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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/jxl/base/bits.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/field_encodings.h"
#include "lib/jxl/fields.h"
#include "lib/jxl/image_ops.h"
#include "lib/jxl/modular/modular_image.h"
#include "lib/jxl/modular/options.h"
namespace jxl {
namespace weighted {
constexpr static size_t kNumPredictors = 4;
constexpr static int64_t kPredExtraBits = 3;
constexpr static int64_t kPredictionRound = ((1 << kPredExtraBits) >> 1) - 1;
constexpr static size_t kNumProperties = 1;
struct Header : public Fields {
// TODO(janwas): move to cc file, avoid including fields.h.
Header() { Bundle::Init(this); }
Status VisitFields(Visitor *JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override {
if (visitor->AllDefault(*this, &all_default)) {
// Overwrite all serialized fields, but not any nonserialized_*.
return true;
auto visit_p = [visitor](pixel_type val, pixel_type *p) {
uint32_t up = *p;
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(5, val, &up));
*p = up;
return Status(true);
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visit_p(16, &p1C));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visit_p(10, &p2C));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visit_p(7, &p3Ca));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visit_p(7, &p3Cb));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visit_p(7, &p3Cc));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visit_p(0, &p3Cd));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visit_p(0, &p3Ce));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(4, 0xd, &w[0]));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(4, 0xc, &w[1]));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(4, 0xc, &w[2]));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(4, 0xc, &w[3]));
return true;
bool all_default;
pixel_type p1C = 0, p2C = 0, p3Ca = 0, p3Cb = 0, p3Cc = 0, p3Cd = 0, p3Ce = 0;
uint32_t w[kNumPredictors] = {};
struct State {
pixel_type_w prediction[kNumPredictors] = {};
pixel_type_w pred = 0; // *before* removing the added bits.
std::vector<uint32_t> pred_errors[kNumPredictors];
std::vector<int32_t> error;
const Header &header;
// Allows to approximate division by a number from 1 to 64.
// for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) divlookup[i] = (1 << 24) / (i + 1);
const uint32_t divlookup[64] = {
16777216, 8388608, 5592405, 4194304, 3355443, 2796202, 2396745, 2097152,
1864135, 1677721, 1525201, 1398101, 1290555, 1198372, 1118481, 1048576,
986895, 932067, 883011, 838860, 798915, 762600, 729444, 699050,
671088, 645277, 621378, 599186, 578524, 559240, 541200, 524288,
508400, 493447, 479349, 466033, 453438, 441505, 430185, 419430,
409200, 399457, 390167, 381300, 372827, 364722, 356962, 349525,
342392, 335544, 328965, 322638, 316551, 310689, 305040, 299593,
294337, 289262, 284359, 279620, 275036, 270600, 266305, 262144};
constexpr static pixel_type_w AddBits(pixel_type_w x) {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(x) << kPredExtraBits;
State(const Header &header, size_t xsize, size_t ysize) : header(header) {
// Extra margin to avoid out-of-bounds writes.
// All have space for two rows of data.
for (auto &pred_error : pred_errors) {
pred_error.resize((xsize + 2) * 2);
error.resize((xsize + 2) * 2);
// Approximates 4+(maxweight<<24)/(x+1), avoiding division
JXL_INLINE uint32_t ErrorWeight(uint64_t x, uint32_t maxweight) const {
int shift = static_cast<int>(FloorLog2Nonzero(x + 1)) - 5;
if (shift < 0) shift = 0;
return 4 + ((maxweight * divlookup[x >> shift]) >> shift);
// Approximates the weighted average of the input values with the given
// weights, avoiding division. Weights must sum to at least 16.
JXL_INLINE pixel_type_w
WeightedAverage(const pixel_type_w *JXL_RESTRICT p,
std::array<uint32_t, kNumPredictors> w) const {
uint32_t weight_sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPredictors; i++) {
weight_sum += w[i];
JXL_DASSERT(weight_sum > 15);
uint32_t log_weight = FloorLog2Nonzero(weight_sum); // at least 4.
weight_sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPredictors; i++) {
w[i] >>= log_weight - 4;
weight_sum += w[i];
// for rounding.
pixel_type_w sum = (weight_sum >> 1) - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPredictors; i++) {
sum += p[i] * w[i];
return (sum * divlookup[weight_sum - 1]) >> 24;
template <bool compute_properties>
JXL_INLINE pixel_type_w Predict(size_t x, size_t y, size_t xsize,
pixel_type_w N, pixel_type_w W,
pixel_type_w NE, pixel_type_w NW,
pixel_type_w NN, Properties *properties,
size_t offset) {
size_t cur_row = y & 1 ? 0 : (xsize + 2);
size_t prev_row = y & 1 ? (xsize + 2) : 0;
size_t pos_N = prev_row + x;
size_t pos_NE = x < xsize - 1 ? pos_N + 1 : pos_N;
size_t pos_NW = x > 0 ? pos_N - 1 : pos_N;
std::array<uint32_t, kNumPredictors> weights;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPredictors; i++) {
// pred_errors[pos_N] also contains the error of pixel W.
// pred_errors[pos_NW] also contains the error of pixel WW.
weights[i] = pred_errors[i][pos_N] + pred_errors[i][pos_NE] +
weights[i] = ErrorWeight(weights[i], header.w[i]);
N = AddBits(N);
W = AddBits(W);
NE = AddBits(NE);
NW = AddBits(NW);
NN = AddBits(NN);
pixel_type_w teW = x == 0 ? 0 : error[cur_row + x - 1];
pixel_type_w teN = error[pos_N];
pixel_type_w teNW = error[pos_NW];
pixel_type_w sumWN = teN + teW;
pixel_type_w teNE = error[pos_NE];
if (compute_properties) {
pixel_type_w p = teW;
if (std::abs(teN) > std::abs(p)) p = teN;
if (std::abs(teNW) > std::abs(p)) p = teNW;
if (std::abs(teNE) > std::abs(p)) p = teNE;
(*properties)[offset++] = p;
prediction[0] = W + NE - N;
prediction[1] = N - (((sumWN + teNE) * header.p1C) >> 5);
prediction[2] = W - (((sumWN + teNW) * header.p2C) >> 5);
prediction[3] =
N - ((teNW * header.p3Ca + teN * header.p3Cb + teNE * header.p3Cc +
(NN - N) * header.p3Cd + (NW - W) * header.p3Ce) >>
pred = WeightedAverage(prediction, weights);
// If all three have the same sign, skip clamping.
if (((teN ^ teW) | (teN ^ teNW)) > 0) {
return (pred + kPredictionRound) >> kPredExtraBits;
// Otherwise, clamp to min/max of neighbouring pixels (just W, NE, N).
pixel_type_w mx = std::max(W, std::max(NE, N));
pixel_type_w mn = std::min(W, std::min(NE, N));
pred = std::max(mn, std::min(mx, pred));
return (pred + kPredictionRound) >> kPredExtraBits;
JXL_INLINE void UpdateErrors(pixel_type_w val, size_t x, size_t y,
size_t xsize) {
size_t cur_row = y & 1 ? 0 : (xsize + 2);
size_t prev_row = y & 1 ? (xsize + 2) : 0;
val = AddBits(val);
error[cur_row + x] = pred - val;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPredictors; i++) {
pixel_type_w err =
(std::abs(prediction[i] - val) + kPredictionRound) >> kPredExtraBits;
// For predicting in the next row.
pred_errors[i][cur_row + x] = err;
// Add the error on this pixel to the error on the NE pixel. This has the
// effect of adding the error on this pixel to the E and EE pixels.
pred_errors[i][prev_row + x + 1] += err;
// Encoder helper function to set the parameters to some presets.
inline void PredictorMode(int i, Header *header) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
// ~ lossless16 predictor
header->w[0] = 0xd;
header->w[1] = 0xc;
header->w[2] = 0xc;
header->w[3] = 0xc;
header->p1C = 16;
header->p2C = 10;
header->p3Ca = 7;
header->p3Cb = 7;
header->p3Cc = 7;
header->p3Cd = 0;
header->p3Ce = 0;
case 1:
// ~ default lossless8 predictor
header->w[0] = 0xd;
header->w[1] = 0xc;
header->w[2] = 0xc;
header->w[3] = 0xb;
header->p1C = 8;
header->p2C = 8;
header->p3Ca = 4;
header->p3Cb = 0;
header->p3Cc = 3;
header->p3Cd = 23;
header->p3Ce = 2;
case 2:
// ~ west lossless8 predictor
header->w[0] = 0xd;
header->w[1] = 0xc;
header->w[2] = 0xd;
header->w[3] = 0xc;
header->p1C = 10;
header->p2C = 9;
header->p3Ca = 7;
header->p3Cb = 0;
header->p3Cc = 0;
header->p3Cd = 16;
header->p3Ce = 9;
case 3:
// ~ north lossless8 predictor
header->w[0] = 0xd;
header->w[1] = 0xd;
header->w[2] = 0xc;
header->w[3] = 0xc;
header->p1C = 16;
header->p2C = 8;
header->p3Ca = 0;
header->p3Cb = 16;
header->p3Cc = 0;
header->p3Cd = 23;
header->p3Ce = 0;
case 4:
// something else, because why not
header->w[0] = 0xd;
header->w[1] = 0xc;
header->w[2] = 0xc;
header->w[3] = 0xc;
header->p1C = 10;
header->p2C = 10;
header->p3Ca = 5;
header->p3Cb = 5;
header->p3Cc = 5;
header->p3Cd = 12;
header->p3Ce = 4;
} // namespace weighted
// Stores a node and its two children at the same time. This significantly
// reduces the number of branches needed during decoding.
struct FlatDecisionNode {
// Property + splitval of the top node.
int32_t property0; // -1 if leaf.
union {
PropertyVal splitval0;
Predictor predictor;
// Property+splitval of the two child nodes.
union {
PropertyVal splitvals[2];
int32_t multiplier;
uint32_t childID; // childID is ctx id if leaf.
union {
int16_t properties[2];
int32_t predictor_offset;
using FlatTree = std::vector<FlatDecisionNode>;
class MATreeLookup {
explicit MATreeLookup(const FlatTree &tree) : nodes_(tree) {}
struct LookupResult {
uint32_t context;
Predictor predictor;
int32_t offset;
int32_t multiplier;
JXL_INLINE LookupResult Lookup(const Properties &properties) const {
uint32_t pos = 0;
while (true) {
{ \
const FlatDecisionNode &node = nodes_[pos]; \
if (node.property0 < 0) { \
return {node.childID, node.predictor, node.predictor_offset, \
node.multiplier}; \
} \
bool p0 = properties[node.property0] <= node.splitval0; \
uint32_t off0 = properties[[0]] <= node.splitvals[0]; \
uint32_t off1 = 2 | (properties[[1]] <= node.splitvals[1]); \
pos = node.childID + (p0 ? off1 : off0); \
const FlatTree &nodes_;
static constexpr size_t kExtraPropsPerChannel = 4;
static constexpr size_t kNumNonrefProperties =
kNumStaticProperties + 13 + weighted::kNumProperties;
constexpr size_t kWPProp = kNumNonrefProperties - weighted::kNumProperties;
constexpr size_t kGradientProp = 9;
// Clamps gradient to the min/max of n, w (and l, implicitly).
static JXL_INLINE int32_t ClampedGradient(const int32_t n, const int32_t w,
const int32_t l) {
const int32_t m = std::min(n, w);
const int32_t M = std::max(n, w);
// The end result of this operation doesn't overflow or underflow if the
// result is between m and M, but the intermediate value may overflow, so we
// do the intermediate operations in uint32_t and check later if we had an
// overflow or underflow condition comparing m, M and l directly.
// grad = M + m - l = n + w - l
const int32_t grad =
static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(n) + static_cast<uint32_t>(w) -
// We use two sets of ternary operators to force the evaluation of them in
// any case, allowing the compiler to avoid branches and use cmovl/cmovg in
// x86.
const int32_t grad_clamp_M = (l < m) ? M : grad;
return (l > M) ? m : grad_clamp_M;
inline pixel_type_w Select(pixel_type_w a, pixel_type_w b, pixel_type_w c) {
pixel_type_w p = a + b - c;
pixel_type_w pa = std::abs(p - a);
pixel_type_w pb = std::abs(p - b);
return pa < pb ? a : b;
inline void PrecomputeReferences(const Channel &ch, size_t y,
const Image &image, uint32_t i,
Channel *references) {
uint32_t offset = 0;
size_t num_extra_props = references->w;
intptr_t onerow = references->plane.PixelsPerRow();
for (int32_t j = static_cast<int32_t>(i) - 1;
j >= 0 && offset < num_extra_props; j--) {
if ([j].w !=[i].w ||[j].h !=[i].h) {
if ([j].hshift !=[i].hshift) continue;
if ([j].vshift !=[i].vshift) continue;
pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT rp = references->Row(0) + offset;
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT rpp =[j].Row(y);
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT rpprev =[j].Row(y ? y - 1 : 0);
for (size_t x = 0; x < ch.w; x++, rp += onerow) {
pixel_type_w v = rpp[x];
rp[0] = std::abs(v);
rp[1] = v;
pixel_type_w vleft = (x ? rpp[x - 1] : 0);
pixel_type_w vtop = (y ? rpprev[x] : vleft);
pixel_type_w vtopleft = (x && y ? rpprev[x - 1] : vleft);
pixel_type_w vpredicted = ClampedGradient(vleft, vtop, vtopleft);
rp[2] = std::abs(v - vpredicted);
rp[3] = v - vpredicted;
offset += kExtraPropsPerChannel;
struct PredictionResult {
int context = 0;
pixel_type_w guess = 0;
Predictor predictor;
int32_t multiplier;
inline void InitPropsRow(
Properties *p,
const std::array<pixel_type, kNumStaticProperties> &static_props,
const int y) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumStaticProperties; i++) {
(*p)[i] = static_props[i];
(*p)[2] = y;
(*p)[9] = 0; // local gradient.
namespace detail {
enum PredictorMode {
kUseTree = 1,
kUseWP = 2,
kForceComputeProperties = 4,
kAllPredictions = 8,
kNoEdgeCases = 16
JXL_INLINE pixel_type_w PredictOne(Predictor p, pixel_type_w left,
pixel_type_w top, pixel_type_w toptop,
pixel_type_w topleft, pixel_type_w topright,
pixel_type_w leftleft,
pixel_type_w toprightright,
pixel_type_w wp_pred) {
switch (p) {
case Predictor::Zero:
return pixel_type_w{0};
case Predictor::Left:
return left;
case Predictor::Top:
return top;
case Predictor::Select:
return Select(left, top, topleft);
case Predictor::Weighted:
return wp_pred;
case Predictor::Gradient:
return pixel_type_w{ClampedGradient(left, top, topleft)};
case Predictor::TopLeft:
return topleft;
case Predictor::TopRight:
return topright;
case Predictor::LeftLeft:
return leftleft;
case Predictor::Average0:
return (left + top) / 2;
case Predictor::Average1:
return (left + topleft) / 2;
case Predictor::Average2:
return (topleft + top) / 2;
case Predictor::Average3:
return (top + topright) / 2;
case Predictor::Average4:
return (6 * top - 2 * toptop + 7 * left + 1 * leftleft +
1 * toprightright + 3 * topright + 8) /
return pixel_type_w{0};
template <int mode>
JXL_INLINE PredictionResult Predict(
Properties *p, size_t w, const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const size_t x, const size_t y, Predictor predictor,
const MATreeLookup *lookup, const Channel *references,
weighted::State *wp_state, pixel_type_w *predictions) {
// We start in position 3 because of 2 static properties + y.
size_t offset = 3;
constexpr bool compute_properties =
mode & kUseTree || mode & kForceComputeProperties;
constexpr bool nec = mode & kNoEdgeCases;
pixel_type_w left = (nec || x ? pp[-1] : (y ? pp[-onerow] : 0));
pixel_type_w top = (nec || y ? pp[-onerow] : left);
pixel_type_w topleft = (nec || (x && y) ? pp[-1 - onerow] : left);
pixel_type_w topright = (nec || (x + 1 < w && y) ? pp[1 - onerow] : top);
pixel_type_w leftleft = (nec || x > 1 ? pp[-2] : left);
pixel_type_w toptop = (nec || y > 1 ? pp[-onerow - onerow] : top);
pixel_type_w toprightright =
(nec || (x + 2 < w && y) ? pp[2 - onerow] : topright);
if (compute_properties) {
// location
(*p)[offset++] = x;
// neighbors
(*p)[offset++] = top > 0 ? top : -top;
(*p)[offset++] = left > 0 ? left : -left;
(*p)[offset++] = top;
(*p)[offset++] = left;
// local gradient
(*p)[offset] = left - (*p)[offset + 1];
// local gradient
(*p)[offset++] = left + top - topleft;
// FFV1 context properties
(*p)[offset++] = left - topleft;
(*p)[offset++] = topleft - top;
(*p)[offset++] = top - topright;
(*p)[offset++] = top - toptop;
(*p)[offset++] = left - leftleft;
pixel_type_w wp_pred = 0;
if (mode & kUseWP) {
wp_pred = wp_state->Predict<compute_properties>(
x, y, w, top, left, topright, topleft, toptop, p, offset);
if (!nec && compute_properties) {
offset += weighted::kNumProperties;
// Extra properties.
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT rp = references->Row(x);
for (size_t i = 0; i < references->w; i++) {
(*p)[offset++] = rp[i];
PredictionResult result;
if (mode & kUseTree) {
MATreeLookup::LookupResult lr = lookup->Lookup(*p);
result.context = lr.context;
result.guess = lr.offset;
result.multiplier = lr.multiplier;
predictor = lr.predictor;
if (mode & kAllPredictions) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumModularPredictors; i++) {
predictions[i] =
PredictOne(static_cast<Predictor>(i), left, top, toptop, topleft,
topright, leftleft, toprightright, wp_pred);
result.guess += PredictOne(predictor, left, top, toptop, topleft, topright,
leftleft, toprightright, wp_pred);
result.predictor = predictor;
return result;
} // namespace detail
inline PredictionResult PredictNoTreeNoWP(size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x,
const int y, Predictor predictor) {
return detail::Predict</*mode=*/0>(
/*p=*/nullptr, w, pp, onerow, x, y, predictor, /*lookup=*/nullptr,
/*references=*/nullptr, /*wp_state=*/nullptr, /*predictions=*/nullptr);
inline PredictionResult PredictNoTreeWP(size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x,
const int y, Predictor predictor,
weighted::State *wp_state) {
return detail::Predict<detail::kUseWP>(
/*p=*/nullptr, w, pp, onerow, x, y, predictor, /*lookup=*/nullptr,
/*references=*/nullptr, wp_state, /*predictions=*/nullptr);
inline PredictionResult PredictTreeNoWP(Properties *p, size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x,
const int y,
const MATreeLookup &tree_lookup,
const Channel &references) {
return detail::Predict<detail::kUseTree>(
p, w, pp, onerow, x, y, Predictor::Zero, &tree_lookup, &references,
/*wp_state=*/nullptr, /*predictions=*/nullptr);
// Only use for y > 1, x > 1, x < w-2, and empty references
JXL_INLINE PredictionResult
PredictTreeNoWPNEC(Properties *p, size_t w, const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x, const int y,
const MATreeLookup &tree_lookup, const Channel &references) {
return detail::Predict<detail::kUseTree | detail::kNoEdgeCases>(
p, w, pp, onerow, x, y, Predictor::Zero, &tree_lookup, &references,
/*wp_state=*/nullptr, /*predictions=*/nullptr);
inline PredictionResult PredictTreeWP(Properties *p, size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x,
const int y,
const MATreeLookup &tree_lookup,
const Channel &references,
weighted::State *wp_state) {
return detail::Predict<detail::kUseTree | detail::kUseWP>(
p, w, pp, onerow, x, y, Predictor::Zero, &tree_lookup, &references,
wp_state, /*predictions=*/nullptr);
JXL_INLINE PredictionResult PredictTreeWPNEC(Properties *p, size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x,
const int y,
const MATreeLookup &tree_lookup,
const Channel &references,
weighted::State *wp_state) {
return detail::Predict<detail::kUseTree | detail::kUseWP |
p, w, pp, onerow, x, y, Predictor::Zero, &tree_lookup, &references,
wp_state, /*predictions=*/nullptr);
inline PredictionResult PredictLearn(Properties *p, size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x,
const int y, Predictor predictor,
const Channel &references,
weighted::State *wp_state) {
return detail::Predict<detail::kForceComputeProperties | detail::kUseWP>(
p, w, pp, onerow, x, y, predictor, /*lookup=*/nullptr, &references,
wp_state, /*predictions=*/nullptr);
inline void PredictLearnAll(Properties *p, size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x, const int y,
const Channel &references,
weighted::State *wp_state,
pixel_type_w *predictions) {
detail::Predict<detail::kForceComputeProperties | detail::kUseWP |
p, w, pp, onerow, x, y, Predictor::Zero,
/*lookup=*/nullptr, &references, wp_state, predictions);
inline PredictionResult PredictLearnNEC(Properties *p, size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x,
const int y, Predictor predictor,
const Channel &references,
weighted::State *wp_state) {
return detail::Predict<detail::kForceComputeProperties | detail::kUseWP |
p, w, pp, onerow, x, y, predictor, /*lookup=*/nullptr, &references,
wp_state, /*predictions=*/nullptr);
inline void PredictLearnAllNEC(Properties *p, size_t w,
const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x, const int y,
const Channel &references,
weighted::State *wp_state,
pixel_type_w *predictions) {
detail::Predict<detail::kForceComputeProperties | detail::kUseWP |
detail::kAllPredictions | detail::kNoEdgeCases>(
p, w, pp, onerow, x, y, Predictor::Zero,
/*lookup=*/nullptr, &references, wp_state, predictions);
inline void PredictAllNoWP(size_t w, const pixel_type *JXL_RESTRICT pp,
const intptr_t onerow, const int x, const int y,
pixel_type_w *predictions) {
/*p=*/nullptr, w, pp, onerow, x, y, Predictor::Zero,
/*references=*/nullptr, /*wp_state=*/nullptr, predictions);
} // namespace jxl