + pixel_stride <= out.buffer_size_);
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(out.buffer_) + ix, output + j,
} else {
if (out.run_opaque_) {, thread_id, xstart, ypos, len,
} else {
const size_t pixel_stride = out.num_channels_ * sizeof(T);
const size_t offset = ypos * out.stride_ + xstart * pixel_stride;
JXL_DASSERT(offset + len * pixel_stride <= out.buffer_size_);
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(out.buffer_) + offset, output,
len * pixel_stride);
static constexpr size_t kMaxPixelsPerCall = 1024;
size_t width_;
size_t height_;
Output main_; // color + alpha
size_t num_color_;
bool want_alpha_;
bool has_alpha_;
bool unpremul_alpha_;
size_t alpha_c_;
bool flip_x_;
bool flip_y_;
bool transpose_;
std::vector<Output> extra_channels_;
std::vector<float> opaque_alpha_;
JxlMemoryManager* memory_manager_;
std::vector<AlignedMemory> temp_in_;
std::vector<AlignedMemory> temp_out_;
constexpr size_t WriteToOutputStage::kMaxPixelsPerCall;
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetWriteToOutputStage(
const ImageOutput& main_output, size_t width, size_t height, bool has_alpha,
bool unpremul_alpha, size_t alpha_c, Orientation undo_orientation,
std::vector<ImageOutput>& extra_output, JxlMemoryManager* memory_manager) {
return jxl::make_unique<WriteToOutputStage>(
main_output, width, height, has_alpha, unpremul_alpha, alpha_c,
undo_orientation, extra_output, memory_manager);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace jxl
namespace jxl {
namespace {
class WriteToImageBundleStage : public RenderPipelineStage {
explicit WriteToImageBundleStage(
ImageBundle* image_bundle, const OutputEncodingInfo& output_encoding_info)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings()),
color_encoding_(output_encoding_info.color_encoding) {}
Status SetInputSizes(
const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& input_sizes) override {
JxlMemoryManager* memory_manager = image_bundle_->memory_manager();
JXL_ENSURE(input_sizes.size() >= 3);
for (size_t c = 1; c < input_sizes.size(); c++) {
JXL_ENSURE(input_sizes[c].first == input_sizes[0].first);
JXL_ENSURE(input_sizes[c].second == input_sizes[0].second);
// TODO(eustas): what should we do in the case of "want only ECs"?
Image3F::Create(memory_manager, input_sizes[0].first,
image_bundle_->SetFromImage(std::move(tmp), color_encoding_));
// TODO(veluca): consider not reallocating ECs if not needed.
for (size_t c = 3; c < input_sizes.size(); c++) {
ImageF::Create(memory_manager, input_sizes[c].first,
return true;
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
memcpy(image_bundle_->color()->PlaneRow(c, ypos) + xpos - xextra,
GetInputRow(input_rows, c, 0) - xextra,
sizeof(float) * (xsize + 2 * xextra));
for (size_t ec = 0; ec < image_bundle_->extra_channels().size(); ec++) {
JXL_ENSURE(image_bundle_->extra_channels()[ec].xsize() >=
xpos + xsize + xextra);
memcpy(image_bundle_->extra_channels()[ec].Row(ypos) + xpos - xextra,
GetInputRow(input_rows, 3 + ec, 0) - xextra,
sizeof(float) * (xsize + 2 * xextra));
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInput;
const char* GetName() const override { return "WriteIB"; }
ImageBundle* image_bundle_;
ColorEncoding color_encoding_;
class WriteToImage3FStage : public RenderPipelineStage {
WriteToImage3FStage(JxlMemoryManager* memory_manager, Image3F* image)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings()),
image_(image) {}
Status SetInputSizes(
const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& input_sizes) override {
JXL_ENSURE(input_sizes.size() >= 3);
for (size_t c = 1; c < 3; ++c) {
JXL_ENSURE(input_sizes[c].first == input_sizes[0].first);
JXL_ENSURE(input_sizes[c].second == input_sizes[0].second);
Image3F::Create(memory_manager_, input_sizes[0].first,
return true;
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
memcpy(image_->PlaneRow(c, ypos) + xpos - xextra,
GetInputRow(input_rows, c, 0) - xextra,
sizeof(float) * (xsize + 2 * xextra));
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return c < 3 ? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInput
: RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "WriteI3F"; }
JxlMemoryManager* memory_manager_;
Image3F* image_;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetWriteToImageBundleStage(
ImageBundle* image_bundle, const OutputEncodingInfo& output_encoding_info) {
return jxl::make_unique<WriteToImageBundleStage>(image_bundle,
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetWriteToImage3FStage(
JxlMemoryManager* memory_manager, Image3F* image) {
return jxl::make_unique<WriteToImage3FStage>(memory_manager, image);
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetWriteToOutputStage(
const ImageOutput& main_output, size_t width, size_t height, bool has_alpha,
bool unpremul_alpha, size_t alpha_c, Orientation undo_orientation,
std::vector<ImageOutput>& extra_output, JxlMemoryManager* memory_manager) {
return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(GetWriteToOutputStage)(
main_output, width, height, has_alpha, unpremul_alpha, alpha_c,
undo_orientation, extra_output, memory_manager);
} // namespace jxl