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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/image_metadata.h"
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include "lib/jxl/alpha.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/byte_order.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/matrix_ops.h"
#include "lib/jxl/cms/opsin_params.h"
#include "lib/jxl/fields.h"
#include "lib/jxl/frame_header.h"
#include "lib/jxl/quantizer.h"
namespace jxl {
BitDepth::BitDepth() { Bundle::Init(this); }
Status BitDepth::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &floating_point_sample));
// The same fields (bits_per_sample and exponent_bits_per_sample) are read
// in a different way depending on floating_point_sample's value. It's still
// default-initialized correctly so using visitor->Conditional is not
// required.
if (!floating_point_sample) {
Val(8), Val(10), Val(12), BitsOffset(6, 1), 8, &bits_per_sample));
exponent_bits_per_sample = 0;
} else {
Val(32), Val(16), Val(24), BitsOffset(6, 1), 32, &bits_per_sample));
// The encoded value is exponent_bits_per_sample - 1, encoded in 3 bits
// so the value can be in range [1, 8].
const uint32_t offset = 1;
exponent_bits_per_sample -= offset;
visitor->Bits(4, 8 - offset, &exponent_bits_per_sample));
exponent_bits_per_sample += offset;
// Error-checking for floating point ranges.
if (floating_point_sample) {
if (exponent_bits_per_sample < 2 || exponent_bits_per_sample > 8) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid exponent_bits_per_sample: %u",
int mantissa_bits =
static_cast<int>(bits_per_sample) - exponent_bits_per_sample - 1;
if (mantissa_bits < 2 || mantissa_bits > 23) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid bits_per_sample: %u", bits_per_sample);
} else {
if (bits_per_sample > 31) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid bits_per_sample: %u", bits_per_sample);
return true;
std::string BitDepth::DebugString() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << (floating_point_sample ? "F" : "U");
os << bits_per_sample;
if (floating_point_sample) os << "." << exponent_bits_per_sample;
return os.str();
CustomTransformData::CustomTransformData() { Bundle::Init(this); }
Status CustomTransformData::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) {
if (visitor->AllDefault(*this, &all_default)) {
// Overwrite all serialized fields, but not any nonserialized_*.
return true;
if (visitor->Conditional(nonserialized_xyb_encoded)) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(3, 0, &custom_weights_mask));
if (visitor->Conditional((custom_weights_mask & 0x1) != 0)) {
// 4 5x5 kernels, but all of them can be obtained by symmetry from one,
// which is symmetric along its main diagonal. The top-left kernel is
// defined by
// 0 1 2 3 4
// 1 5 6 7 8
// 2 6 9 10 11
// 3 7 10 12 13
// 4 8 11 13 14
float constexpr kWeights2[15] = {
-0.01716200f, -0.03452303f, -0.04022174f, -0.02921014f, -0.00624645f,
0.14111091f, 0.28896755f, 0.00278718f, -0.01610267f, 0.56661550f,
0.03777607f, -0.01986694f, -0.03144731f, -0.01185068f, -0.00213539f};
for (size_t i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
visitor->F16(kWeights2[i], &upsampling2_weights[i]));
if (visitor->Conditional((custom_weights_mask & 0x2) != 0)) {
// 16 5x5 kernels, but all of them can be obtained by symmetry from
// three, two of which are symmetric along their main diagonals. The top
// left 4 kernels are defined by
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// 2 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
// 3 12 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
// 4 13 21 28 34 35 36 37 38 39
// 5 14 22 29 35 40 41 42 43 44
// 6 15 23 30 36 41 45 46 47 48
// 7 16 24 31 37 42 46 49 50 51
// 8 17 25 32 38 43 47 50 52 53
// 9 18 26 33 39 44 48 51 53 54
constexpr float kWeights4[55] = {
-0.02419067f, -0.03491987f, -0.03693351f, -0.03094285f, -0.00529785f,
-0.01663432f, -0.03556863f, -0.03888905f, -0.03516850f, -0.00989469f,
0.23651958f, 0.33392945f, -0.01073543f, -0.01313181f, -0.03556694f,
0.13048175f, 0.40103025f, 0.03951150f, -0.02077584f, 0.46914198f,
-0.00209270f, -0.01484589f, -0.04064806f, 0.18942530f, 0.56279892f,
0.06674400f, -0.02335494f, -0.03551682f, -0.00754830f, -0.02267919f,
-0.02363578f, 0.00315804f, -0.03399098f, -0.01359519f, -0.00091653f,
-0.00335467f, -0.01163294f, -0.01610294f, -0.00974088f, -0.00191622f,
-0.01095446f, -0.03198464f, -0.04455121f, -0.02799790f, -0.00645912f,
0.06390599f, 0.22963888f, 0.00630981f, -0.01897349f, 0.67537268f,
0.08483369f, -0.02534994f, -0.02205197f, -0.01667999f, -0.00384443f};
for (size_t i = 0; i < 55; i++) {
visitor->F16(kWeights4[i], &upsampling4_weights[i]));
if (visitor->Conditional((custom_weights_mask & 0x4) != 0)) {
// typo:off
// 64 5x5 kernels, all of them can be obtained by symmetry from
// 10, 4 of which are symmetric along their main diagonals. The top
// left 16 kernels are defined by
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13
// 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
// 2 15 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
// 3 16 28 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
// 4 17 29 3a 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
// 5 18 2a 3b 4b 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
// 6 19 2b 3c 4c 5b 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
// 7 1a 2c 3d 4d 5c 6a 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 80 81 82 83
// 8 1b 2d 3e 4e 5d 6b 78 84 85 86 87 88 89 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f
// 9 1c 2e 3f 4f 5e 6c 79 85 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a
// a 1d 2f 40 50 5f 6d 7a 86 91 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f a0 a1 a2 a3 a4
// b 1e 30 41 51 60 6e 7b 87 92 9c a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 aa ab ac ad
// c 1f 31 42 52 61 6f 7c 88 93 9d a6 ae af b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
// d 20 32 43 53 62 70 7d 89 94 9e a7 af b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb bc
// e 21 33 44 54 63 71 7e 8a 95 9f a8 b0 b7 bd be bf c0 c1 c2
// f 22 34 45 55 64 72 7f 8b 96 a0 a9 b1 b8 be c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
// 10 23 35 46 56 65 73 80 8c 97 a1 aa b2 b9 bf c4 c8 c9 ca cb
// 11 24 36 47 57 66 74 81 8d 98 a2 ab b3 ba c0 c5 c9 cc cd ce
// 12 25 37 48 58 67 75 82 8e 99 a3 ac b4 bb c1 c6 ca cd cf d0
// 13 26 38 49 59 68 76 83 8f 9a a4 ad b5 bc c2 c7 cb ce d0 d1
// typo:on
constexpr float kWeights8[210] = {
-0.02928613f, -0.03706353f, -0.03783812f, -0.03324558f, -0.00447632f,
-0.02519406f, -0.03752601f, -0.03901508f, -0.03663285f, -0.00646649f,
-0.02066407f, -0.03838633f, -0.04002101f, -0.03900035f, -0.00901973f,
-0.01626393f, -0.03954148f, -0.04046620f, -0.03979621f, -0.01224485f,
0.29895328f, 0.35757708f, -0.02447552f, -0.01081748f, -0.04314594f,
0.23903219f, 0.41119301f, -0.00573046f, -0.01450239f, -0.04246845f,
0.17567618f, 0.45220643f, 0.02287757f, -0.01936783f, -0.03583255f,
0.11572472f, 0.47416733f, 0.06284440f, -0.02685066f, 0.42720050f,
-0.02248939f, -0.01155273f, -0.04562755f, 0.28689496f, 0.49093869f,
-0.00007891f, -0.01545926f, -0.04562659f, 0.21238920f, 0.53980934f,
0.03369474f, -0.02070211f, -0.03866988f, 0.14229550f, 0.56593398f,
0.08045181f, -0.02888298f, -0.03680918f, -0.00542229f, -0.02920477f,
-0.02788574f, -0.02118180f, -0.03942402f, -0.00775547f, -0.02433614f,
-0.03193943f, -0.02030828f, -0.04044014f, -0.01074016f, -0.01930822f,
-0.03620399f, -0.01974125f, -0.03919545f, -0.01456093f, -0.00045072f,
-0.00360110f, -0.01020207f, -0.01231907f, -0.00638988f, -0.00071592f,
-0.00279122f, -0.00957115f, -0.01288327f, -0.00730937f, -0.00107783f,
-0.00210156f, -0.00890705f, -0.01317668f, -0.00813895f, -0.00153491f,
-0.02128481f, -0.04173044f, -0.04831487f, -0.03293190f, -0.00525260f,
-0.01720322f, -0.04052736f, -0.05045706f, -0.03607317f, -0.00738030f,
-0.01341764f, -0.03965629f, -0.05151616f, -0.03814886f, -0.01005819f,
0.18968273f, 0.33063684f, -0.01300105f, -0.01372950f, -0.04017465f,
0.13727832f, 0.36402234f, 0.01027890f, -0.01832107f, -0.03365072f,
0.08734506f, 0.38194295f, 0.04338228f, -0.02525993f, 0.56408126f,
0.00458352f, -0.01648227f, -0.04887868f, 0.24585519f, 0.62026135f,
0.04314807f, -0.02213737f, -0.04158014f, 0.16637289f, 0.65027023f,
0.09621636f, -0.03101388f, -0.04082742f, -0.00904519f, -0.02790922f,
-0.02117818f, 0.00798662f, -0.03995711f, -0.01243427f, -0.02231705f,
-0.02946266f, 0.00992055f, -0.03600283f, -0.01684920f, -0.00111684f,
-0.00411204f, -0.01297130f, -0.01723725f, -0.01022545f, -0.00165306f,
-0.00313110f, -0.01218016f, -0.01763266f, -0.01125620f, -0.00231663f,
-0.01374149f, -0.03797620f, -0.05142937f, -0.03117307f, -0.00581914f,
-0.01064003f, -0.03608089f, -0.05272168f, -0.03375670f, -0.00795586f,
0.09628104f, 0.27129991f, -0.00353779f, -0.01734151f, -0.03153981f,
0.05686230f, 0.28500998f, 0.02230594f, -0.02374955f, 0.68214326f,
0.05018048f, -0.02320852f, -0.04383616f, 0.18459474f, 0.71517975f,
0.10805613f, -0.03263677f, -0.03637639f, -0.01394373f, -0.02511203f,
-0.01728636f, 0.05407331f, -0.02867568f, -0.01893131f, -0.00240854f,
-0.00446511f, -0.01636187f, -0.02377053f, -0.01522848f, -0.00333334f,
-0.00819975f, -0.02964169f, -0.04499287f, -0.02745350f, -0.00612408f,
0.02727416f, 0.19446600f, 0.00159832f, -0.02232473f, 0.74982506f,
0.11452620f, -0.03348048f, -0.01605681f, -0.02070339f, -0.00458223f};
for (size_t i = 0; i < 210; i++) {
visitor->F16(kWeights8[i], &upsampling8_weights[i]));
return true;
ExtraChannelInfo::ExtraChannelInfo() { Bundle::Init(this); }
Status ExtraChannelInfo::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) {
if (visitor->AllDefault(*this, &all_default)) {
// Overwrite all serialized fields, but not any nonserialized_*.
return true;
// General
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Enum(ExtraChannel::kAlpha, &type));
visitor->U32(Val(0), Val(3), Val(4), BitsOffset(3, 1), 0, &dim_shift));
if ((1U << dim_shift) > 8) {
return JXL_FAILURE("dim_shift %u too large", dim_shift);
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(VisitNameString(visitor, &name));
// Conditional
if (visitor->Conditional(type == ExtraChannel::kAlpha)) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &alpha_associated));
if (visitor->Conditional(type == ExtraChannel::kSpotColor)) {
for (float& c : spot_color) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->F16(0, &c));
if (visitor->Conditional(type == ExtraChannel::kCFA)) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->U32(Val(1), Bits(2), BitsOffset(4, 3),
BitsOffset(8, 19), 1, &cfa_channel));
if (type == ExtraChannel::kUnknown ||
(static_cast<int>(ExtraChannel::kReserved0) <= static_cast<int>(type) &&
static_cast<int>(type) <= static_cast<int>(ExtraChannel::kReserved7))) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Unknown extra channel (bits %u, shift %u, name '%s')\n",
bit_depth.bits_per_sample, dim_shift, name.c_str());
return true;
std::string ExtraChannelInfo::DebugString() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << (type == ExtraChannel::kAlpha ? "Alpha"
: type == ExtraChannel::kDepth ? "Depth"
: type == ExtraChannel::kSpotColor ? "Spot"
: type == ExtraChannel::kSelectionMask ? "Mask"
: type == ExtraChannel::kBlack ? "Black"
: type == ExtraChannel::kCFA ? "CFA"
: type == ExtraChannel::kThermal ? "Thermal"
: "Unknown");
if (type == ExtraChannel::kAlpha && alpha_associated) os << "(premul)";
os << " " << bit_depth.DebugString();
os << " shift: " << dim_shift;
return os.str();
ImageMetadata::ImageMetadata() { Bundle::Init(this); }
Status ImageMetadata::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) {
if (visitor->AllDefault(*this, &all_default)) {
// Overwrite all serialized fields, but not any nonserialized_*.
return true;
// Bundle::AllDefault does not allow usage when reading (it may abort the
// program when a codestream has invalid values), but when reading we
// overwrite the extra_fields value, so do not need to call AllDefault.
bool tone_mapping_default =
visitor->IsReading() ? false : Bundle::AllDefault(tone_mapping);
bool extra_fields = (orientation != 1 || have_preview || have_animation ||
have_intrinsic_size || !tone_mapping_default);
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &extra_fields));
if (visitor->Conditional(extra_fields)) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(3, 0, &orientation));
// (No need for bounds checking because we read exactly 3 bits)
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &have_intrinsic_size));
if (visitor->Conditional(have_intrinsic_size)) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &have_preview));
if (visitor->Conditional(have_preview)) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &have_animation));
if (visitor->Conditional(have_animation)) {
} else {
orientation = 1; // identity
have_intrinsic_size = false;
have_preview = false;
have_animation = false;
visitor->Bool(true, &modular_16_bit_buffer_sufficient));
num_extra_channels = extra_channel_info.size();
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->U32(Val(0), Val(1), BitsOffset(4, 2),
BitsOffset(12, 1), 0,
if (visitor->Conditional(num_extra_channels != 0)) {
if (visitor->IsReading()) {
for (ExtraChannelInfo& eci : extra_channel_info) {
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(true, &xyb_encoded));
if (visitor->Conditional(extra_fields)) {
// Treat as if only the fields up to extra channels exist.
if (visitor->IsReading() && nonserialized_only_parse_basic_info) {
return true;
// Extensions: in chronological order of being added to the format.
return visitor->EndExtensions();
OpsinInverseMatrix::OpsinInverseMatrix() { Bundle::Init(this); }
Status OpsinInverseMatrix::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) {
if (visitor->AllDefault(*this, &all_default)) {
// Overwrite all serialized fields, but not any nonserialized_*.
return true;
const Matrix3x3& default_inverse =
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
visitor->F16(default_inverse[j][i], &inverse_matrix[j][i]));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
jxl::cms::kNegOpsinAbsorbanceBiasRGB[i], &opsin_biases[i]));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
visitor->F16(kDefaultQuantBias[i], &quant_biases[i]));
return true;
ToneMapping::ToneMapping() { Bundle::Init(this); }
Status ToneMapping::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) {
if (visitor->AllDefault(*this, &all_default)) {
// Overwrite all serialized fields, but not any nonserialized_*.
return true;
visitor->F16(kDefaultIntensityTarget, &intensity_target));
if (intensity_target <= 0.f) {
return JXL_FAILURE("invalid intensity target");
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->F16(0.0f, &min_nits));
if (min_nits < 0.f || min_nits > intensity_target) {
return JXL_FAILURE("invalid min %f vs max %f", min_nits, intensity_target);
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &relative_to_max_display));
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->F16(0.0f, &linear_below));
if (linear_below < 0 || (relative_to_max_display && linear_below > 1.0f)) {
return JXL_FAILURE("invalid linear_below %f (%s)", linear_below,
relative_to_max_display ? "relative" : "absolute");
return true;
Status ReadImageMetadata(BitReader* JXL_RESTRICT reader,
ImageMetadata* JXL_RESTRICT metadata) {
return Bundle::Read(reader, metadata);
void ImageMetadata::SetAlphaBits(uint32_t bits, bool alpha_is_premultiplied) {
std::vector<ExtraChannelInfo>& eciv = extra_channel_info;
ExtraChannelInfo* alpha = Find(ExtraChannel::kAlpha);
if (bits == 0) {
if (alpha != nullptr) {
// Remove the alpha channel from the extra channel info. It's
// theoretically possible that there are multiple, remove all in that
// case. This ensure a next HasAlpha() will return false.
const auto is_alpha = [](const ExtraChannelInfo& eci) {
return eci.type == ExtraChannel::kAlpha;
eciv.erase(std::remove_if(eciv.begin(), eciv.end(), is_alpha),
} else {
if (alpha == nullptr) {
ExtraChannelInfo info;
info.type = ExtraChannel::kAlpha;
info.bit_depth.bits_per_sample = bits;
info.dim_shift = 0;
info.alpha_associated = alpha_is_premultiplied;
// Prepend rather than append: in case there already are other extra
// channels, prefer alpha channel to be listed first.
eciv.insert(eciv.begin(), info);
} else {
// Ignores potential extra alpha channels, only sets to first one.
alpha->bit_depth.bits_per_sample = bits;
alpha->bit_depth.floating_point_sample = false;
alpha->bit_depth.exponent_bits_per_sample = 0;
alpha->alpha_associated = alpha_is_premultiplied;
num_extra_channels = extra_channel_info.size();
if (bits > 12) modular_16_bit_buffer_sufficient = false;
std::string ImageMetadata::DebugString() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << bit_depth.DebugString();
if (modular_16_bit_buffer_sufficient) {
os << " (modular 16)";
os << (xyb_encoded ? " xyb encoded" : " orig profile");
os << " " << Description(color_encoding);
if (num_extra_channels > 0) {
os << " extra channels:";
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_extra_channels; ++i) {
os << " (" << extra_channel_info[i].DebugString() << ")";
if (i + 1 < num_extra_channels) os << ",";
if (have_preview) {
os << " preview: " << preview_size.xsize() << "x" << preview_size.ysize();
if (orientation != 1) {
os << " orientation: " << orientation;
return os.str();
std::string CodecMetadata::DebugString() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << size.xsize() << "x" << size.ysize();
os << " " << m.DebugString();
return os.str();
} // namespace jxl