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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/stage_noise.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/sanitizers.h"
#include "lib/jxl/noise.h"
#define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/"
#include <hwy/foreach_target.h>
#include <hwy/highway.h>
namespace jxl {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
// These templates are not found via ADL.
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Add;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::And;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Floor;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Ge;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::IfThenElse;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Max;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Min;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Mul;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::MulAdd;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Or;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Sub;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::TableLookupBytes;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Vec;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::ZeroIfNegative;
using D = HWY_CAPPED(float, kBlockDim);
using DI = hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Rebind<int32_t, D>;
using DI8 = hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Repartition<uint8_t, D>;
// [0, max_value]
template <class D, class V>
static HWY_INLINE V Clamp0ToMax(D d, const V x, const V max_value) {
const auto clamped = Min(x, max_value);
return ZeroIfNegative(clamped);
// x is in [0+delta, 1+delta], delta ~= 0.06
template <class StrengthEval>
typename StrengthEval::V NoiseStrength(const StrengthEval& eval,
const typename StrengthEval::V x) {
return Clamp0ToMax(D(), eval(x), Set(D(), 1.0f));
// TODO(veluca): SIMD-fy.
class StrengthEvalLut {
using V = Vec<D>;
explicit StrengthEvalLut(const NoiseParams& noise_params)
: noise_params_(noise_params)
uint32_t lut[NoiseParams::kNumNoisePoints];
NoiseParams::kNumNoisePoints * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (size_t i = 0; i < NoiseParams::kNumNoisePoints; i++) {
low16_lut[2 * i] = (lut[i] >> 0) & 0xFF;
low16_lut[2 * i + 1] = (lut[i] >> 8) & 0xFF;
high16_lut[2 * i] = (lut[i] >> 16) & 0xFF;
high16_lut[2 * i + 1] = (lut[i] >> 24) & 0xFF;
V operator()(const V vx) const {
constexpr size_t kScale = NoiseParams::kNumNoisePoints - 2;
auto scaled_vx = Max(Zero(D()), Mul(vx, Set(D(), kScale)));
auto floor_x = Floor(scaled_vx);
auto frac_x = Sub(scaled_vx, floor_x);
floor_x = IfThenElse(Ge(scaled_vx, Set(D(), kScale + 1)), Set(D(), kScale),
frac_x =
IfThenElse(Ge(scaled_vx, Set(D(), kScale + 1)), Set(D(), 1), frac_x);
auto floor_x_int = ConvertTo(DI(), floor_x);
auto low = Set(D(), noise_params_.lut[floor_x_int.raw]);
auto hi = Set(D(), noise_params_.lut[floor_x_int.raw + 1]);
// Set each lane's bytes to {0, 0, 2x+1, 2x}.
auto floorx_indices_low =
Add(Mul(floor_x_int, Set(DI(), 0x0202)), Set(DI(), 0x0100));
// Set each lane's bytes to {2x+1, 2x, 0, 0}.
auto floorx_indices_hi =
Add(Mul(floor_x_int, Set(DI(), 0x02020000)), Set(DI(), 0x01000000));
// load LUT
auto low16 = BitCast(DI(), LoadDup128(DI8(), low16_lut));
auto lowm = Set(DI(), 0xFFFF);
auto hi16 = BitCast(DI(), LoadDup128(DI8(), high16_lut));
auto him = Set(DI(), 0xFFFF0000);
// low = noise_params.lut[floor_x]
auto low =
BitCast(D(), Or(And(TableLookupBytes(low16, floorx_indices_low), lowm),
And(TableLookupBytes(hi16, floorx_indices_hi), him)));
// hi = noise_params.lut[floor_x+1]
floorx_indices_low = Add(floorx_indices_low, Set(DI(), 0x0202));
floorx_indices_hi = Add(floorx_indices_hi, Set(DI(), 0x02020000));
auto hi =
BitCast(D(), Or(And(TableLookupBytes(low16, floorx_indices_low), lowm),
And(TableLookupBytes(hi16, floorx_indices_hi), him)));
return MulAdd(Sub(hi, low), frac_x, low);
// noise_params.lut transformed into two 16-bit lookup tables.
HWY_ALIGN uint8_t high16_lut[16];
HWY_ALIGN uint8_t low16_lut[16];
const NoiseParams& noise_params_;
template <class D>
void AddNoiseToRGB(const D d, const Vec<D> rnd_noise_r,
const Vec<D> rnd_noise_g, const Vec<D> rnd_noise_cor,
const Vec<D> noise_strength_g, const Vec<D> noise_strength_r,
float ytox, float ytob, float* JXL_RESTRICT out_x,
float* JXL_RESTRICT out_y, float* JXL_RESTRICT out_b) {
const auto kRGCorr = Set(d, 0.9921875f); // 127/128
const auto kRGNCorr = Set(d, 0.0078125f); // 1/128
const auto red_noise =
MulAdd(kRGNCorr, rnd_noise_r, Mul(kRGCorr, rnd_noise_cor)));
const auto green_noise =
MulAdd(kRGNCorr, rnd_noise_g, Mul(kRGCorr, rnd_noise_cor)));
auto vx = LoadU(d, out_x);
auto vy = LoadU(d, out_y);
auto vb = LoadU(d, out_b);
const auto rg_noise = Add(red_noise, green_noise);
vx = Add(MulAdd(Set(d, ytox), rg_noise, Sub(red_noise, green_noise)), vx);
vy = Add(vy, rg_noise);
vb = MulAdd(Set(d, ytob), rg_noise, vb);
StoreU(vx, d, out_x);
StoreU(vy, d, out_y);
StoreU(vb, d, out_b);
class AddNoiseStage : public RenderPipelineStage {
AddNoiseStage(const NoiseParams& noise_params,
const ColorCorrelation& color_correlation, size_t first_c)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings::Symmetric(
/*shift=*/0, /*border=*/0)),
first_c_(first_c) {}
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
if (!noise_params_.HasAny()) return true;
const StrengthEvalLut noise_model(noise_params_);
D d;
const auto half = Set(d, 0.5f);
// With the prior subtract-random Laplacian approximation, rnd_* ranges were
// about [-1.5, 1.6]; Laplacian3 about doubles this to [-3.6, 3.6], so the
// normalizer is half of what it was before (0.5).
const auto norm_const = Set(d, 0.22f);
float ytox = color_correlation_.YtoXRatio(0);
float ytob = color_correlation_.YtoBRatio(0);
const size_t xsize_v = RoundUpTo(xsize, Lanes(d));
float* JXL_RESTRICT row_x = GetInputRow(input_rows, 0, 0);
float* JXL_RESTRICT row_y = GetInputRow(input_rows, 1, 0);
float* JXL_RESTRICT row_b = GetInputRow(input_rows, 2, 0);
const float* JXL_RESTRICT row_rnd_r =
GetInputRow(input_rows, first_c_ + 0, 0);
const float* JXL_RESTRICT row_rnd_g =
GetInputRow(input_rows, first_c_ + 1, 0);
const float* JXL_RESTRICT row_rnd_c =
GetInputRow(input_rows, first_c_ + 2, 0);
// Needed by the calls to Floor() in StrengthEvalLut. Only arithmetic and
// shuffles are otherwise done on the data, so this is safe.
msan::UnpoisonMemory(row_x + xsize, (xsize_v - xsize) * sizeof(float));
msan::UnpoisonMemory(row_y + xsize, (xsize_v - xsize) * sizeof(float));
for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize_v; x += Lanes(d)) {
const auto vx = LoadU(d, row_x + x);
const auto vy = LoadU(d, row_y + x);
const auto in_g = Sub(vy, vx);
const auto in_r = Add(vy, vx);
const auto noise_strength_g = NoiseStrength(noise_model, Mul(in_g, half));
const auto noise_strength_r = NoiseStrength(noise_model, Mul(in_r, half));
const auto addit_rnd_noise_red = Mul(LoadU(d, row_rnd_r + x), norm_const);
const auto addit_rnd_noise_green =
Mul(LoadU(d, row_rnd_g + x), norm_const);
const auto addit_rnd_noise_correlated =
Mul(LoadU(d, row_rnd_c + x), norm_const);
AddNoiseToRGB(D(), addit_rnd_noise_red, addit_rnd_noise_green,
addit_rnd_noise_correlated, noise_strength_g,
noise_strength_r, ytox, ytob, row_x + x, row_y + x,
row_b + x);
msan::PoisonMemory(row_x + xsize, (xsize_v - xsize) * sizeof(float));
msan::PoisonMemory(row_y + xsize, (xsize_v - xsize) * sizeof(float));
msan::PoisonMemory(row_b + xsize, (xsize_v - xsize) * sizeof(float));
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return c >= first_c_ ? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInput
: c < 3 ? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInPlace
: RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "AddNoise"; }
const NoiseParams& noise_params_;
const ColorCorrelation& color_correlation_;
size_t first_c_;
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetAddNoiseStage(
const NoiseParams& noise_params, const ColorCorrelation& color_correlation,
size_t noise_c_start) {
return jxl::make_unique<AddNoiseStage>(noise_params, color_correlation,
class ConvolveNoiseStage : public RenderPipelineStage {
explicit ConvolveNoiseStage(size_t first_c)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings::Symmetric(
/*shift=*/0, /*border=*/2)),
first_c_(first_c) {}
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
const HWY_FULL(float) d;
for (size_t c = first_c_; c < first_c_ + 3; c++) {
float* JXL_RESTRICT rows[5];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
rows[i] = GetInputRow(input_rows, c, i - 2);
float* JXL_RESTRICT row_out = GetOutputRow(output_rows, c, 0);
for (ssize_t x = -RoundUpTo(xextra, Lanes(d));
x < static_cast<ssize_t>(xsize + xextra); x += Lanes(d)) {
const auto p00 = LoadU(d, rows[2] + x);
auto others = Zero(d);
// TODO(eustas): sum loaded values to reduce the calculation chain
for (ssize_t i = -2; i <= 2; i++) {
others = Add(others, LoadU(d, rows[0] + x + i));
others = Add(others, LoadU(d, rows[1] + x + i));
others = Add(others, LoadU(d, rows[3] + x + i));
others = Add(others, LoadU(d, rows[4] + x + i));
others = Add(others, LoadU(d, rows[2] + x - 2));
others = Add(others, LoadU(d, rows[2] + x - 1));
others = Add(others, LoadU(d, rows[2] + x + 1));
others = Add(others, LoadU(d, rows[2] + x + 2));
// 4 * (1 - box kernel)
auto pixels = MulAdd(others, Set(d, 0.16), Mul(p00, Set(d, -3.84)));
StoreU(pixels, d, row_out + x);
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return c >= first_c_ ? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut
: RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "ConvNoise"; }
size_t first_c_;
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetConvolveNoiseStage(
size_t noise_c_start) {
return jxl::make_unique<ConvolveNoiseStage>(noise_c_start);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace jxl
namespace jxl {
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetAddNoiseStage(
const NoiseParams& noise_params, const ColorCorrelation& color_correlation,
size_t noise_c_start) {
return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(GetAddNoiseStage)(noise_params, color_correlation,
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetConvolveNoiseStage(
size_t noise_c_start) {
return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(GetConvolveNoiseStage)(noise_c_start);
} // namespace jxl