Source code

Revision control

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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/enc_ma.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/ma_common.h"
#define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/"
#include <hwy/foreach_target.h>
#include <hwy/highway.h>
#include "lib/jxl/base/fast_math-inl.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/random.h"
#include "lib/jxl/enc_ans.h"
#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/context_predict.h"
#include "lib/jxl/modular/options.h"
#include "lib/jxl/pack_signed.h"
namespace jxl {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
// These templates are not found via ADL.
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Eq;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::IfThenElse;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Lt;
using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Max;
const HWY_FULL(float) df;
const HWY_FULL(int32_t) di;
size_t Padded(size_t x) { return RoundUpTo(x, Lanes(df)); }
// Compute entropy of the histogram, taking into account the minimum probability
// for symbols with non-zero counts.
float EstimateBits(const int32_t *counts, size_t num_symbols) {
int32_t total = std::accumulate(counts, counts + num_symbols, 0);
const auto zero = Zero(df);
const auto minprob = Set(df, 1.0f / ANS_TAB_SIZE);
const auto inv_total = Set(df, 1.0f / total);
auto bits_lanes = Zero(df);
auto total_v = Set(di, total);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_symbols; i += Lanes(df)) {
const auto counts_iv = LoadU(di, &counts[i]);
const auto counts_fv = ConvertTo(df, counts_iv);
const auto probs = Mul(counts_fv, inv_total);
const auto mprobs = Max(probs, minprob);
const auto nbps = IfThenElse(Eq(counts_iv, total_v), BitCast(di, zero),
BitCast(di, FastLog2f(df, mprobs)));
bits_lanes = Sub(bits_lanes, Mul(counts_fv, BitCast(df, nbps)));
return GetLane(SumOfLanes(df, bits_lanes));
void MakeSplitNode(size_t pos, int property, int splitval, Predictor lpred,
int64_t loff, Predictor rpred, int64_t roff, Tree *tree) {
// Note that the tree splits on *strictly greater*.
(*tree)[pos].lchild = tree->size();
(*tree)[pos].rchild = tree->size() + 1;
(*tree)[pos].splitval = splitval;
(*tree)[pos].property = property;
tree->back().property = -1;
tree->back().predictor = rpred;
tree->back().predictor_offset = roff;
tree->back().multiplier = 1;
tree->back().property = -1;
tree->back().predictor = lpred;
tree->back().predictor_offset = loff;
tree->back().multiplier = 1;
enum class IntersectionType { kNone, kPartial, kInside };
IntersectionType BoxIntersects(StaticPropRange needle, StaticPropRange haystack,
uint32_t &partial_axis, uint32_t &partial_val) {
bool partial = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumStaticProperties; i++) {
if (haystack[i][0] >= needle[i][1]) {
return IntersectionType::kNone;
if (haystack[i][1] <= needle[i][0]) {
return IntersectionType::kNone;
if (haystack[i][0] <= needle[i][0] && haystack[i][1] >= needle[i][1]) {
partial = true;
partial_axis = i;
if (haystack[i][0] > needle[i][0] && haystack[i][0] < needle[i][1]) {
partial_val = haystack[i][0] - 1;
} else {
JXL_DASSERT(haystack[i][1] > needle[i][0] &&
haystack[i][1] < needle[i][1]);
partial_val = haystack[i][1] - 1;
return partial ? IntersectionType::kPartial : IntersectionType::kInside;
void SplitTreeSamples(TreeSamples &tree_samples, size_t begin, size_t pos,
size_t end, size_t prop) {
auto cmp = [&](size_t a, size_t b) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(tree_samples.Property(prop, a)) -
static_cast<int32_t>(tree_samples.Property(prop, b));
Rng rng(0);
while (end > begin + 1) {
size_t pivot = rng.UniformU(begin, end);
tree_samples.Swap(begin, pivot);
size_t pivot_begin = begin;
size_t pivot_end = pivot_begin + 1;
for (size_t i = begin + 1; i < end; i++) {
JXL_DASSERT(i >= pivot_end);
JXL_DASSERT(pivot_end > pivot_begin);
int32_t cmp_result = cmp(i, pivot_begin);
if (cmp_result < 0) { // i < pivot, move pivot forward and put i before
// the pivot.
tree_samples.ThreeShuffle(pivot_begin, pivot_end, i);
} else if (cmp_result == 0) {
tree_samples.Swap(pivot_end, i);
JXL_DASSERT(pivot_begin >= begin);
JXL_DASSERT(pivot_end > pivot_begin);
JXL_DASSERT(pivot_end <= end);
for (size_t i = begin; i < pivot_begin; i++) {
JXL_DASSERT(cmp(i, pivot_begin) < 0);
for (size_t i = pivot_end; i < end; i++) {
JXL_DASSERT(cmp(i, pivot_begin) > 0);
for (size_t i = pivot_begin; i < pivot_end; i++) {
JXL_DASSERT(cmp(i, pivot_begin) == 0);
// We now have that [begin, pivot_begin) is < pivot, [pivot_begin,
// pivot_end) is = pivot, and [pivot_end, end) is > pivot.
// If pos falls in the first or the last interval, we continue in that
// interval; otherwise, we are done.
if (pivot_begin > pos) {
end = pivot_begin;
} else if (pivot_end < pos) {
begin = pivot_end;
} else {
void FindBestSplit(TreeSamples &tree_samples, float threshold,
const std::vector<ModularMultiplierInfo> &mul_info,
StaticPropRange initial_static_prop_range,
float fast_decode_multiplier, Tree *tree) {
struct NodeInfo {
size_t pos;
size_t begin;
size_t end;
uint64_t used_properties;
StaticPropRange static_prop_range;
std::vector<NodeInfo> nodes;
nodes.push_back(NodeInfo{0, 0, tree_samples.NumDistinctSamples(), 0,
size_t num_predictors = tree_samples.NumPredictors();
size_t num_properties = tree_samples.NumProperties();
// TODO(veluca): consider parallelizing the search (processing multiple nodes
// at a time).
while (!nodes.empty()) {
size_t pos = nodes.back().pos;
size_t begin = nodes.back().begin;
size_t end = nodes.back().end;
uint64_t used_properties = nodes.back().used_properties;
StaticPropRange static_prop_range = nodes.back().static_prop_range;
if (begin == end) continue;
struct SplitInfo {
size_t prop = 0;
uint32_t val = 0;
size_t pos = 0;
float lcost = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float rcost = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
Predictor lpred = Predictor::Zero;
Predictor rpred = Predictor::Zero;
float Cost() const { return lcost + rcost; }
SplitInfo best_split_static_constant;
SplitInfo best_split_static;
SplitInfo best_split_nonstatic;
SplitInfo best_split_nowp;
JXL_DASSERT(begin <= end);
JXL_DASSERT(end <= tree_samples.NumDistinctSamples());
// Compute the maximum token in the range.
size_t max_symbols = 0;
for (size_t pred = 0; pred < num_predictors; pred++) {
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; i++) {
uint32_t tok = tree_samples.Token(pred, i);
max_symbols = max_symbols > tok + 1 ? max_symbols : tok + 1;
max_symbols = Padded(max_symbols);
std::vector<int32_t> counts(max_symbols * num_predictors);
std::vector<uint32_t> tot_extra_bits(num_predictors);
for (size_t pred = 0; pred < num_predictors; pred++) {
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; i++) {
counts[pred * max_symbols + tree_samples.Token(pred, i)] +=
tot_extra_bits[pred] +=
tree_samples.NBits(pred, i) * tree_samples.Count(i);
float base_bits;
size_t pred = tree_samples.PredictorIndex((*tree)[pos].predictor);
base_bits =
EstimateBits( + pred * max_symbols, max_symbols) +
SplitInfo *best = &best_split_nonstatic;
SplitInfo forced_split;
// The multiplier ranges cut halfway through the current ranges of static
// properties. We do this even if the current node is not a leaf, to
// minimize the number of nodes in the resulting tree.
for (const auto &mmi : mul_info) {
uint32_t axis;
uint32_t val;
IntersectionType t =
BoxIntersects(static_prop_range, mmi.range, axis, val);
if (t == IntersectionType::kNone) continue;
if (t == IntersectionType::kInside) {
(*tree)[pos].multiplier = mmi.multiplier;
if (t == IntersectionType::kPartial) {
forced_split.val = tree_samples.QuantizeProperty(axis, val);
forced_split.prop = axis;
forced_split.lcost = forced_split.rcost = base_bits / 2 - threshold;
forced_split.lpred = forced_split.rpred = (*tree)[pos].predictor;
best = &forced_split;
best->pos = begin;
JXL_DASSERT(best->prop == tree_samples.PropertyFromIndex(best->prop));
for (size_t x = begin; x < end; x++) {
if (tree_samples.Property(best->prop, x) <= best->val) {
if (best != &forced_split) {
std::vector<int> prop_value_used_count;
std::vector<int> count_increase;
std::vector<size_t> extra_bits_increase;
// For each property, compute which of its values are used, and what
// tokens correspond to those usages. Then, iterate through the values,
// and compute the entropy of each side of the split (of the form `prop >
// threshold`). Finally, find the split that minimizes the cost.
struct CostInfo {
float cost = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float extra_cost = 0;
float Cost() const { return cost + extra_cost; }
Predictor pred; // will be uninitialized in some cases, but never used.
std::vector<CostInfo> costs_l;
std::vector<CostInfo> costs_r;
std::vector<int32_t> counts_above(max_symbols);
std::vector<int32_t> counts_below(max_symbols);
// The lower the threshold, the higher the expected noisiness of the
// estimate. Thus, discourage changing predictors.
float change_pred_penalty = 800.0f / (100.0f + threshold);
for (size_t prop = 0; prop < num_properties && base_bits > threshold;
prop++) {
size_t prop_size = tree_samples.NumPropertyValues(prop);
if (extra_bits_increase.size() < prop_size) {
count_increase.resize(prop_size * max_symbols);
// Clear prop_value_used_count (which cannot be cleared "on the go")
size_t first_used = prop_size;
size_t last_used = 0;
// TODO(veluca): consider finding multiple splits along a single
// property at the same time, possibly with a bottom-up approach.
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; i++) {
size_t p = tree_samples.Property(prop, i);
last_used = std::max(last_used, p);
first_used = std::min(first_used, p);
costs_l.resize(last_used - first_used);
costs_r.resize(last_used - first_used);
// For all predictors, compute the right and left costs of each split.
for (size_t pred = 0; pred < num_predictors; pred++) {
// Compute cost and histogram increments for each property value.
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; i++) {
size_t p = tree_samples.Property(prop, i);
size_t cnt = tree_samples.Count(i);
size_t sym = tree_samples.Token(pred, i);
count_increase[p * max_symbols + sym] += cnt;
extra_bits_increase[p] += tree_samples.NBits(pred, i) * cnt;
memcpy(, + pred * max_symbols,
max_symbols * sizeof counts_above[0]);
memset(, 0, max_symbols * sizeof counts_below[0]);
size_t extra_bits_below = 0;
// Exclude last used: this ensures neither counts_above nor
// counts_below is empty.
for (size_t i = first_used; i < last_used; i++) {
if (!prop_value_used_count[i]) continue;
extra_bits_below += extra_bits_increase[i];
// The increase for this property value has been used, and will not
// be used again: clear it. Also below.
extra_bits_increase[i] = 0;
for (size_t sym = 0; sym < max_symbols; sym++) {
counts_above[sym] -= count_increase[i * max_symbols + sym];
counts_below[sym] += count_increase[i * max_symbols + sym];
count_increase[i * max_symbols + sym] = 0;
float rcost = EstimateBits(, max_symbols) +
tot_extra_bits[pred] - extra_bits_below;
float lcost = EstimateBits(, max_symbols) +
JXL_DASSERT(extra_bits_below <= tot_extra_bits[pred]);
float penalty = 0;
// Never discourage moving away from the Weighted predictor.
if (tree_samples.PredictorFromIndex(pred) !=
(*tree)[pos].predictor &&
(*tree)[pos].predictor != Predictor::Weighted) {
penalty = change_pred_penalty;
// If everything else is equal, disfavour Weighted (slower) and
// favour Zero (faster if it's the only predictor used in a
// group+channel combination)
if (tree_samples.PredictorFromIndex(pred) == Predictor::Weighted) {
penalty += 1e-8;
if (tree_samples.PredictorFromIndex(pred) == Predictor::Zero) {
penalty -= 1e-8;
if (rcost + penalty < costs_r[i - first_used].Cost()) {
costs_r[i - first_used].cost = rcost;
costs_r[i - first_used].extra_cost = penalty;
costs_r[i - first_used].pred =
if (lcost + penalty < costs_l[i - first_used].Cost()) {
costs_l[i - first_used].cost = lcost;
costs_l[i - first_used].extra_cost = penalty;
costs_l[i - first_used].pred =
// Iterate through the possible splits and find the one with minimum sum
// of costs of the two sides.
size_t split = begin;
for (size_t i = first_used; i < last_used; i++) {
if (!prop_value_used_count[i]) continue;
split += prop_value_used_count[i];
float rcost = costs_r[i - first_used].cost;
float lcost = costs_l[i - first_used].cost;
// WP was not used + we would use the WP property or predictor
bool adds_wp =
(tree_samples.PropertyFromIndex(prop) == kWPProp &&
(used_properties & (1LU << prop)) == 0) ||
((costs_l[i - first_used].pred == Predictor::Weighted ||
costs_r[i - first_used].pred == Predictor::Weighted) &&
(*tree)[pos].predictor != Predictor::Weighted);
bool zero_entropy_side = rcost == 0 || lcost == 0;
SplitInfo &best =
prop < kNumStaticProperties
? (zero_entropy_side ? best_split_static_constant
: best_split_static)
: (adds_wp ? best_split_nonstatic : best_split_nowp);
if (lcost + rcost < best.Cost()) {
best.prop = prop;
best.val = i;
best.pos = split;
best.lcost = lcost;
best.lpred = costs_l[i - first_used].pred;
best.rcost = rcost;
best.rpred = costs_r[i - first_used].pred;
// Clear extra_bits_increase and cost_increase for last_used.
extra_bits_increase[last_used] = 0;
for (size_t sym = 0; sym < max_symbols; sym++) {
count_increase[last_used * max_symbols + sym] = 0;
// Try to avoid introducing WP.
if (best_split_nowp.Cost() + threshold < base_bits &&
best_split_nowp.Cost() <= fast_decode_multiplier * best->Cost()) {
best = &best_split_nowp;
// Split along static props if possible and not significantly more
// expensive.
if (best_split_static.Cost() + threshold < base_bits &&
best_split_static.Cost() <= fast_decode_multiplier * best->Cost()) {
best = &best_split_static;
// Split along static props to create constant nodes if possible.
if (best_split_static_constant.Cost() + threshold < base_bits) {
best = &best_split_static_constant;
if (best->Cost() + threshold < base_bits) {
uint32_t p = tree_samples.PropertyFromIndex(best->prop);
pixel_type dequant =
tree_samples.UnquantizeProperty(best->prop, best->val);
// Split node and try to split children.
MakeSplitNode(pos, p, dequant, best->lpred, 0, best->rpred, 0, tree);
// "Sort" according to winning property
SplitTreeSamples(tree_samples, begin, best->pos, end, best->prop);
if (p >= kNumStaticProperties) {
used_properties |= 1 << best->prop;
auto new_sp_range = static_prop_range;
if (p < kNumStaticProperties) {
JXL_DASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(dequant + 1) <= new_sp_range[p][1]);
new_sp_range[p][1] = dequant + 1;
JXL_DASSERT(new_sp_range[p][0] < new_sp_range[p][1]);
nodes.push_back(NodeInfo{(*tree)[pos].rchild, begin, best->pos,
used_properties, new_sp_range});
new_sp_range = static_prop_range;
if (p < kNumStaticProperties) {
JXL_DASSERT(new_sp_range[p][0] <= static_cast<uint32_t>(dequant + 1));
new_sp_range[p][0] = dequant + 1;
JXL_DASSERT(new_sp_range[p][0] < new_sp_range[p][1]);
nodes.push_back(NodeInfo{(*tree)[pos].lchild, best->pos, end,
used_properties, new_sp_range});
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace jxl
namespace jxl {
HWY_EXPORT(FindBestSplit); // Local function.
Status ComputeBestTree(TreeSamples &tree_samples, float threshold,
const std::vector<ModularMultiplierInfo> &mul_info,
StaticPropRange static_prop_range,
float fast_decode_multiplier, Tree *tree) {
// TODO(veluca): take into account that different contexts can have different
// uint configs.
// Initialize tree.
tree->back().property = -1;
tree->back().predictor = tree_samples.PredictorFromIndex(0);
tree->back().predictor_offset = 0;
tree->back().multiplier = 1;
JXL_ENSURE(tree_samples.NumProperties() < 64);
JXL_ENSURE(tree_samples.NumDistinctSamples() <=
(tree_samples, threshold, mul_info, static_prop_range, fast_decode_multiplier,
return true;
constexpr int32_t TreeSamples::kPropertyRange;
constexpr uint32_t TreeSamples::kDedupEntryUnused;
Status TreeSamples::SetPredictor(Predictor predictor,
ModularOptions::TreeMode wp_tree_mode) {
if (wp_tree_mode == ModularOptions::TreeMode::kWPOnly) {
predictors = {Predictor::Weighted};
return true;
if (wp_tree_mode == ModularOptions::TreeMode::kNoWP &&
predictor == Predictor::Weighted) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid predictor settings");
if (predictor == Predictor::Variable) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumModularPredictors; i++) {
std::swap(predictors[0], predictors[static_cast<int>(Predictor::Weighted)]);
std::swap(predictors[1], predictors[static_cast<int>(Predictor::Gradient)]);
} else if (predictor == Predictor::Best) {
predictors = {Predictor::Weighted, Predictor::Gradient};
} else {
predictors = {predictor};
if (wp_tree_mode == ModularOptions::TreeMode::kNoWP) {
auto wp_it =
std::find(predictors.begin(), predictors.end(), Predictor::Weighted);
if (wp_it != predictors.end()) {
return true;
Status TreeSamples::SetProperties(const std::vector<uint32_t> &properties,
ModularOptions::TreeMode wp_tree_mode) {
props_to_use = properties;
if (wp_tree_mode == ModularOptions::TreeMode::kWPOnly) {
props_to_use = {static_cast<uint32_t>(kWPProp)};
if (wp_tree_mode == ModularOptions::TreeMode::kGradientOnly) {
props_to_use = {static_cast<uint32_t>(kGradientProp)};
if (wp_tree_mode == ModularOptions::TreeMode::kNoWP) {
auto it = std::find(props_to_use.begin(), props_to_use.end(), kWPProp);
if (it != props_to_use.end()) {
if (props_to_use.empty()) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid property set configuration");
return true;
void TreeSamples::InitTable(size_t log_size) {
size_t size = 1ULL << log_size;
if (dedup_table_.size() == size) return;
dedup_table_.resize(size, kDedupEntryUnused);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumDistinctSamples(); i++) {
if (sample_counts[i] != std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
bool TreeSamples::AddToTableAndMerge(size_t a) {
size_t pos1 = Hash1(a);
size_t pos2 = Hash2(a);
if (dedup_table_[pos1] != kDedupEntryUnused &&
IsSameSample(a, dedup_table_[pos1])) {
JXL_DASSERT(sample_counts[a] == 1);
// Remove from hash table samples that are saturated.
if (sample_counts[dedup_table_[pos1]] ==
std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
dedup_table_[pos1] = kDedupEntryUnused;
return true;
if (dedup_table_[pos2] != kDedupEntryUnused &&
IsSameSample(a, dedup_table_[pos2])) {
JXL_DASSERT(sample_counts[a] == 1);
// Remove from hash table samples that are saturated.
if (sample_counts[dedup_table_[pos2]] ==
std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
dedup_table_[pos2] = kDedupEntryUnused;
return true;
return false;
void TreeSamples::AddToTable(size_t a) {
size_t pos1 = Hash1(a);
size_t pos2 = Hash2(a);
if (dedup_table_[pos1] == kDedupEntryUnused) {
dedup_table_[pos1] = a;
} else if (dedup_table_[pos2] == kDedupEntryUnused) {
dedup_table_[pos2] = a;
void TreeSamples::PrepareForSamples(size_t num_samples) {
for (auto &res : residuals) {
res.reserve(res.size() + num_samples);
for (auto &p : props) {
p.reserve(p.size() + num_samples);
size_t total_num_samples = num_samples + sample_counts.size();
size_t next_size = CeilLog2Nonzero(total_num_samples * 3 / 2);
size_t TreeSamples::Hash1(size_t a) const {
constexpr uint64_t constant = 0x1e35a7bd;
uint64_t h = constant;
for (const auto &r : residuals) {
h = h * constant + r[a].tok;
h = h * constant + r[a].nbits;
for (const auto &p : props) {
h = h * constant + p[a];
return (h >> 16) & (dedup_table_.size() - 1);
size_t TreeSamples::Hash2(size_t a) const {
constexpr uint64_t constant = 0x1e35a7bd1e35a7bd;
uint64_t h = constant;
for (const auto &p : props) {
h = h * constant ^ p[a];
for (const auto &r : residuals) {
h = h * constant ^ r[a].tok;
h = h * constant ^ r[a].nbits;
return (h >> 16) & (dedup_table_.size() - 1);
bool TreeSamples::IsSameSample(size_t a, size_t b) const {
bool ret = true;
for (const auto &r : residuals) {
if (r[a].tok != r[b].tok) {
ret = false;
if (r[a].nbits != r[b].nbits) {
ret = false;
for (const auto &p : props) {
if (p[a] != p[b]) {
ret = false;
return ret;
void TreeSamples::AddSample(pixel_type_w pixel, const Properties &properties,
const pixel_type_w *predictions) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < predictors.size(); i++) {
pixel_type v = pixel - predictions[static_cast<int>(predictors[i])];
uint32_t tok, nbits, bits;
HybridUintConfig(4, 1, 2).Encode(PackSigned(v), &tok, &nbits, &bits);
JXL_DASSERT(tok < 256);
JXL_DASSERT(nbits < 256);
ResidualToken{static_cast<uint8_t>(tok), static_cast<uint8_t>(nbits)});
for (size_t i = 0; i < props_to_use.size(); i++) {
props[i].push_back(QuantizeProperty(i, properties[props_to_use[i]]));
if (AddToTableAndMerge(sample_counts.size() - 1)) {
for (auto &r : residuals) r.pop_back();
for (auto &p : props) p.pop_back();
void TreeSamples::Swap(size_t a, size_t b) {
if (a == b) return;
for (auto &r : residuals) {
std::swap(r[a], r[b]);
for (auto &p : props) {
std::swap(p[a], p[b]);
std::swap(sample_counts[a], sample_counts[b]);
void TreeSamples::ThreeShuffle(size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) {
if (b == c) {
Swap(a, b);
for (auto &r : residuals) {
auto tmp = r[a];
r[a] = r[c];
r[c] = r[b];
r[b] = tmp;
for (auto &p : props) {
auto tmp = p[a];
p[a] = p[c];
p[c] = p[b];
p[b] = tmp;
auto tmp = sample_counts[a];
sample_counts[a] = sample_counts[c];
sample_counts[c] = sample_counts[b];
sample_counts[b] = tmp;
namespace {
std::vector<int32_t> QuantizeHistogram(const std::vector<uint32_t> &histogram,
size_t num_chunks) {
if (histogram.empty()) return {};
// TODO(veluca): selecting distinct quantiles is likely not the best
// way to go about this.
std::vector<int32_t> thresholds;
uint64_t sum = std::accumulate(histogram.begin(), histogram.end(), 0LU);
uint64_t cumsum = 0;
uint64_t threshold = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < histogram.size(); i++) {
cumsum += histogram[i];
if (cumsum >= threshold * sum / num_chunks) {
while (cumsum > threshold * sum / num_chunks) threshold++;
return thresholds;
std::vector<int32_t> QuantizeSamples(const std::vector<int32_t> &samples,
size_t num_chunks) {
if (samples.empty()) return {};
int min = *std::min_element(samples.begin(), samples.end());
constexpr int kRange = 512;
min = std::min(std::max(min, -kRange), kRange);
std::vector<uint32_t> counts(2 * kRange + 1);
for (int s : samples) {
uint32_t sample_offset = std::min(std::max(s, -kRange), kRange) - min;
std::vector<int32_t> thresholds = QuantizeHistogram(counts, num_chunks);
for (auto &v : thresholds) v += min;
return thresholds;
} // namespace
void TreeSamples::PreQuantizeProperties(
const StaticPropRange &range,
const std::vector<ModularMultiplierInfo> &multiplier_info,
const std::vector<uint32_t> &group_pixel_count,
const std::vector<uint32_t> &channel_pixel_count,
std::vector<pixel_type> &pixel_samples,
std::vector<pixel_type> &diff_samples, size_t max_property_values) {
// If we have forced splits because of multipliers, choose channel and group
// thresholds accordingly.
std::vector<int32_t> group_multiplier_thresholds;
std::vector<int32_t> channel_multiplier_thresholds;
for (const auto &v : multiplier_info) {
if (v.range[0][0] != range[0][0]) {
channel_multiplier_thresholds.push_back(v.range[0][0] - 1);
if (v.range[0][1] != range[0][1]) {
channel_multiplier_thresholds.push_back(v.range[0][1] - 1);
if (v.range[1][0] != range[1][0]) {
group_multiplier_thresholds.push_back(v.range[1][0] - 1);
if (v.range[1][1] != range[1][1]) {
group_multiplier_thresholds.push_back(v.range[1][1] - 1);
channel_multiplier_thresholds.end()) -
group_multiplier_thresholds.end()) -
auto quantize_channel = [&]() {
if (!channel_multiplier_thresholds.empty()) {
return channel_multiplier_thresholds;
return QuantizeHistogram(channel_pixel_count, max_property_values);
auto quantize_group_id = [&]() {
if (!group_multiplier_thresholds.empty()) {
return group_multiplier_thresholds;
return QuantizeHistogram(group_pixel_count, max_property_values);
auto quantize_coordinate = [&]() {
std::vector<int32_t> quantized;
quantized.reserve(max_property_values - 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < max_property_values; i++) {
quantized.push_back((i + 1) * 256 / max_property_values - 1);
return quantized;
std::vector<int32_t> abs_pixel_thresholds;
std::vector<int32_t> pixel_thresholds;
auto quantize_pixel_property = [&]() {
if (pixel_thresholds.empty()) {
pixel_thresholds = QuantizeSamples(pixel_samples, max_property_values);
return pixel_thresholds;
auto quantize_abs_pixel_property = [&]() {
if (abs_pixel_thresholds.empty()) {
quantize_pixel_property(); // Compute the non-abs thresholds.
for (auto &v : pixel_samples) v = std::abs(v);
abs_pixel_thresholds =
QuantizeSamples(pixel_samples, max_property_values);
return abs_pixel_thresholds;
std::vector<int32_t> abs_diff_thresholds;
std::vector<int32_t> diff_thresholds;
auto quantize_diff_property = [&]() {
if (diff_thresholds.empty()) {
diff_thresholds = QuantizeSamples(diff_samples, max_property_values);
return diff_thresholds;
auto quantize_abs_diff_property = [&]() {
if (abs_diff_thresholds.empty()) {
quantize_diff_property(); // Compute the non-abs thresholds.
for (auto &v : diff_samples) v = std::abs(v);
abs_diff_thresholds = QuantizeSamples(diff_samples, max_property_values);
return abs_diff_thresholds;
auto quantize_wp = [&]() {
if (max_property_values < 32) {
return std::vector<int32_t>{-127, -63, -31, -15, -7, -3, -1, 0,
1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127};
if (max_property_values < 64) {
return std::vector<int32_t>{-255, -191, -127, -95, -63, -47, -31, -23,
-15, -11, -7, -5, -3, -1, 0, 1,
3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, 31, 47,
63, 95, 127, 191, 255};
return std::vector<int32_t>{
-255, -223, -191, -159, -127, -111, -95, -79, -63, -55, -47,
-39, -31, -27, -23, -19, -15, -13, -11, -9, -7, -6,
-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 39,
47, 55, 63, 79, 95, 111, 127, 159, 191, 223, 255};
for (size_t i = 0; i < props_to_use.size(); i++) {
if (props_to_use[i] == 0) {
compact_properties[i] = quantize_channel();
} else if (props_to_use[i] == 1) {
compact_properties[i] = quantize_group_id();
} else if (props_to_use[i] == 2 || props_to_use[i] == 3) {
compact_properties[i] = quantize_coordinate();
} else if (props_to_use[i] == 6 || props_to_use[i] == 7 ||
props_to_use[i] == 8 ||
(props_to_use[i] >= kNumNonrefProperties &&
(props_to_use[i] - kNumNonrefProperties) % 4 == 1)) {
compact_properties[i] = quantize_pixel_property();
} else if (props_to_use[i] == 4 || props_to_use[i] == 5 ||
(props_to_use[i] >= kNumNonrefProperties &&
(props_to_use[i] - kNumNonrefProperties) % 4 == 0)) {
compact_properties[i] = quantize_abs_pixel_property();
} else if (props_to_use[i] >= kNumNonrefProperties &&
(props_to_use[i] - kNumNonrefProperties) % 4 == 2) {
compact_properties[i] = quantize_abs_diff_property();
} else if (props_to_use[i] == kWPProp) {
compact_properties[i] = quantize_wp();
} else {
compact_properties[i] = quantize_diff_property();
property_mapping[i].resize(kPropertyRange * 2 + 1);
size_t mapped = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < property_mapping[i].size(); j++) {
while (mapped < compact_properties[i].size() &&
static_cast<int>(j) - kPropertyRange >
compact_properties[i][mapped]) {
// property_mapping[i] of a value V is `mapped` if
// compact_properties[i][mapped] <= j and
// compact_properties[i][mapped-1] > j
// This is because the decision node in the tree splits on (property) > j,
// hence everything that is not > of a threshold should be clustered
// together.
property_mapping[i][j] = mapped;
void CollectPixelSamples(const Image &image, const ModularOptions &options,
uint32_t group_id,
std::vector<uint32_t> &group_pixel_count,
std::vector<uint32_t> &channel_pixel_count,
std::vector<pixel_type> &pixel_samples,
std::vector<pixel_type> &diff_samples) {
if (options.nb_repeats == 0) return;
if (group_pixel_count.size() <= group_id) {
group_pixel_count.resize(group_id + 1);
if (channel_pixel_count.size() < {
Rng rng(group_id);
// Sample 10% of the final number of samples for property quantization.
float fraction = std::min(options.nb_repeats * 0.1, 0.99);
Rng::GeometricDistribution dist = Rng::MakeGeometric(fraction);
size_t total_pixels = 0;
std::vector<size_t> channel_ids;
for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) {
if ([i].w <= 1 ||[i].h == 0) {
continue; // skip empty or width-1 channels.
if (i >= image.nb_meta_channels &&
([i].w > options.max_chan_size ||[i].h > options.max_chan_size)) {
group_pixel_count[group_id] +=[i].w *[i].h;
channel_pixel_count[i] +=[i].w *[i].h;
total_pixels +=[i].w *[i].h;
if (channel_ids.empty()) return;
pixel_samples.reserve(pixel_samples.size() + fraction * total_pixels);
diff_samples.reserve(diff_samples.size() + fraction * total_pixels);
size_t i = 0;
size_t y = 0;
size_t x = 0;
auto advance = [&](size_t amount) {
x += amount;
// Detect row overflow (rare).
while (x >=[channel_ids[i]].w) {
x -=[channel_ids[i]].w;
// Detect end-of-channel (even rarer).
if (y ==[channel_ids[i]].h) {
y = 0;
if (i >= channel_ids.size()) {
for (; i < channel_ids.size(); advance(rng.Geometric(dist) + 1)) {
const pixel_type *row =[channel_ids[i]].Row(y);
size_t xp = x == 0 ? 1 : x - 1;
diff_samples.push_back(static_cast<int64_t>(row[x]) - row[xp]);
// TODO(veluca): very simple encoding scheme. This should be improved.
Status TokenizeTree(const Tree &tree, std::vector<Token> *tokens,
Tree *decoder_tree) {
JXL_ENSURE(tree.size() <= kMaxTreeSize);
std::queue<int> q;
size_t leaf_id = 0;
while (!q.empty()) {
int cur = q.front();
JXL_ENSURE(tree[cur].property >= -1);
tokens->emplace_back(kPropertyContext, tree[cur].property + 1);
if (tree[cur].property == -1) {
uint32_t mul_log = Num0BitsBelowLS1Bit_Nonzero(tree[cur].multiplier);
uint32_t mul_bits = (tree[cur].multiplier >> mul_log) - 1;
tokens->emplace_back(kMultiplierLogContext, mul_log);
tokens->emplace_back(kMultiplierBitsContext, mul_bits);
JXL_ENSURE(tree[cur].predictor < Predictor::Best);
decoder_tree->emplace_back(-1, 0, leaf_id++, 0, tree[cur].predictor,
decoder_tree->emplace_back(tree[cur].property, tree[cur].splitval,
decoder_tree->size() + q.size() + 1,
decoder_tree->size() + q.size() + 2,
Predictor::Zero, 0, 1);
tokens->emplace_back(kSplitValContext, PackSigned(tree[cur].splitval));
return true;
} // namespace jxl
#endif // HWY_ONCE