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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/stage_epf.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/common.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/common.h" // JXL_HIGH_PRECISION
#include "lib/jxl/epf.h"
#define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/"
#include <hwy/foreach_target.h>
#include <hwy/highway.h>
namespace jxl {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
// TODO(veluca): In principle, vectors could be not capped, if we want to deal
// with having two different sigma values in a single vector.
using DF = HWY_CAPPED(float, 8);
// These templates are not found via ADL.
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::AbsDiff;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Add;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Div;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Mul;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::MulAdd;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Vec;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::VFromD;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::ZeroIfNegative;
JXL_INLINE Vec<DF> Weight(Vec<DF> sad, Vec<DF> inv_sigma, Vec<DF> thres) {
auto v = MulAdd(sad, inv_sigma, Set(DF(), 1.0f));
return ZeroIfNegative(v);
// 5x5 plus-shaped kernel with 5 SADs per pixel (3x3 plus-shaped). So this makes
// this filter a 7x7 filter.
class EPF0Stage : public RenderPipelineStage {
EPF0Stage(LoopFilter lf, const ImageF& sigma)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings::Symmetric(
/*shift=*/0, /*border=*/3)),
sigma_(&sigma) {}
template <bool aligned>
JXL_INLINE void AddPixel(int row, float* JXL_RESTRICT rows[3][7], ssize_t x,
Vec<DF> sad, Vec<DF> inv_sigma,
Vec<DF>* JXL_RESTRICT w) const {
auto cx = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[0][3 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[0][3 + row] + x);
auto cy = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[1][3 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[1][3 + row] + x);
auto cb = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[2][3 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[2][3 + row] + x);
auto weight = Weight(sad, inv_sigma, Set(DF(), lf_.epf_pass1_zeroflush));
*w = Add(*w, weight);
*X = MulAdd(weight, cx, *X);
*Y = MulAdd(weight, cy, *Y);
*B = MulAdd(weight, cb, *B);
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
DF df;
using V = decltype(Zero(df));
V t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, tA, tB; // NOLINT
V* sads[12] = {&t0, &t1, &t2, &t3, &t4, &t5, &t6, &t7, &t8, &t9, &tA, &tB};
xextra = RoundUpTo(xextra, Lanes(df));
const float* JXL_RESTRICT row_sigma =
sigma_->Row(ypos / kBlockDim + kSigmaPadding);
float sm = lf_.epf_pass0_sigma_scale * 1.65;
float bsm = sm * lf_.epf_border_sad_mul;
HWY_ALIGN float sad_mul_center[kBlockDim] = {bsm, sm, sm, sm,
sm, sm, sm, bsm};
HWY_ALIGN float sad_mul_border[kBlockDim] = {bsm, bsm, bsm, bsm,
bsm, bsm, bsm, bsm};
float* JXL_RESTRICT rows[3][7];
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
rows[c][i] = GetInputRow(input_rows, c, i - 3);
const float* sad_mul =
(ypos % kBlockDim == 0 || ypos % kBlockDim == kBlockDim - 1)
? sad_mul_border
: sad_mul_center;
for (ssize_t x = -xextra; x < static_cast<ssize_t>(xsize + xextra);
x += Lanes(df)) {
size_t bx = (x + xpos + kSigmaPadding * kBlockDim) / kBlockDim;
size_t ix = (x + xpos) % kBlockDim;
if (row_sigma[bx] < kMinSigma) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
auto px = Load(df, rows[c][3 + 0] + x);
StoreU(px, df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, c, 0) + x);
const auto sm = Load(df, sad_mul + ix);
const auto inv_sigma = Mul(Set(df, row_sigma[bx]), sm);
for (auto& sad : sads) *sad = Zero(df);
constexpr std::array<int, 2> sads_off[12] = {
{{-2, 0}}, {{-1, -1}}, {{-1, 0}}, {{-1, 1}}, {{0, -2}}, {{0, -1}},
{{0, 1}}, {{0, 2}}, {{1, -1}}, {{1, 0}}, {{1, 1}}, {{2, 0}},
// compute sads
// TODO(veluca): consider unrolling and optimizing this.
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
auto scale = Set(df, lf_.epf_channel_scale[c]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
auto sad = Zero(df);
constexpr std::array<int, 2> plus_off[] = {
{{0, 0}}, {{-1, 0}}, {{0, -1}}, {{1, 0}}, {{0, 1}}};
for (const auto& off : plus_off) {
const auto r11 = LoadU(df, rows[c][3 + off[0]] + x + off[1]);
const auto c11 = LoadU(df, rows[c][3 + sads_off[i][0] + off[0]] +
x + sads_off[i][1] + off[1]);
sad = Add(sad, AbsDiff(r11, c11));
*sads[i] = MulAdd(sad, scale, *sads[i]);
const auto x_cc = Load(df, rows[0][3 + 0] + x);
const auto y_cc = Load(df, rows[1][3 + 0] + x);
const auto b_cc = Load(df, rows[2][3 + 0] + x);
auto w = Set(df, 1);
auto X = x_cc;
auto Y = y_cc;
auto B = b_cc;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
AddPixel</*aligned=*/false>(/*row=*/sads_off[i][0], rows,
x + sads_off[i][1], *sads[i], inv_sigma, &X,
&Y, &B, &w);
auto inv_w = Div(Set(df, 1.0f), w);
auto inv_w = ApproximateReciprocal(w);
StoreU(Mul(X, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 0, 0) + x);
StoreU(Mul(Y, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 1, 0) + x);
StoreU(Mul(B, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 2, 0) + x);
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return c < 3 ? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut
: RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "EPF0"; }
LoopFilter lf_;
const ImageF* sigma_;
// 3x3 plus-shaped kernel with 5 SADs per pixel (also 3x3 plus-shaped). So this
// makes this filter a 5x5 filter.
class EPF1Stage : public RenderPipelineStage {
EPF1Stage(LoopFilter lf, const ImageF& sigma)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings::Symmetric(
/*shift=*/0, /*border=*/2)),
sigma_(&sigma) {}
template <bool aligned>
JXL_INLINE void AddPixel(int row, float* JXL_RESTRICT rows[3][5], ssize_t x,
Vec<DF> sad, Vec<DF> inv_sigma,
Vec<DF>* JXL_RESTRICT w) const {
auto cx = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[0][2 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[0][2 + row] + x);
auto cy = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[1][2 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[1][2 + row] + x);
auto cb = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[2][2 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[2][2 + row] + x);
auto weight = Weight(sad, inv_sigma, Set(DF(), lf_.epf_pass1_zeroflush));
*w = Add(*w, weight);
*X = MulAdd(weight, cx, *X);
*Y = MulAdd(weight, cy, *Y);
*B = MulAdd(weight, cb, *B);
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
DF df;
xextra = RoundUpTo(xextra, Lanes(df));
const float* JXL_RESTRICT row_sigma =
sigma_->Row(ypos / kBlockDim + kSigmaPadding);
float sm = 1.65f;
float bsm = sm * lf_.epf_border_sad_mul;
HWY_ALIGN float sad_mul_center[kBlockDim] = {bsm, sm, sm, sm,
sm, sm, sm, bsm};
HWY_ALIGN float sad_mul_border[kBlockDim] = {bsm, bsm, bsm, bsm,
bsm, bsm, bsm, bsm};
float* JXL_RESTRICT rows[3][5];
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
rows[c][i] = GetInputRow(input_rows, c, i - 2);
const float* sad_mul =
(ypos % kBlockDim == 0 || ypos % kBlockDim == kBlockDim - 1)
? sad_mul_border
: sad_mul_center;
for (ssize_t x = -xextra; x < static_cast<ssize_t>(xsize + xextra);
x += Lanes(df)) {
size_t bx = (x + xpos + kSigmaPadding * kBlockDim) / kBlockDim;
size_t ix = (x + xpos) % kBlockDim;
if (row_sigma[bx] < kMinSigma) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
auto px = Load(df, rows[c][2 + 0] + x);
Store(px, df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, c, 0) + x);
const auto sm = Load(df, sad_mul + ix);
const auto inv_sigma = Mul(Set(df, row_sigma[bx]), sm);
auto sad0 = Zero(df);
auto sad1 = Zero(df);
auto sad2 = Zero(df);
auto sad3 = Zero(df);
// compute sads
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
// center px = 22, px above = 21
auto t = Undefined(df);
const auto p20 = Load(df, rows[c][2 + -2] + x);
const auto p21 = Load(df, rows[c][2 + -1] + x);
auto sad0c = AbsDiff(p20, p21); // SAD 2, 1
const auto p11 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + -1] + x - 1);
auto sad1c = AbsDiff(p11, p21); // SAD 1, 2
const auto p31 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + -1] + x + 1);
auto sad2c = AbsDiff(p31, p21); // SAD 3, 2
const auto p02 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + 0] + x - 2);
const auto p12 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + 0] + x - 1);
sad1c = Add(sad1c, AbsDiff(p02, p12)); // SAD 1, 2
sad0c = Add(sad0c, AbsDiff(p11, p12)); // SAD 2, 1
const auto p22 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + 0] + x);
t = AbsDiff(p12, p22);
sad1c = Add(sad1c, t); // SAD 1, 2
sad2c = Add(sad2c, t); // SAD 3, 2
t = AbsDiff(p22, p21);
auto sad3c = t; // SAD 2, 3
sad0c = Add(sad0c, t); // SAD 2, 1
const auto p32 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + 0] + x + 1);
sad0c = Add(sad0c, AbsDiff(p31, p32)); // SAD 2, 1
t = AbsDiff(p22, p32);
sad1c = Add(sad1c, t); // SAD 1, 2
sad2c = Add(sad2c, t); // SAD 3, 2
const auto p42 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + 0] + x + 2);
sad2c = Add(sad2c, AbsDiff(p42, p32)); // SAD 3, 2
const auto p13 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + 1] + x - 1);
sad3c = Add(sad3c, AbsDiff(p13, p12)); // SAD 2, 3
const auto p23 = Load(df, rows[c][2 + 1] + x);
t = AbsDiff(p22, p23);
sad0c = Add(sad0c, t); // SAD 2, 1
sad3c = Add(sad3c, t); // SAD 2, 3
sad1c = Add(sad1c, AbsDiff(p13, p23)); // SAD 1, 2
const auto p33 = LoadU(df, rows[c][2 + 1] + x + 1);
sad2c = Add(sad2c, AbsDiff(p33, p23)); // SAD 3, 2
sad3c = Add(sad3c, AbsDiff(p33, p32)); // SAD 2, 3
const auto p24 = Load(df, rows[c][2 + 2] + x);
sad3c = Add(sad3c, AbsDiff(p24, p23)); // SAD 2, 3
auto scale = Set(df, lf_.epf_channel_scale[c]);
sad0 = MulAdd(sad0c, scale, sad0);
sad1 = MulAdd(sad1c, scale, sad1);
sad2 = MulAdd(sad2c, scale, sad2);
sad3 = MulAdd(sad3c, scale, sad3);
const auto x_cc = Load(df, rows[0][2 + 0] + x);
const auto y_cc = Load(df, rows[1][2 + 0] + x);
const auto b_cc = Load(df, rows[2][2 + 0] + x);
auto w = Set(df, 1);
auto X = x_cc;
auto Y = y_cc;
auto B = b_cc;
// Top row
AddPixel</*aligned=*/true>(/*row=*/-1, rows, x, sad0, inv_sigma, &X, &Y,
&B, &w);
// Center
AddPixel</*aligned=*/false>(/*row=*/0, rows, x - 1, sad1, inv_sigma, &X,
&Y, &B, &w);
AddPixel</*aligned=*/false>(/*row=*/0, rows, x + 1, sad2, inv_sigma, &X,
&Y, &B, &w);
// Bottom
AddPixel</*aligned=*/true>(/*row=*/1, rows, x, sad3, inv_sigma, &X, &Y,
&B, &w);
auto inv_w = Div(Set(df, 1.0f), w);
auto inv_w = ApproximateReciprocal(w);
Store(Mul(X, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 0, 0) + x);
Store(Mul(Y, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 1, 0) + x);
Store(Mul(B, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 2, 0) + x);
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return c < 3 ? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut
: RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "EPF1"; }
LoopFilter lf_;
const ImageF* sigma_;
// 3x3 plus-shaped kernel with 1 SAD per pixel. So this makes this filter a 3x3
// filter.
class EPF2Stage : public RenderPipelineStage {
EPF2Stage(LoopFilter lf, const ImageF& sigma)
: RenderPipelineStage(RenderPipelineStage::Settings::Symmetric(
/*shift=*/0, /*border=*/1)),
sigma_(&sigma) {}
template <bool aligned>
JXL_INLINE void AddPixel(int row, float* JXL_RESTRICT rows[3][3], ssize_t x,
Vec<DF> rx, Vec<DF> ry, Vec<DF> rb,
Vec<DF> inv_sigma, Vec<DF>* JXL_RESTRICT X,
Vec<DF>* JXL_RESTRICT w) const {
auto cx = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[0][1 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[0][1 + row] + x);
auto cy = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[1][1 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[1][1 + row] + x);
auto cb = aligned ? Load(DF(), rows[2][1 + row] + x)
: LoadU(DF(), rows[2][1 + row] + x);
auto sad = Mul(AbsDiff(cx, rx), Set(DF(), lf_.epf_channel_scale[0]));
sad = MulAdd(AbsDiff(cy, ry), Set(DF(), lf_.epf_channel_scale[1]), sad);
sad = MulAdd(AbsDiff(cb, rb), Set(DF(), lf_.epf_channel_scale[2]), sad);
auto weight = Weight(sad, inv_sigma, Set(DF(), lf_.epf_pass2_zeroflush));
*w = Add(*w, weight);
*X = MulAdd(weight, cx, *X);
*Y = MulAdd(weight, cy, *Y);
*B = MulAdd(weight, cb, *B);
Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, const RowInfo& output_rows,
size_t xextra, size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const final {
DF df;
xextra = RoundUpTo(xextra, Lanes(df));
const float* JXL_RESTRICT row_sigma =
sigma_->Row(ypos / kBlockDim + kSigmaPadding);
float sm = lf_.epf_pass2_sigma_scale * 1.65;
float bsm = sm * lf_.epf_border_sad_mul;
HWY_ALIGN float sad_mul_center[kBlockDim] = {bsm, sm, sm, sm,
sm, sm, sm, bsm};
HWY_ALIGN float sad_mul_border[kBlockDim] = {bsm, bsm, bsm, bsm,
bsm, bsm, bsm, bsm};
float* JXL_RESTRICT rows[3][3];
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
rows[c][i] = GetInputRow(input_rows, c, i - 1);
const float* sad_mul =
(ypos % kBlockDim == 0 || ypos % kBlockDim == kBlockDim - 1)
? sad_mul_border
: sad_mul_center;
for (ssize_t x = -xextra; x < static_cast<ssize_t>(xsize + xextra);
x += Lanes(df)) {
size_t bx = (x + xpos + kSigmaPadding * kBlockDim) / kBlockDim;
size_t ix = (x + xpos) % kBlockDim;
if (row_sigma[bx] < kMinSigma) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
auto px = Load(df, rows[c][1 + 0] + x);
Store(px, df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, c, 0) + x);
const auto sm = Load(df, sad_mul + ix);
const auto inv_sigma = Mul(Set(df, row_sigma[bx]), sm);
const auto x_cc = Load(df, rows[0][1 + 0] + x);
const auto y_cc = Load(df, rows[1][1 + 0] + x);
const auto b_cc = Load(df, rows[2][1 + 0] + x);
auto w = Set(df, 1);
auto X = x_cc;
auto Y = y_cc;
auto B = b_cc;
// Top row
AddPixel</*aligned=*/true>(/*row=*/-1, rows, x, x_cc, y_cc, b_cc,
inv_sigma, &X, &Y, &B, &w);
// Center
AddPixel</*aligned=*/false>(/*row=*/0, rows, x - 1, x_cc, y_cc, b_cc,
inv_sigma, &X, &Y, &B, &w);
AddPixel</*aligned=*/false>(/*row=*/0, rows, x + 1, x_cc, y_cc, b_cc,
inv_sigma, &X, &Y, &B, &w);
// Bottom
AddPixel</*aligned=*/true>(/*row=*/1, rows, x, x_cc, y_cc, b_cc,
inv_sigma, &X, &Y, &B, &w);
auto inv_w = Div(Set(df, 1.0f), w);
auto inv_w = ApproximateReciprocal(w);
Store(Mul(X, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 0, 0) + x);
Store(Mul(Y, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 1, 0) + x);
Store(Mul(B, inv_w), df, GetOutputRow(output_rows, 2, 0) + x);
return true;
RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const final {
return c < 3 ? RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut
: RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored;
const char* GetName() const override { return "EPF2"; }
LoopFilter lf_;
const ImageF* sigma_;
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetEPFStage0(const LoopFilter& lf,
const ImageF& sigma) {
return jxl::make_unique<EPF0Stage>(lf, sigma);
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetEPFStage1(const LoopFilter& lf,
const ImageF& sigma) {
return jxl::make_unique<EPF1Stage>(lf, sigma);
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetEPFStage2(const LoopFilter& lf,
const ImageF& sigma) {
return jxl::make_unique<EPF2Stage>(lf, sigma);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace jxl
namespace jxl {
std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage> GetEPFStage(const LoopFilter& lf,
const ImageF& sigma,
EpfStage epf_stage) {
if (lf.epf_iters == 0) return nullptr;
switch (epf_stage) {
case EpfStage::Zero:
return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(GetEPFStage0)(lf, sigma);
case EpfStage::One:
return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(GetEPFStage1)(lf, sigma);
case EpfStage::Two:
return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(GetEPFStage2)(lf, sigma);
JXL_DEBUG_ABORT("internal: unexpected EpfStage: %d",
return nullptr;
} // namespace jxl