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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/render_pipeline/low_memory_render_pipeline.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/jxl/base/arch_macros.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/common.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/rect.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/image.h"
#include "lib/jxl/image_ops.h"
namespace jxl {
std::pair<size_t, size_t>
std::pair<size_t, size_t> in, size_t c, size_t stage) const {
std::pair<size_t, size_t> ret;
std::pair<size_t, size_t> shift = channel_shifts_[stage][c];
ret.first =
((in.first << base_color_shift_) + (1 << shift.first) - 1) >> shift.first;
ret.second = ((in.second << base_color_shift_) + (1 << shift.second) - 1) >>
return ret;
std::pair<size_t, size_t> LowMemoryRenderPipeline::BorderToStore(
size_t c) const {
auto ret = ColorDimensionsToChannelDimensions(group_border_, c, 0);
ret.first += padding_[0][c].first;
ret.second += padding_[0][c].second;
return ret;
Status LowMemoryRenderPipeline::SaveBorders(size_t group_id, size_t c,
const ImageF& in) {
size_t gy = group_id / frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups;
size_t gx = group_id % frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups;
size_t hshift = channel_shifts_[0][c].first;
size_t vshift = channel_shifts_[0][c].second;
size_t x0 = gx * GroupInputXSize(c);
size_t x1 = std::min((gx + 1) * GroupInputXSize(c),
DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled, 1 << hshift));
size_t y0 = gy * GroupInputYSize(c);
size_t y1 = std::min((gy + 1) * GroupInputYSize(c),
DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.ysize_upsampled, 1 << vshift));
auto borders = BorderToStore(c);
size_t borderx_write = borders.first;
size_t bordery_write = borders.second;
if (gy > 0) {
Rect from(group_data_x_border_, group_data_y_border_, x1 - x0,
Rect to(x0, (gy * 2 - 1) * bordery_write, x1 - x0, bordery_write);
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyImageTo(from, in, to, &borders_horizontal_[c]));
if (gy + 1 < frame_dimensions_.ysize_groups) {
Rect from(group_data_x_border_,
group_data_y_border_ + y1 - y0 - bordery_write, x1 - x0,
Rect to(x0, (gy * 2) * bordery_write, x1 - x0, bordery_write);
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyImageTo(from, in, to, &borders_horizontal_[c]));
if (gx > 0) {
Rect from(group_data_x_border_, group_data_y_border_, borderx_write,
y1 - y0);
Rect to((gx * 2 - 1) * borderx_write, y0, borderx_write, y1 - y0);
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyImageTo(from, in, to, &borders_vertical_[c]));
if (gx + 1 < frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups) {
Rect from(group_data_x_border_ + x1 - x0 - borderx_write,
group_data_y_border_, borderx_write, y1 - y0);
Rect to((gx * 2) * borderx_write, y0, borderx_write, y1 - y0);
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyImageTo(from, in, to, &borders_vertical_[c]));
return true;
Status LowMemoryRenderPipeline::LoadBorders(size_t group_id, size_t c,
const Rect& r, ImageF* out) {
size_t gy = group_id / frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups;
size_t gx = group_id % frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups;
size_t hshift = channel_shifts_[0][c].first;
size_t vshift = channel_shifts_[0][c].second;
// Coordinates of the group in the image.
size_t x0 = gx * GroupInputXSize(c);
size_t x1 = std::min((gx + 1) * GroupInputXSize(c),
DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled, 1 << hshift));
size_t y0 = gy * GroupInputYSize(c);
size_t y1 = std::min((gy + 1) * GroupInputYSize(c),
DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.ysize_upsampled, 1 << vshift));
size_t paddingx = padding_[0][c].first;
size_t paddingy = padding_[0][c].second;
auto borders = BorderToStore(c);
size_t borderx_write = borders.first;
size_t bordery_write = borders.second;
// Limits of the area to copy from, in image coordinates.
JXL_ENSURE(r.x0() == 0 || (r.x0() << base_color_shift_) >= paddingx);
size_t x0src = DivCeil(r.x0() << base_color_shift_, 1 << hshift);
if (x0src != 0) {
x0src -= paddingx;
// r may be such that r.x1 (namely x0() + xsize()) is within paddingx of the
// right side of the image, so we use min() here.
size_t x1src =
DivCeil((r.x0() + r.xsize()) << base_color_shift_, 1 << hshift);
x1src = std::min(x1src + paddingx,
DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled, 1 << hshift));
// Similar computation for y.
JXL_ENSURE(r.y0() == 0 || (r.y0() << base_color_shift_) >= paddingy);
size_t y0src = DivCeil(r.y0() << base_color_shift_, 1 << vshift);
if (y0src != 0) {
y0src -= paddingy;
size_t y1src =
DivCeil((r.y0() + r.ysize()) << base_color_shift_, 1 << vshift);
y1src = std::min(y1src + paddingy,
DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.ysize_upsampled, 1 << vshift));
// Copy other groups' borders from the border storage.
if (y0src < y0) {
JXL_ENSURE(gy > 0);
Rect(x0src, (gy * 2 - 2) * bordery_write, x1src - x0src, bordery_write),
Rect(group_data_x_border_ + x0src - x0,
group_data_y_border_ - bordery_write, x1src - x0src,
if (y1src > y1) {
// When copying the bottom border we must not be on the bottom groups.
JXL_ENSURE(gy + 1 < frame_dimensions_.ysize_groups);
Rect(x0src, (gy * 2 + 1) * bordery_write, x1src - x0src, bordery_write),
Rect(group_data_x_border_ + x0src - x0, group_data_y_border_ + y1 - y0,
x1src - x0src, bordery_write),
if (x0src < x0) {
JXL_ENSURE(gx > 0);
Rect((gx * 2 - 2) * borderx_write, y0src, borderx_write, y1src - y0src),
Rect(group_data_x_border_ - borderx_write,
group_data_y_border_ + y0src - y0, borderx_write, y1src - y0src),
if (x1src > x1) {
// When copying the right border we must not be on the rightmost groups.
JXL_ENSURE(gx + 1 < frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups);
Rect((gx * 2 + 1) * borderx_write, y0src, borderx_write, y1src - y0src),
Rect(group_data_x_border_ + x1 - x0, group_data_y_border_ + y0src - y0,
borderx_write, y1src - y0src),
return true;
size_t LowMemoryRenderPipeline::GroupInputXSize(size_t c) const {
return (frame_dimensions_.group_dim << base_color_shift_) >>
size_t LowMemoryRenderPipeline::GroupInputYSize(size_t c) const {
return (frame_dimensions_.group_dim << base_color_shift_) >>
Status LowMemoryRenderPipeline::EnsureBordersStorage() {
const auto& shifts = channel_shifts_[0];
if (borders_horizontal_.size() < shifts.size()) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
auto borders = BorderToStore(c);
size_t borderx = borders.first;
size_t bordery = borders.second;
JXL_ENSURE(frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups > 0);
size_t num_xborders = (frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups - 1) * 2;
JXL_ENSURE(frame_dimensions_.ysize_groups > 0);
size_t num_yborders = (frame_dimensions_.ysize_groups - 1) * 2;
size_t downsampled_xsize =
DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled_padded, 1 << shifts[c].first);
size_t downsampled_ysize = DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.ysize_upsampled_padded,
1 << shifts[c].second);
Rect horizontal = Rect(0, 0, downsampled_xsize, bordery * num_yborders);
if (!SameSize(horizontal, borders_horizontal_[c])) {
ImageF::Create(memory_manager_, horizontal.xsize(),
Rect vertical = Rect(0, 0, borderx * num_xborders, downsampled_ysize);
if (!SameSize(vertical, borders_vertical_[c])) {
ImageF::Create(memory_manager_, vertical.xsize(), vertical.ysize()));
return true;
Status LowMemoryRenderPipeline::Init() {
group_border_ = {0, 0};
base_color_shift_ = CeilLog2Nonzero(frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled_padded /
const auto& shifts = channel_shifts_[0];
// Ensure that each channel has enough many border pixels.
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
group_border_.first =
DivCeil(padding_[0][c].first << channel_shifts_[0][c].first,
1 << base_color_shift_));
group_border_.second =
DivCeil(padding_[0][c].second << channel_shifts_[0][c].second,
1 << base_color_shift_));
// Ensure that all channels have an integer number of border pixels in the
// input.
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
if (channel_shifts_[0][c].first >= base_color_shift_) {
group_border_.first =
1 << (channel_shifts_[0][c].first - base_color_shift_));
if (channel_shifts_[0][c].second >= base_color_shift_) {
group_border_.second =
1 << (channel_shifts_[0][c].second - base_color_shift_));
// Ensure that the X border on color channels is a multiple of kBlockDim or
// the vector size (required for EPF stages). Vectors on ARM NEON are never
// wider than 4 floats, so rounding to multiples of 4 is enough.
constexpr size_t kGroupXAlign = 4;
constexpr size_t kGroupXAlign = 16;
group_border_.first = RoundUpTo(group_border_.first, kGroupXAlign);
// Allocate borders in group images that are just enough for storing the
// borders to be copied in, plus any rounding to ensure alignment.
std::pair<size_t, size_t> max_border = {0, 0};
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
max_border.first = std::max(BorderToStore(c).first, max_border.first);
max_border.second = std::max(BorderToStore(c).second, max_border.second);
group_data_x_border_ = RoundUpTo(max_border.first, kGroupXAlign);
group_data_y_border_ = max_border.second;
for (first_trailing_stage_ = stages_.size(); first_trailing_stage_ > 0;
first_trailing_stage_--) {
bool has_inout_c = false;
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
if (stages_[first_trailing_stage_ - 1]->GetChannelMode(c) ==
RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut) {
has_inout_c = true;
if (has_inout_c) {
first_image_dim_stage_ = stages_.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < stages_.size(); i++) {
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> input_sizes(shifts.size());
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
input_sizes[c] =
1 << channel_shifts_[i][c].first),
1 << channel_shifts_[i][c].second));
if (stages_[i]->SwitchToImageDimensions()) {
// We don't allow kInOut after switching to image dimensions.
JXL_ENSURE(i >= first_trailing_stage_);
first_image_dim_stage_ = i + 1;
stages_[i]->GetImageDimensions(&full_image_xsize_, &full_image_ysize_,
for (size_t i = first_image_dim_stage_; i < stages_.size(); i++) {
if (stages_[i]->SwitchToImageDimensions()) {
"cannot switch to image dimensions multiple times");
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> input_sizes(shifts.size());
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
input_sizes[c] = {full_image_xsize_, full_image_ysize_};
for (size_t i = 0; i < stages_.size(); i++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
if (stages_[i]->GetChannelMode(c) !=
RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored) {
anyc_[i] = c;
stage_input_for_channel_ = std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>>(
stages_.size(), std::vector<int32_t>(shifts.size()));
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
int input = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stages_.size(); i++) {
stage_input_for_channel_[i][c] = input;
if (stages_[i]->GetChannelMode(c) == RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut) {
input = i;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stages_.size(); i++) {
size_t x1 = DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled,
1 << channel_shifts_[i][anyc_[i]].first);
size_t y1 = DivCeil(frame_dimensions_.ysize_upsampled,
1 << channel_shifts_[i][anyc_[i]].second);
image_rect_[i] = Rect(0, 0, x1, y1);
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
int ypad = 0;
int xpad = 0;
for (size_t i = stages_.size(); i-- > 0;) {
if (stages_[i]->GetChannelMode(c) !=
RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored) {
virtual_ypadding_for_output_[i] =
std::max(ypad, virtual_ypadding_for_output_[i]);
xpadding_for_output_[i] = std::max(xpad, xpadding_for_output_[i]);
if (stages_[i]->GetChannelMode(c) == RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut) {
ypad = (DivCeil(ypad, 1 << channel_shifts_[i][c].second) +
<< channel_shifts_[i][c].second;
xpad = DivCeil(xpad, 1 << stages_[i]->settings_.shift_x) +
return true;
Status LowMemoryRenderPipeline::PrepareForThreadsInternal(size_t num,
bool use_group_ids) {
const auto& shifts = channel_shifts_[0];
use_group_ids_ = use_group_ids;
size_t num_buffers = use_group_ids_ ? frame_dimensions_.num_groups : num;
for (size_t t = group_data_.size(); t < num_buffers; t++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
GroupInputXSize(c) + group_data_x_border_ * 2,
GroupInputYSize(c) + group_data_y_border_ * 2,
// TODO(veluca): avoid reallocating buffers if not needed.
size_t upsampling = 1u << base_color_shift_;
size_t group_dim = frame_dimensions_.group_dim * upsampling;
size_t padding =
2 * group_data_x_border_ * upsampling + // maximum size of a rect
2 * kRenderPipelineXOffset; // extra padding for processing
size_t stage_buffer_xsize = group_dim + padding;
for (size_t t = 0; t < num; t++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < shifts.size(); c++) {
size_t next_y_border = 0;
for (size_t i = stages_.size(); i-- > 0;) {
if (stages_[i]->GetChannelMode(c) ==
RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut) {
size_t stage_buffer_ysize =
2 * next_y_border + (1 << stages_[i]->settings_.shift_y);
stage_buffer_ysize = 1 << CeilLog2Nonzero(stage_buffer_ysize);
next_y_border = stages_[i]->settings_.border_y;
ImageF::Create(memory_manager_, stage_buffer_xsize,
if (first_image_dim_stage_ != stages_.size()) {
RectT<ssize_t> image_rect(0, 0, frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled,
RectT<ssize_t> full_image_rect(0, 0, full_image_xsize_, full_image_ysize_);
image_rect = image_rect.Translate(frame_origin_.x0, frame_origin_.y0);
image_rect = image_rect.Intersection(full_image_rect);
if (image_rect.xsize() == 0 || image_rect.ysize() == 0) {
image_rect = RectT<ssize_t>(0, 0, 0, 0);
size_t left_padding = image_rect.x0();
size_t middle_padding = group_dim;
size_t right_padding = full_image_xsize_ - image_rect.x1();
size_t out_of_frame_xsize =
padding +
std::max(left_padding, std::max(middle_padding, right_padding));
for (size_t t = 0; t < num; t++) {
ImageF::Create(memory_manager_, out_of_frame_xsize, shifts.size()));
return true;
std::vector<std::pair<ImageF*, Rect>> LowMemoryRenderPipeline::PrepareBuffers(
size_t group_id, size_t thread_id) {
std::vector<std::pair<ImageF*, Rect>> ret(channel_shifts_[0].size());
const size_t gx = group_id % frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups;
const size_t gy = group_id / frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups;
for (size_t c = 0; c < channel_shifts_[0].size(); c++) {
ret[c].first = &group_data_[use_group_ids_ ? group_id : thread_id][c];
ret[c].second = Rect(group_data_x_border_, group_data_y_border_,
GroupInputXSize(c), GroupInputYSize(c),
1 << channel_shifts_[0][c].first) -
gx * GroupInputXSize(c) + group_data_x_border_,
1 << channel_shifts_[0][c].second) -
gy * GroupInputYSize(c) + group_data_y_border_);
return ret;
namespace {
JXL_INLINE int GetMirroredY(int y, ssize_t group_y0, ssize_t image_ysize) {
if (group_y0 == 0 && (y < 0 || y + group_y0 >= image_ysize)) {
return Mirror(y, image_ysize);
if (y + group_y0 >= image_ysize) {
// Here we know that the one mirroring step is sufficient.
return 2 * image_ysize - (y + group_y0) - 1 - group_y0;
return y;
JXL_INLINE void ApplyXMirroring(float* row, ssize_t borderx, ssize_t group_x0,
ssize_t group_xsize, ssize_t image_xsize) {
if (image_xsize <= borderx) {
if (group_x0 == 0) {
for (ssize_t ix = 0; ix < borderx; ix++) {
row[kRenderPipelineXOffset - ix - 1] =
row[kRenderPipelineXOffset + Mirror(-ix - 1, image_xsize)];
if (group_xsize + borderx + group_x0 >= image_xsize) {
for (ssize_t ix = 0; ix < borderx; ix++) {
row[kRenderPipelineXOffset + image_xsize + ix - group_x0] =
row[kRenderPipelineXOffset + Mirror(image_xsize + ix, image_xsize) -
} else {
// Here we know that the one mirroring step is sufficient.
if (group_x0 == 0) {
for (ssize_t ix = 0; ix < borderx; ix++) {
row[kRenderPipelineXOffset - ix - 1] = row[kRenderPipelineXOffset + ix];
if (group_xsize + borderx + group_x0 >= image_xsize) {
for (ssize_t ix = 0; ix < borderx; ix++) {
row[kRenderPipelineXOffset + image_xsize - group_x0 + ix] =
row[kRenderPipelineXOffset + image_xsize - group_x0 - ix - 1];
// Information about where the *output* of each stage is stored.
class Rows {
static StatusOr<Rows> Create(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RenderPipelineStage>>& stages,
const Rect data_max_color_channel_rect, int group_data_x_border,
int group_data_y_border,
const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& group_data_shift,
size_t base_color_shift, std::vector<std::vector<ImageF>>& thread_data,
std::vector<ImageF>& input_data) {
size_t num_stages = stages.size();
size_t num_channels = input_data.size();
JXL_ENSURE(thread_data.size() == num_channels);
JXL_ENSURE(group_data_shift.size() == num_channels);
for (const auto& td : thread_data) {
JXL_ENSURE(td.size() == num_stages);
std::vector<std::vector<RowInfo>> rows;
rows.resize(num_stages + 1, std::vector<RowInfo>(num_channels));
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_stages; i++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < input_data.size(); c++) {
if (stages[i]->GetChannelMode(c) == RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut) {
rows[i + 1][c].ymod_minus_1 = thread_data[c][i].ysize() - 1;
rows[i + 1][c].base_ptr = thread_data[c][i].Row(0);
rows[i + 1][c].stride = thread_data[c][i].PixelsPerRow();
for (size_t c = 0; c < input_data.size(); c++) {
auto tmp = data_max_color_channel_rect.As<ssize_t>()
.Translate(-group_data_x_border, -group_data_y_border)
JXL_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(tmp, tmp.CeilShiftRight(group_data_shift[c]));
auto channel_group_data_rect = tmp.Translate(
group_data_x_border - static_cast<ssize_t>(kRenderPipelineXOffset),
rows[0][c].base_ptr = channel_group_data_rect.Row(&input_data[c], 0);
rows[0][c].stride = input_data[c].PixelsPerRow();
rows[0][c].ymod_minus_1 = -1;
return Rows(std::move(rows));
// Stage -1 refers to the input data; all other values must be nonnegative and
// refer to the data for the output of that stage.
JXL_INLINE float* GetBuffer(int stage, int y, size_t c) const {
JXL_DASSERT(stage >= -1);
const RowInfo& info = rows_[stage + 1][c];
return info.base_ptr +
static_cast<ssize_t>(info.stride) * (y & info.ymod_minus_1);
struct RowInfo {
// Pointer to beginning of the first row.
float* base_ptr;
// Modulo value for the y axis minus 1 (ymod is guaranteed to be a power of
// 2, which allows efficient mod computation by masking).
int ymod_minus_1;
// Number of floats per row.
size_t stride;
explicit Rows(std::vector<std::vector<RowInfo>>&& rows)
: rows_(std::move(rows)) {}
std::vector<std::vector<RowInfo>> rows_;
} // namespace
Status LowMemoryRenderPipeline::RenderRect(size_t thread_id,
std::vector<ImageF>& input_data,
Rect data_max_color_channel_rect,
Rect image_max_color_channel_rect) {
// For each stage, the rect corresponding to the image area currently being
// processed, in the coordinates of that stage (i.e. with the scaling factor
// that that stage has).
std::vector<Rect> group_rect;
Rect image_area_rect =
for (size_t i = 0; i < stages_.size(); i++) {
JXL_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(group_rect[i], image_area_rect.CeilShiftRight(
ssize_t frame_x0 =
first_image_dim_stage_ == stages_.size() ? 0 : frame_origin_.x0;
ssize_t frame_y0 =
first_image_dim_stage_ == stages_.size() ? 0 : frame_origin_.y0;
size_t full_image_xsize = first_image_dim_stage_ == stages_.size()
? frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled
: full_image_xsize_;
size_t full_image_ysize = first_image_dim_stage_ == stages_.size()
? frame_dimensions_.ysize_upsampled
: full_image_ysize_;
// Compute actual x-axis bounds for the current image area in the context of
// the full image this frame is part of. As the left boundary may be negative,
// we also create the x_pixels_skip value, defined as follows:
// - both x_pixels_skip and full_image_x0 are >= 0, and at least one is 0;
// - full_image_x0 - x_pixels_skip is the position of the current frame area
// in the full image.
ssize_t full_image_x0 = frame_x0 + image_area_rect.x0();
ssize_t x_pixels_skip = 0;
if (full_image_x0 < 0) {
x_pixels_skip = -full_image_x0;
full_image_x0 = 0;
ssize_t full_image_x1 = frame_x0 + image_area_rect.x1();
full_image_x1 = std::min<ssize_t>(full_image_x1, full_image_xsize);
// If the current image area is entirely outside of the visible image, there
// is no point in proceeding. Note: this uses the assumption that if there is
// a stage with observable effects (i.e. a kInput stage), it only appears
// after the stage that switches to image dimensions.
if (full_image_x1 <= full_image_x0) return true;
// Data structures to hold information about input/output rows and their
// buffers.
Rows rows,
Rows::Create(stages_, data_max_color_channel_rect, group_data_x_border_,
group_data_y_border_, channel_shifts_[0], base_color_shift_,
stage_data_[thread_id], input_data));
std::vector<RenderPipelineStage::RowInfo> input_rows(first_trailing_stage_ +
for (size_t i = 0; i < first_trailing_stage_; i++) {
// Maximum possible shift is 3.
RenderPipelineStage::RowInfo output_rows(input_data.size(),
// Fills in input_rows and output_rows for a given y value (relative to the
// start of the group, measured in actual pixels at the appropriate vertical
// scaling factor) and a given stage, applying mirroring if necessary. This
// function is somewhat inefficient for trailing kInOut or kInput stages,
// where just filling the input row once ought to be sufficient.
auto prepare_io_rows = [&](int y, size_t i) {
ssize_t bordery = stages_[i]->settings_.border_y;
size_t shifty = stages_[i]->settings_.shift_y;
auto make_row = [&](size_t c, ssize_t iy) {
size_t mirrored_y = GetMirroredY(y + iy - bordery, group_rect[i].y0(),
input_rows[i][c][iy] =
rows.GetBuffer(stage_input_for_channel_[i][c], mirrored_y, c);
ApplyXMirroring(input_rows[i][c][iy], stages_[i]->settings_.border_x,
group_rect[i].x0(), group_rect[i].xsize(),
for (size_t c = 0; c < input_data.size(); c++) {
RenderPipelineChannelMode mode = stages_[i]->GetChannelMode(c);
if (mode == RenderPipelineChannelMode::kIgnored) {
// If we already have rows from a previous iteration, we can just shift
// the rows by 1 and insert the new one.
if (input_rows[i][c].size() == 2 * static_cast<size_t>(bordery) + 1) {
for (ssize_t iy = 0; iy < 2 * bordery; iy++) {
input_rows[i][c][iy] = input_rows[i][c][iy + 1];
make_row(c, bordery * 2);
} else {
input_rows[i][c].resize(2 * bordery + 1);
for (ssize_t iy = 0; iy < 2 * bordery + 1; iy++) {
make_row(c, iy);
// If necessary, get the output buffers.
if (mode == RenderPipelineChannelMode::kInOut) {
for (size_t iy = 0; iy < (1u << shifty); iy++) {
output_rows[c][iy] = rows.GetBuffer(i, y * (1 << shifty) + iy, c);
// We pretend that every stage has a vertical shift of 0, i.e. it is as tall
// as the final image.
// We call each such row a "virtual" row, because it may or may not correspond
// to an actual row of the current processing stage; actual processing happens
// when vy % (1<<vshift) == 0.
int num_extra_rows = *std::max_element(virtual_ypadding_for_output_.begin(),
for (int vy = -num_extra_rows;
vy < static_cast<int>(image_area_rect.ysize()) + num_extra_rows; vy++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < first_trailing_stage_; i++) {
int stage_vy = vy - num_extra_rows + virtual_ypadding_for_output_[i];
if (stage_vy % (1 << channel_shifts_[i][anyc_[i]].second) != 0) {
if (stage_vy < -virtual_ypadding_for_output_[i]) {
int y = stage_vy >> channel_shifts_[i][anyc_[i]].second;
ssize_t image_y = static_cast<ssize_t>(group_rect[i].y0()) + y;
// Do not produce rows in out-of-bounds areas.
if (image_y < 0 ||
image_y >= static_cast<ssize_t>(image_rect_[i].ysize())) {
// Get the input/output rows and potentially apply mirroring to the input.
prepare_io_rows(y, i);
// Produce output rows.
input_rows[i], output_rows, xpadding_for_output_[i],
group_rect[i].xsize(), group_rect[i].x0(), image_y, thread_id));
// Process trailing stages, i.e. the final set of non-kInOut stages; they
// all have the same input buffer and no need to use any mirroring.
int y = vy - num_extra_rows;
for (size_t c = 0; c < input_data.size(); c++) {
// Skip pixels that are not part of the actual final image area.
input_rows[first_trailing_stage_][c][0] =
rows.GetBuffer(stage_input_for_channel_[first_trailing_stage_][c], y,
c) +
// Check that we are not outside of the bounds for the current rendering
// rect. Not doing so might result in overwriting some rows that have been
// written (or will be written) by other threads.
if (y < 0 || y >= static_cast<ssize_t>(image_area_rect.ysize())) {
// Avoid running pipeline stages on pixels that are outside the full image
// area. As trailing stages have no borders, this is a free optimization
// (and may be necessary for correctness, as some stages assume coordinates
// are within bounds).
ssize_t full_image_y = frame_y0 + image_area_rect.y0() + y;
if (full_image_y < 0 ||
full_image_y >= static_cast<ssize_t>(full_image_ysize)) {
for (size_t i = first_trailing_stage_; i < stages_.size(); i++) {
// Before the first_image_dim_stage_, coordinates are relative to the
// current frame.
size_t x0 =
i < first_image_dim_stage_ ? full_image_x0 - frame_x0 : full_image_x0;
size_t y =
i < first_image_dim_stage_ ? full_image_y - frame_y0 : full_image_y;
input_rows[first_trailing_stage_], output_rows,
/*xextra=*/0, full_image_x1 - full_image_x0, x0, y, thread_id));
return true;
Status LowMemoryRenderPipeline::RenderPadding(size_t thread_id, Rect rect) {
if (rect.xsize() == 0) return true;
size_t numc = channel_shifts_[0].size();
RenderPipelineStage::RowInfo input_rows(numc, std::vector<float*>(1));
RenderPipelineStage::RowInfo output_rows;
for (size_t c = 0; c < numc; c++) {
input_rows[c][0] = out_of_frame_data_[thread_id].Row(c);
for (size_t y = 0; y < rect.ysize(); y++) {
stages_[first_image_dim_stage_ - 1]->ProcessPaddingRow(
input_rows, rect.xsize(), rect.x0(), rect.y0() + y);
for (size_t i = first_image_dim_stage_; i < stages_.size(); i++) {
input_rows, output_rows,
/*xextra=*/0, rect.xsize(), rect.x0(), rect.y0() + y, thread_id));
return true;
Status LowMemoryRenderPipeline::ProcessBuffers(size_t group_id,
size_t thread_id) {
std::vector<ImageF>& input_data =
group_data_[use_group_ids_ ? group_id : thread_id];
// Copy the group borders to the border storage.
for (size_t c = 0; c < input_data.size(); c++) {
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(SaveBorders(group_id, c, input_data[c]));
size_t gy = group_id / frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups;
size_t gx = group_id % frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups;
if (first_image_dim_stage_ != stages_.size()) {
size_t group_dim = frame_dimensions_.group_dim << base_color_shift_;
RectT<ssize_t> group_rect(gx * group_dim, gy * group_dim, group_dim,
RectT<ssize_t> image_rect(0, 0, frame_dimensions_.xsize_upsampled,
RectT<ssize_t> full_image_rect(0, 0, full_image_xsize_, full_image_ysize_);
group_rect = group_rect.Translate(frame_origin_.x0, frame_origin_.y0);
image_rect = image_rect.Translate(frame_origin_.x0, frame_origin_.y0);
image_rect = image_rect.Intersection(full_image_rect);
group_rect = group_rect.Intersection(image_rect);
size_t x0 = group_rect.x0();
size_t y0 = group_rect.y0();
size_t x1 = group_rect.x1();
size_t y1 = group_rect.y1();
"Rendering padding for full image rect %s "
"outside group rect %s",
if (group_id == 0 && (image_rect.xsize() == 0 || image_rect.ysize() == 0)) {
// If this frame does not intersect with the full image, we have to
// initialize the whole image area with RenderPadding.
thread_id, Rect(0, 0, full_image_xsize_, full_image_ysize_)));
// Render padding for groups that intersect with the full image. The case
// where no groups intersect was handled above.
if (group_rect.xsize() > 0 && group_rect.ysize() > 0) {
if (gx == 0 && gy == 0) {
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(RenderPadding(thread_id, Rect(0, 0, x0, y0)));
if (gy == 0) {
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(RenderPadding(thread_id, Rect(x0, 0, x1 - x0, y0)));
if (gx == 0) {
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(RenderPadding(thread_id, Rect(0, y0, x0, y1 - y0)));
if (gx == 0 && gy + 1 == frame_dimensions_.ysize_groups) {
RenderPadding(thread_id, Rect(0, y1, x0, full_image_ysize_ - y1)));
if (gy + 1 == frame_dimensions_.ysize_groups) {
thread_id, Rect(x0, y1, x1 - x0, full_image_ysize_ - y1)));
if (gy == 0 && gx + 1 == frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups) {
RenderPadding(thread_id, Rect(x1, 0, full_image_xsize_ - x1, y0)));
if (gx + 1 == frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups) {
thread_id, Rect(x1, y0, full_image_xsize_ - x1, y1 - y0)));
if (gy + 1 == frame_dimensions_.ysize_groups &&
gx + 1 == frame_dimensions_.xsize_groups) {
Rect(x1, y1, full_image_xsize_ - x1, full_image_ysize_ - y1)));
Rect ready_rects[GroupBorderAssigner::kMaxToFinalize];
size_t num_ready_rects = 0;
group_border_assigner_.GroupDone(group_id, group_border_.first,
group_border_.second, ready_rects,
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ready_rects; i++) {
const Rect& image_max_color_channel_rect = ready_rects[i];
for (size_t c = 0; c < input_data.size(); c++) {
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(LoadBorders(group_id, c, image_max_color_channel_rect,
Rect data_max_color_channel_rect(
group_data_x_border_ + image_max_color_channel_rect.x0() -
gx * frame_dimensions_.group_dim,
group_data_y_border_ + image_max_color_channel_rect.y0() -
gy * frame_dimensions_.group_dim,
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(RenderRect(thread_id, input_data,
return true;
} // namespace jxl