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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/jxl/base/arch_macros.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/frame_header.h"
namespace jxl {
// The first pixel in the input to RenderPipelineStage will be located at
// this position. Pixels before this position may be accessed as padding.
// This should be at least the RoundUpTo(maximum padding / 2, maximum vector
// size) times 2: this is realized when using Gaborish + EPF + upsampling +
// chroma subsampling.
constexpr size_t kRenderPipelineXOffset = 16;
constexpr size_t kRenderPipelineXOffset = 32;
enum class RenderPipelineChannelMode {
// This channel is not modified by this stage.
kIgnored = 0,
// This channel is modified in-place.
kInPlace = 1,
// This channel is modified and written to a new buffer.
kInOut = 2,
// This channel is only read. These are the only stages that are assumed to
// have observable effects, i.e. calls to ProcessRow for other stages may be
// omitted if it can be shown they can't affect any kInput stage ProcessRow
// call that happens inside image boundaries.
kInput = 3,
class RenderPipeline;
class RenderPipelineStage {
using Row = float*;
using ChannelRows = std::vector<Row>;
using RowInfo = std::vector<ChannelRows>;
struct Settings {
// Amount of padding required in the various directions by all channels
// that have kInOut mode.
size_t border_x = 0;
size_t border_y = 0;
// Log2 of the number of columns/rows of output that this stage will produce
// for every input row for kInOut channels.
size_t shift_x = 0;
size_t shift_y = 0;
static Settings ShiftX(size_t shift, size_t border) {
Settings settings;
settings.border_x = border;
settings.shift_x = shift;
return settings;
static Settings ShiftY(size_t shift, size_t border) {
Settings settings;
settings.border_y = border;
settings.shift_y = shift;
return settings;
static Settings Symmetric(size_t shift, size_t border) {
Settings settings;
settings.border_x = settings.border_y = border;
settings.shift_x = settings.shift_y = shift;
return settings;
static Settings SymmetricBorderOnly(size_t border) {
return Symmetric(0, border);
virtual ~RenderPipelineStage() = default;
// Processes one row of input, producing the appropriate number of rows of
// output. Input/output rows can be obtained by calls to
// `GetInputRow`/`GetOutputRow`. `xsize+2*xextra` represents the total number
// of pixels to be processed in the input row, where the first pixel is at
// position `kRenderPipelineXOffset-xextra`. All pixels in the
// `[kRenderPipelineXOffset-xextra-border_x,
// kRenderPipelineXOffset+xsize+xextra+border_x)` range are initialized and
// accessible. `xpos` and `ypos` represent the position of the first
// (non-extra, i.e. in position kRenderPipelineXOffset) pixel in the center
// row of the input in the full image. `xpos` is a multiple of
// `GroupBorderAssigner::kPaddingXRound`. If `settings_.temp_buffer_size` is
// nonzero, `temp` will point to an HWY-aligned buffer of at least that number
// of floats; concurrent calls will have different buffers.
virtual Status ProcessRow(const RowInfo& input_rows,
const RowInfo& output_rows, size_t xextra,
size_t xsize, size_t xpos, size_t ypos,
size_t thread_id) const = 0;
// How each channel will be processed. Channels are numbered starting from
// color channels (always 3) and followed by all other channels.
virtual RenderPipelineChannelMode GetChannelMode(size_t c) const = 0;
explicit RenderPipelineStage(Settings settings) : settings_(settings) {}
virtual Status IsInitialized() const { return true; }
// Informs the stage about the total size of each channel. Few stages will
// actually need to use this information.
virtual Status SetInputSizes(
const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& input_sizes) {
return true;
virtual Status PrepareForThreads(size_t num_threads) { return true; }
// Returns a pointer to the input row of channel `c` with offset `y`.
// `y` must be in [-settings_.border_y, settings_.border_y]. `c` must be such
// that `GetChannelMode(c) != kIgnored`. The returned pointer points to the
// offset-ed row (i.e. kRenderPipelineXOffset has been applied).
float* GetInputRow(const RowInfo& input_rows, size_t c, int offset) const {
JXL_DASSERT(GetChannelMode(c) != RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored);
JXL_DASSERT(-offset <= static_cast<int>(settings_.border_y));
JXL_DASSERT(offset <= static_cast<int>(settings_.border_y));
return input_rows[c][settings_.border_y + offset] + kRenderPipelineXOffset;
// Similar to `GetInputRow`, but can only be used if `GetChannelMode(c) ==
// kInOut`. Offset must be less than `1<<settings_.shift_y`.. The returned
// pointer points to the offset-ed row (i.e. kRenderPipelineXOffset has been
// applied).
float* GetOutputRow(const RowInfo& output_rows, size_t c,
size_t offset) const {
JXL_DASSERT(GetChannelMode(c) == RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut);
JXL_DASSERT(offset <= 1ul << settings_.shift_y);
return output_rows[c][offset] + kRenderPipelineXOffset;
// Indicates whether, from this stage on, the pipeline will operate on an
// image- rather than frame-sized buffer. Only one stage in the pipeline
// should return true, and it should implement ProcessPaddingRow below too.
// It is assumed that, if there is a SwitchToImageDimensions() == true stage,
// all kInput stages appear after it.
virtual bool SwitchToImageDimensions() const { return false; }
// If SwitchToImageDimensions returns true, then this should set xsize and
// ysize to the image size, and frame_origin to the location of the frame
// within the image. Otherwise, this is not called at all.
virtual void GetImageDimensions(size_t* xsize, size_t* ysize,
FrameOrigin* frame_origin) const {}
// Produces the appropriate output data outside of the frame dimensions. xpos
// and ypos are now relative to the full image.
virtual void ProcessPaddingRow(const RowInfo& output_rows, size_t xsize,
size_t xpos, size_t ypos) const {}
virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
Settings settings_;
friend class RenderPipeline;
friend class SimpleRenderPipeline;
friend class LowMemoryRenderPipeline;
} // namespace jxl