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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/dec_ma.h"
#include <jxl/memory_manager.h>
#include <limits>
#include "lib/jxl/base/printf_macros.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/dec_ans.h"
#include "lib/jxl/modular/encoding/ma_common.h"
#include "lib/jxl/modular/modular_image.h"
#include "lib/jxl/pack_signed.h"
namespace jxl {
namespace {
Status ValidateTree(
const Tree &tree,
const std::vector<std::pair<pixel_type, pixel_type>> &prop_bounds,
size_t root) {
if (tree[root].property == -1) return true;
size_t p = tree[root].property;
int val = tree[root].splitval;
if (prop_bounds[p].first > val) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid tree");
// Splitting at max value makes no sense: left range will be exactly same
// as parent, right range will be invalid (min > max).
if (prop_bounds[p].second <= val) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid tree");
auto new_bounds = prop_bounds;
new_bounds[p].first = val + 1;
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ValidateTree(tree, new_bounds, tree[root].lchild));
new_bounds[p] = prop_bounds[p];
new_bounds[p].second = val;
return ValidateTree(tree, new_bounds, tree[root].rchild);
Status DecodeTree(BitReader *br, ANSSymbolReader *reader,
const std::vector<uint8_t> &context_map, Tree *tree,
size_t tree_size_limit) {
size_t leaf_id = 0;
size_t to_decode = 1;
while (to_decode > 0) {
if (tree->size() > tree_size_limit) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Tree is too large: %" PRIuS " nodes vs %" PRIuS
" max nodes",
tree->size(), tree_size_limit);
uint32_t prop1 = reader->ReadHybridUint(kPropertyContext, br, context_map);
if (prop1 > 256) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid tree property value");
int property = prop1 - 1;
if (property == -1) {
size_t predictor =
reader->ReadHybridUint(kPredictorContext, br, context_map);
if (predictor >= kNumModularPredictors) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid predictor");
int64_t predictor_offset =
UnpackSigned(reader->ReadHybridUint(kOffsetContext, br, context_map));
uint32_t mul_log =
reader->ReadHybridUint(kMultiplierLogContext, br, context_map);
if (mul_log >= 31) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid multiplier logarithm");
uint32_t mul_bits =
reader->ReadHybridUint(kMultiplierBitsContext, br, context_map);
if (mul_bits >= (1u << (31u - mul_log)) - 1u) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid multiplier");
uint32_t multiplier = (mul_bits + 1U) << mul_log;
tree->emplace_back(-1, 0, leaf_id++, 0, static_cast<Predictor>(predictor),
predictor_offset, multiplier);
int splitval =
UnpackSigned(reader->ReadHybridUint(kSplitValContext, br, context_map));
tree->emplace_back(property, splitval, tree->size() + to_decode + 1,
tree->size() + to_decode + 2, Predictor::Zero, 0, 1);
to_decode += 2;
std::vector<std::pair<pixel_type, pixel_type>> prop_bounds;
prop_bounds.resize(256, {std::numeric_limits<pixel_type>::min(),
return ValidateTree(*tree, prop_bounds, 0);
} // namespace
Status DecodeTree(JxlMemoryManager *memory_manager, BitReader *br, Tree *tree,
size_t tree_size_limit) {
std::vector<uint8_t> tree_context_map;
ANSCode tree_code;
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeHistograms(memory_manager, br, kNumTreeContexts,
&tree_code, &tree_context_map));
// TODO(eustas): investigate more infinite tree cases.
if (tree_code.degenerate_symbols[tree_context_map[kPropertyContext]] > 0) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Infinite tree");
JXL_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(ANSSymbolReader reader,
ANSSymbolReader::Create(&tree_code, br));
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeTree(br, &reader, tree_context_map, tree,
std::min(tree_size_limit, kMaxTreeSize)));
if (!reader.CheckANSFinalState()) {
return JXL_FAILURE("ANS decode final state failed");
return true;
} // namespace jxl