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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include "lib/jxl/base/rect.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/convolve-inl.h"
#include "lib/jxl/convolve.h"
namespace jxl {
// Kernels
// 4 instances of a given literal value, useful as input to LoadDup128.
#define JXL_REP4(literal) literal, literal, literal, literal
// Concentrates energy in low-frequency components (e.g. for antialiasing).
const WeightsSymmetric3& WeightsSymmetric3Lowpass() {
// Computed by research/'s cubic spline approximations of
// prolate spheroidal wave functions.
constexpr float w0 = 0.36208932f;
constexpr float w1 = 0.12820096f;
constexpr float w2 = 0.03127668f;
static constexpr WeightsSymmetric3 weights = {
{JXL_REP4(w0)}, {JXL_REP4(w1)}, {JXL_REP4(w2)}};
return weights;
const WeightsSeparable5& WeightsSeparable5Lowpass() {
constexpr float w0 = 0.41714928f;
constexpr float w1 = 0.25539268f;
constexpr float w2 = 0.03603267f;
static constexpr WeightsSeparable5 weights = {
{JXL_REP4(w0), JXL_REP4(w1), JXL_REP4(w2)},
{JXL_REP4(w0), JXL_REP4(w1), JXL_REP4(w2)}};
return weights;
const WeightsSymmetric5& WeightsSymmetric5Lowpass() {
static constexpr WeightsSymmetric5 weights = {
{JXL_REP4(0.1740135f)}, {JXL_REP4(0.1065369f)}, {JXL_REP4(0.0150310f)},
{JXL_REP4(0.0652254f)}, {JXL_REP4(0.0012984f)}, {JXL_REP4(0.0092025f)}};
return weights;
const WeightsSeparable5& WeightsSeparable5Gaussian1() {
constexpr float w0 = 0.38774f;
constexpr float w1 = 0.24477f;
constexpr float w2 = 0.06136f;
static constexpr WeightsSeparable5 weights = {
{JXL_REP4(w0), JXL_REP4(w1), JXL_REP4(w2)},
{JXL_REP4(w0), JXL_REP4(w1), JXL_REP4(w2)}};
return weights;
const WeightsSeparable5& WeightsSeparable5Gaussian2() {
constexpr float w0 = 0.250301f;
constexpr float w1 = 0.221461f;
constexpr float w2 = 0.153388f;
static constexpr WeightsSeparable5 weights = {
{JXL_REP4(w0), JXL_REP4(w1), JXL_REP4(w2)},
{JXL_REP4(w0), JXL_REP4(w1), JXL_REP4(w2)}};
return weights;
#undef JXL_REP4
// Slow
namespace {
template <class WrapX, class WrapY>
float SlowSymmetric3Pixel(const ImageF& in, const int64_t ix, const int64_t iy,
const int64_t xsize, const int64_t ysize,
const WeightsSymmetric3& weights) {
float sum = 0.0f;
// ix: image; kx: kernel
for (int64_t ky = -1; ky <= 1; ky++) {
const int64_t y = WrapY()(iy + ky, ysize);
const float* JXL_RESTRICT row_in = in.ConstRow(static_cast<size_t>(y));
const float wc = ky == 0 ? weights.c[0] : weights.r[0];
const float wlr = ky == 0 ? weights.r[0] : weights.d[0];
const int64_t xm1 = WrapX()(ix - 1, xsize);
const int64_t xp1 = WrapX()(ix + 1, xsize);
sum += row_in[ix] * wc + (row_in[xm1] + row_in[xp1]) * wlr;
return sum;
template <class WrapY>
void SlowSymmetric3Row(const ImageF& in, const int64_t iy, const int64_t xsize,
const int64_t ysize, const WeightsSymmetric3& weights,
float* JXL_RESTRICT row_out) {
row_out[0] =
SlowSymmetric3Pixel<WrapMirror, WrapY>(in, 0, iy, xsize, ysize, weights);
for (int64_t ix = 1; ix < xsize - 1; ix++) {
row_out[ix] = SlowSymmetric3Pixel<WrapUnchanged, WrapY>(in, ix, iy, xsize,
ysize, weights);
const int64_t ix = xsize - 1;
row_out[ix] = SlowSymmetric3Pixel<WrapMirror, WrapY>(in, ix, iy, xsize,
ysize, weights);
} // namespace
Status SlowSymmetric3(const ImageF& in, const Rect& rect,
const WeightsSymmetric3& weights, ThreadPool* pool,
ImageF* JXL_RESTRICT out) {
const int64_t xsize = static_cast<int64_t>(rect.xsize());
const int64_t ysize = static_cast<int64_t>(rect.ysize());
const int64_t kRadius = 1;
const auto process_row = [&](const uint32_t task,
size_t /*thread*/) -> Status {
const int64_t iy = task;
float* JXL_RESTRICT out_row = out->Row(static_cast<size_t>(iy));
if (iy < kRadius || iy >= ysize - kRadius) {
SlowSymmetric3Row<WrapMirror>(in, iy, xsize, ysize, weights, out_row);
} else {
SlowSymmetric3Row<WrapUnchanged>(in, iy, xsize, ysize, weights, out_row);
return true;
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(RunOnPool(pool, 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(ysize),
ThreadPool::NoInit, process_row,
return true;
namespace {
// Separable kernels, any radius.
StatusOr<float> SlowSeparablePixel(const ImageF& in, const Rect& rect,
const int64_t x, const int64_t y,
const int64_t radius,
const float* JXL_RESTRICT horz_weights,
const float* JXL_RESTRICT vert_weights) {
const size_t xsize = in.xsize();
const size_t ysize = in.ysize();
const WrapMirror wrap;
float mul = 0.0f;
for (int dy = -radius; dy <= radius; ++dy) {
const float wy = vert_weights[std::abs(dy) * 4];
const size_t sy = wrap(rect.y0() + y + dy, ysize);
JXL_ENSURE(sy < ysize);
const float* const JXL_RESTRICT row = in.ConstRow(sy);
for (int dx = -radius; dx <= radius; ++dx) {
const float wx = horz_weights[std::abs(dx) * 4];
const size_t sx = wrap(rect.x0() + x + dx, xsize);
JXL_ENSURE(sx < xsize);
mul += row[sx] * wx * wy;
return mul;
template <int R, typename Weights>
Status SlowSeparable(const ImageF& in, const Rect& in_rect,
const Weights& weights, ThreadPool* pool, ImageF* out,
const Rect& out_rect) {
JXL_ENSURE(in_rect.xsize() == out_rect.xsize());
JXL_ENSURE(in_rect.ysize() == out_rect.ysize());
const float* horz_weights = &weights.horz[0];
const float* vert_weights = &weights.vert[0];
const auto process_row = [&](const uint32_t task,
size_t /*thread*/) -> Status {
const int64_t y = task;
float* const JXL_RESTRICT row_out = out_rect.Row(out, y);
for (size_t x = 0; x < in_rect.xsize(); ++x) {
SlowSeparablePixel(in, in_rect, x, y, /*radius=*/R,
horz_weights, vert_weights));
return true;
const size_t ysize = in_rect.ysize();
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(RunOnPool(pool, 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(ysize),
ThreadPool::NoInit, process_row,
return true;
} // namespace
Status SlowSeparable5(const ImageF& in, const Rect& in_rect,
const WeightsSeparable5& weights, ThreadPool* pool,
ImageF* out, const Rect& out_rect) {
return SlowSeparable<2>(in, in_rect, weights, pool, out, out_rect);
} // namespace jxl