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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/fields.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes> // PRIu64
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <hwy/base.h>
#include "lib/jxl/base/bits.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/printf_macros.h"
namespace jxl {
namespace {
using ::jxl::fields_internal::VisitorBase;
struct InitVisitor : public VisitorBase {
Status Bits(const size_t /*unused*/, const uint32_t default_value,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
Status U32(const U32Enc /*unused*/, const uint32_t default_value,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
Status U64(const uint64_t default_value,
uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
Status Bool(bool default_value, bool* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
Status F16(const float default_value, float* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
// Always visit conditional fields to ensure they are initialized.
Status Conditional(bool /*condition*/) override { return true; }
Status AllDefault(const Fields& /*fields*/,
bool* JXL_RESTRICT all_default) override {
// Just initialize this field and don't skip initializing others.
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Bool(true, all_default));
return false;
Status VisitNested(Fields* /*fields*/) override {
// Avoid re-initializing nested bundles (their ctors already called
// Bundle::Init for their fields).
return true;
// Similar to InitVisitor, but also initializes nested fields.
struct SetDefaultVisitor : public VisitorBase {
Status Bits(const size_t /*unused*/, const uint32_t default_value,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
Status U32(const U32Enc /*unused*/, const uint32_t default_value,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
Status U64(const uint64_t default_value,
uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
Status Bool(bool default_value, bool* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
Status F16(const float default_value, float* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = default_value;
return true;
// Always visit conditional fields to ensure they are initialized.
Status Conditional(bool /*condition*/) override { return true; }
Status AllDefault(const Fields& /*fields*/,
bool* JXL_RESTRICT all_default) override {
// Just initialize this field and don't skip initializing others.
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Bool(true, all_default));
return false;
class AllDefaultVisitor : public VisitorBase {
explicit AllDefaultVisitor() = default;
Status Bits(const size_t bits, const uint32_t default_value,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
all_default_ &= *value == default_value;
return true;
Status U32(const U32Enc /*unused*/, const uint32_t default_value,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
all_default_ &= *value == default_value;
return true;
Status U64(const uint64_t default_value,
uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
all_default_ &= *value == default_value;
return true;
Status F16(const float default_value, float* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
all_default_ &= std::abs(*value - default_value) < 1E-6f;
return true;
Status AllDefault(const Fields& /*fields*/,
bool* JXL_RESTRICT /*all_default*/) override {
// Visit all fields so we can compute the actual all_default_ value.
return false;
bool AllDefault() const { return all_default_; }
bool all_default_ = true;
class ReadVisitor : public VisitorBase {
explicit ReadVisitor(BitReader* reader) : reader_(reader) {}
Status Bits(const size_t bits, const uint32_t /*default_value*/,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = BitsCoder::Read(bits, reader_);
if (!reader_->AllReadsWithinBounds()) {
return JXL_STATUS(StatusCode::kNotEnoughBytes,
"Not enough bytes for header");
return true;
Status U32(const U32Enc dist, const uint32_t /*default_value*/,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = U32Coder::Read(dist, reader_);
if (!reader_->AllReadsWithinBounds()) {
return JXL_STATUS(StatusCode::kNotEnoughBytes,
"Not enough bytes for header");
return true;
Status U64(const uint64_t /*default_value*/,
uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
*value = U64Coder::Read(reader_);
if (!reader_->AllReadsWithinBounds()) {
return JXL_STATUS(StatusCode::kNotEnoughBytes,
"Not enough bytes for header");
return true;
Status F16(const float /*default_value*/,
float* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
ok_ &= F16Coder::Read(reader_, value);
if (!reader_->AllReadsWithinBounds()) {
return JXL_STATUS(StatusCode::kNotEnoughBytes,
"Not enough bytes for header");
return true;
void SetDefault(Fields* fields) override { Bundle::SetDefault(fields); }
bool IsReading() const override { return true; }
// This never fails because visitors are expected to keep reading until
// EndExtensions, see comment there.
Status BeginExtensions(uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT extensions) override {
if (*extensions == 0) return true;
// For each nonzero bit, i.e. extension that is present:
for (uint64_t remaining_extensions = *extensions; remaining_extensions != 0;
remaining_extensions &= remaining_extensions - 1) {
const size_t idx_extension =
// Read additional U64 (one per extension) indicating the number of bits
// (allows skipping individual extensions).
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(U64(0, &extension_bits_[idx_extension]));
if (!SafeAdd(total_extension_bits_, extension_bits_[idx_extension],
total_extension_bits_)) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Extension bits overflowed, invalid codestream");
// Used by EndExtensions to skip past any _remaining_ extensions.
pos_after_ext_size_ = reader_->TotalBitsConsumed();
JXL_ENSURE(pos_after_ext_size_ != 0);
return true;
Status EndExtensions() override {
// Happens if extensions == 0: don't read size, done.
if (pos_after_ext_size_ == 0) return true;
// Not enough bytes as set by BeginExtensions or earlier. Do not return
// this as a JXL_FAILURE or false (which can also propagate to error
// through e.g. JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR), since this may be used while
// silently checking whether there are enough bytes. If this case must be
// treated as an error, reader_>Close() will do this, just like is already
// done for non-extension fields.
if (!enough_bytes_) return true;
// Skip new fields this (old?) decoder didn't know about, if any.
const size_t bits_read = reader_->TotalBitsConsumed();
uint64_t end;
if (!SafeAdd(pos_after_ext_size_, total_extension_bits_, end)) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid extension size, caused overflow");
if (bits_read > end) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Read more extension bits than budgeted");
const size_t remaining_bits = end - bits_read;
if (remaining_bits != 0) {
JXL_WARNING("Skipping %" PRIuS "-bit extension(s)", remaining_bits);
if (!reader_->AllReadsWithinBounds()) {
return JXL_STATUS(StatusCode::kNotEnoughBytes,
"Not enough bytes for header");
return true;
Status OK() const { return ok_; }
// Whether any error other than not enough bytes occurred.
bool ok_ = true;
// Whether there are enough input bytes to read from.
bool enough_bytes_ = true;
BitReader* const reader_;
// May be 0 even if the corresponding extension is present.
uint64_t extension_bits_[Bundle::kMaxExtensions] = {0};
uint64_t total_extension_bits_ = 0;
size_t pos_after_ext_size_ = 0; // 0 iff extensions == 0.
friend Status jxl::CheckHasEnoughBits(Visitor* /* visitor */,
size_t /* bits */);
class MaxBitsVisitor : public VisitorBase {
Status Bits(const size_t bits, const uint32_t /*default_value*/,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT /*value*/) override {
max_bits_ += BitsCoder::MaxEncodedBits(bits);
return true;
Status U32(const U32Enc enc, const uint32_t /*default_value*/,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT /*value*/) override {
max_bits_ += U32Coder::MaxEncodedBits(enc);
return true;
Status U64(const uint64_t /*default_value*/,
uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT /*value*/) override {
max_bits_ += U64Coder::MaxEncodedBits();
return true;
Status F16(const float /*default_value*/,
float* JXL_RESTRICT /*value*/) override {
max_bits_ += F16Coder::MaxEncodedBits();
return true;
Status AllDefault(const Fields& /*fields*/,
bool* JXL_RESTRICT all_default) override {
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Bool(true, all_default));
return false; // For max bits, assume nothing is default
// Always visit conditional fields to get a (loose) upper bound.
Status Conditional(bool /*condition*/) override { return true; }
Status BeginExtensions(uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT /*extensions*/) override {
// Skip - extensions are not included in "MaxBits" because their length
// is potentially unbounded.
return true;
Status EndExtensions() override { return true; }
size_t MaxBits() const { return max_bits_; }
size_t max_bits_ = 0;
class CanEncodeVisitor : public VisitorBase {
explicit CanEncodeVisitor() = default;
Status Bits(const size_t bits, const uint32_t /*default_value*/,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
size_t encoded_bits = 0;
ok_ &= BitsCoder::CanEncode(bits, *value, &encoded_bits);
encoded_bits_ += encoded_bits;
return true;
Status U32(const U32Enc enc, const uint32_t /*default_value*/,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
size_t encoded_bits = 0;
ok_ &= U32Coder::CanEncode(enc, *value, &encoded_bits);
encoded_bits_ += encoded_bits;
return true;
Status U64(const uint64_t /*default_value*/,
uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
size_t encoded_bits = 0;
ok_ &= U64Coder::CanEncode(*value, &encoded_bits);
encoded_bits_ += encoded_bits;
return true;
Status F16(const float /*default_value*/,
float* JXL_RESTRICT value) override {
size_t encoded_bits = 0;
ok_ &= F16Coder::CanEncode(*value, &encoded_bits);
encoded_bits_ += encoded_bits;
return true;
Status AllDefault(const Fields& fields,
bool* JXL_RESTRICT all_default) override {
*all_default = Bundle::AllDefault(fields);
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Bool(true, all_default));
return *all_default;
Status BeginExtensions(uint64_t* JXL_RESTRICT extensions) override {
extensions_ = *extensions;
if (*extensions != 0) {
JXL_ENSURE(pos_after_ext_ == 0);
pos_after_ext_ = encoded_bits_;
JXL_ENSURE(pos_after_ext_ != 0); // visited "extensions"
return true;
// EndExtensions = default.
Status GetSizes(size_t* JXL_RESTRICT extension_bits,
size_t* JXL_RESTRICT total_bits) {
*extension_bits = 0;
*total_bits = encoded_bits_;
// Only if extension field was nonzero will we encode their sizes.
if (pos_after_ext_ != 0) {
JXL_ENSURE(encoded_bits_ >= pos_after_ext_);
*extension_bits = encoded_bits_ - pos_after_ext_;
// Also need to encode *extension_bits and bill it to *total_bits.
size_t encoded_bits = 0;
ok_ &= U64Coder::CanEncode(*extension_bits, &encoded_bits);
*total_bits += encoded_bits;
// TODO(janwas): support encoding individual extension sizes. We
// currently ascribe all bits to the first and send zeros for the
// others.
for (size_t i = 1; i < hwy::PopCount(extensions_); ++i) {
encoded_bits = 0;
ok_ &= U64Coder::CanEncode(0, &encoded_bits);
*total_bits += encoded_bits;
return true;
bool ok_ = true;
size_t encoded_bits_ = 0;
uint64_t extensions_ = 0;
// Snapshot of encoded_bits_ after visiting the extension field, but NOT
// including the hidden extension sizes.
uint64_t pos_after_ext_ = 0;
} // namespace
void Bundle::Init(Fields* fields) {
InitVisitor visitor;
if (!visitor.Visit(fields)) {
JXL_DEBUG_ABORT("Init should never fail");
void Bundle::SetDefault(Fields* fields) {
SetDefaultVisitor visitor;
if (!visitor.Visit(fields)) {
JXL_DEBUG_ABORT("SetDefault should never fail");
bool Bundle::AllDefault(const Fields& fields) {
AllDefaultVisitor visitor;
if (!visitor.VisitConst(fields)) {
JXL_DEBUG_ABORT("AllDefault should never fail");
return visitor.AllDefault();
size_t Bundle::MaxBits(const Fields& fields) {
MaxBitsVisitor visitor;
Status ret = visitor.VisitConst(fields);
return visitor.MaxBits();
Status Bundle::CanEncode(const Fields& fields, size_t* extension_bits,
size_t* total_bits) {
CanEncodeVisitor visitor;
JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor.GetSizes(extension_bits, total_bits));
return true;
Status Bundle::Read(BitReader* reader, Fields* fields) {
ReadVisitor visitor(reader);
return visitor.OK();
bool Bundle::CanRead(BitReader* reader, Fields* fields) {
ReadVisitor visitor(reader);
Status status = visitor.Visit(fields);
// We are only checking here whether there are enough bytes. We still return
// true for other errors because it means there are enough bytes to determine
// there's an error. Use Read() to determine which error it is.
return status.code() != StatusCode::kNotEnoughBytes;
size_t BitsCoder::MaxEncodedBits(const size_t bits) { return bits; }
Status BitsCoder::CanEncode(const size_t bits, const uint32_t value,
size_t* JXL_RESTRICT encoded_bits) {
*encoded_bits = bits;
if (value >= (1ULL << bits)) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Value %u too large for %" PRIu64 " bits", value,
return true;
uint32_t BitsCoder::Read(const size_t bits, BitReader* JXL_RESTRICT reader) {
return reader->ReadBits(bits);
size_t U32Coder::MaxEncodedBits(const U32Enc enc) {
size_t extra_bits = 0;
for (uint32_t selector = 0; selector < 4; ++selector) {
const U32Distr d = enc.GetDistr(selector);
if (d.IsDirect()) {
} else {
extra_bits = std::max<size_t>(extra_bits, d.ExtraBits());
return 2 + extra_bits;
Status U32Coder::CanEncode(const U32Enc enc, const uint32_t value,
size_t* JXL_RESTRICT encoded_bits) {
uint32_t selector;
size_t total_bits;
const Status ok = ChooseSelector(enc, value, &selector, &total_bits);
*encoded_bits = ok ? total_bits : 0;
return ok;
uint32_t U32Coder::Read(const U32Enc enc, BitReader* JXL_RESTRICT reader) {
const uint32_t selector = reader->ReadFixedBits<2>();
const U32Distr d = enc.GetDistr(selector);
if (d.IsDirect()) {
return d.Direct();
} else {
return reader->ReadBits(d.ExtraBits()) + d.Offset();
Status U32Coder::ChooseSelector(const U32Enc enc, const uint32_t value,
uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT selector,
size_t* JXL_RESTRICT total_bits) {
const size_t bits_required = 32 - Num0BitsAboveMS1Bit(value);
JXL_ENSURE(bits_required <= 32);
*selector = 0;
*total_bits = 0;
// It is difficult to verify whether Dist32Byte are sorted, so check all
// selectors and keep the one with the fewest total_bits.
*total_bits = 64; // more than any valid encoding
for (uint32_t s = 0; s < 4; ++s) {
const U32Distr d = enc.GetDistr(s);
if (d.IsDirect()) {
if (d.Direct() == value) {
*selector = s;
*total_bits = 2;
return true; // Done, direct is always the best possible.
const size_t extra_bits = d.ExtraBits();
const uint32_t offset = d.Offset();
if (value < offset || value >= offset + (1ULL << extra_bits)) continue;
// Better than prior encoding, remember it:
if (2 + extra_bits < *total_bits) {
*selector = s;
*total_bits = 2 + extra_bits;
if (*total_bits == 64) {
return JXL_FAILURE("No feasible selector for %u", value);
return true;
uint64_t U64Coder::Read(BitReader* JXL_RESTRICT reader) {
uint64_t selector = reader->ReadFixedBits<2>();
if (selector == 0) {
return 0;
if (selector == 1) {
return 1 + reader->ReadFixedBits<4>();
if (selector == 2) {
return 17 + reader->ReadFixedBits<8>();
// selector 3, varint, groups have first 12, then 8, and last 4 bits.
uint64_t result = reader->ReadFixedBits<12>();
uint64_t shift = 12;
while (reader->ReadFixedBits<1>()) {
if (shift == 60) {
result |= static_cast<uint64_t>(reader->ReadFixedBits<4>()) << shift;
result |= static_cast<uint64_t>(reader->ReadFixedBits<8>()) << shift;
shift += 8;
return result;
// Can always encode, but useful because it also returns bit size.
Status U64Coder::CanEncode(uint64_t value, size_t* JXL_RESTRICT encoded_bits) {
if (value == 0) {
*encoded_bits = 2; // 2 selector bits
} else if (value <= 16) {
*encoded_bits = 2 + 4; // 2 selector bits + 4 payload bits
} else if (value <= 272) {
*encoded_bits = 2 + 8; // 2 selector bits + 8 payload bits
} else {
*encoded_bits = 2 + 12; // 2 selector bits + 12 payload bits
value >>= 12;
int shift = 12;
while (value > 0 && shift < 60) {
*encoded_bits += 1 + 8; // 1 continuation bit + 8 payload bits
value >>= 8;
shift += 8;
if (value > 0) {
// This only could happen if shift == N - 4.
*encoded_bits += 1 + 4; // 1 continuation bit + 4 payload bits
} else {
*encoded_bits += 1; // 1 stop bit
return true;
Status F16Coder::Read(BitReader* JXL_RESTRICT reader,
float* JXL_RESTRICT value) {
const uint32_t bits16 = reader->ReadFixedBits<16>();
const uint32_t sign = bits16 >> 15;
const uint32_t biased_exp = (bits16 >> 10) & 0x1F;
const uint32_t mantissa = bits16 & 0x3FF;
if (JXL_UNLIKELY(biased_exp == 31)) {
return JXL_FAILURE("F16 infinity or NaN are not supported");
// Subnormal or zero
if (JXL_UNLIKELY(biased_exp == 0)) {
*value = (1.0f / 16384) * (mantissa * (1.0f / 1024));
if (sign) *value = -*value;
return true;
// Normalized: convert the representation directly (faster than ldexp/tables).
const uint32_t biased_exp32 = biased_exp + (127 - 15);
const uint32_t mantissa32 = mantissa << (23 - 10);
const uint32_t bits32 = (sign << 31) | (biased_exp32 << 23) | mantissa32;
memcpy(value, &bits32, sizeof(bits32));
return true;
Status F16Coder::CanEncode(float value, size_t* JXL_RESTRICT encoded_bits) {
*encoded_bits = MaxEncodedBits();
if (std::isnan(value) || std::isinf(value)) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Should not attempt to store NaN and infinity");
return std::abs(value) <= 65504.0f;
Status CheckHasEnoughBits(Visitor* visitor, size_t bits) {
if (!visitor->IsReading()) return false;
ReadVisitor* rv = static_cast<ReadVisitor*>(visitor);
size_t have_bits = rv->reader_->TotalBytes() * kBitsPerByte;
size_t want_bits = bits + rv->reader_->TotalBitsConsumed();
if (have_bits < want_bits) {
return JXL_STATUS(StatusCode::kNotEnoughBytes,
"Not enough bytes for header");
return true;
} // namespace jxl