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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/enc_aux_out.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include "lib/jxl/base/printf_macros.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
namespace jxl {
const char* LayerName(LayerType layer) {
switch (layer) {
case LayerType::Header:
return "Headers";
case LayerType::Toc:
return "TOC";
case LayerType::Dictionary:
return "Patches";
case LayerType::Splines:
return "Splines";
case LayerType::Noise:
return "Noise";
case LayerType::Quant:
return "Quantizer";
case LayerType::ModularTree:
return "ModularTree";
case LayerType::ModularGlobal:
return "ModularGlobal";
case LayerType::Dc:
return "DC";
case LayerType::ModularDcGroup:
return "ModularDcGroup";
case LayerType::ControlFields:
return "ControlFields";
case LayerType::Order:
return "CoeffOrder";
case LayerType::Ac:
return "ACHistograms";
case LayerType::AcTokens:
return "ACTokens";
case LayerType::ModularAcGroup:
return "ModularAcGroup";
JXL_DEBUG_ABORT("internal: unexpected LayerType: %d",
return "Invalid";
void AuxOut::LayerTotals::Print(size_t num_inputs) const {
if (JXL_DEBUG_V_LEVEL > 0) {
printf("%10" PRIuS, total_bits);
if (histogram_bits != 0) {
printf(" [c/i:%6.2f | hst:%8" PRIuS " | ex:%8" PRIuS " | h+c+e:%12.3f",
num_clustered_histograms * 1.0 / num_inputs, histogram_bits >> 3,
extra_bits >> 3,
(histogram_bits + clustered_entropy + extra_bits) / 8.0);
void AuxOut::Assimilate(const AuxOut& victim) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumImageLayers; ++i) {
LayerType l = static_cast<LayerType>(i);
num_blocks += victim.num_blocks;
num_small_blocks += victim.num_small_blocks;
num_dct4x8_blocks += victim.num_dct4x8_blocks;
num_afv_blocks += victim.num_afv_blocks;
num_dct8_blocks += victim.num_dct8_blocks;
num_dct8x16_blocks += victim.num_dct8x16_blocks;
num_dct8x32_blocks += victim.num_dct8x32_blocks;
num_dct16_blocks += victim.num_dct16_blocks;
num_dct16x32_blocks += victim.num_dct16x32_blocks;
num_dct32_blocks += victim.num_dct32_blocks;
num_dct32x64_blocks += victim.num_dct32x64_blocks;
num_dct64_blocks += victim.num_dct64_blocks;
num_butteraugli_iters += victim.num_butteraugli_iters;
void AuxOut::Print(size_t num_inputs) const {
if (JXL_DEBUG_V_LEVEL > 0) {
if (num_inputs == 0) return;
LayerTotals all_layers;
for (const auto& layer : layers) {
printf("Average butteraugli iters: %10.2f\n",
num_butteraugli_iters * 1.0 / num_inputs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumImageLayers; ++i) {
LayerType l = static_cast<LayerType>(i);
if (layer(l).total_bits != 0) {
printf("Total layer bits %-10s\t", LayerName(l));
printf("%10f%%", 100.0 * layer(l).total_bits / all_layers.total_bits);
printf("Total image size ");
size_t total_blocks = 0;
size_t total_positions = 0;
if (total_blocks != 0 && total_positions != 0) {
printf("\n\t\t Blocks\t\tPositions\t\t\tBlocks/Position\n");
printf(" Total:\t\t %7" PRIuS "\t\t %7" PRIuS " \t\t\t%10f%%\n\n",
total_blocks, total_positions,
100.0 * total_blocks / total_positions);
} // namespace jxl