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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jpegli/decode_scan.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <hwy/base.h> // HWY_ALIGN_MAX
#include "lib/jpegli/decode_internal.h"
#include "lib/jpegli/error.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
namespace jpegli {
namespace {
// Max 14 block per MCU (when 1 channel is subsampled)
// Max 64 nonzero coefficients per block
// Max 16 symbol bits plus 11 extra bits per nonzero symbol
// Max 2 bytes per 8 bits (worst case is all bytes are escaped 0xff)
constexpr int kMaxMCUByteSize = 6048;
// Helper structure to read bits from the entropy coded data segment.
struct BitReaderState {
BitReaderState(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, size_t pos)
: data_(data), len_(len), start_pos_(pos) {
void Reset(size_t pos) {
pos_ = pos;
val_ = 0;
bits_left_ = 0;
next_marker_pos_ = len_;
// Returns the next byte and skips the 0xff/0x00 escape sequences.
uint8_t GetNextByte() {
if (pos_ >= next_marker_pos_) {
return 0;
uint8_t c = data_[pos_++];
if (c == 0xff) {
uint8_t escape = pos_ < len_ ? data_[pos_] : 0;
if (escape == 0) {
} else {
// 0xff was followed by a non-zero byte, which means that we found the
// start of the next marker segment.
next_marker_pos_ = pos_ - 1;
return c;
void FillBitWindow() {
if (bits_left_ <= 16) {
while (bits_left_ <= 56) {
val_ <<= 8;
val_ |= static_cast<uint64_t>(GetNextByte());
bits_left_ += 8;
int ReadBits(int nbits) {
uint64_t val = (val_ >> (bits_left_ - nbits)) & ((1ULL << nbits) - 1);
bits_left_ -= nbits;
return val;
// Sets *pos to the next stream position, and *bit_pos to the bit position
// within the next byte where parsing should continue.
// Returns false if the stream ended too early.
bool FinishStream(size_t* pos, size_t* bit_pos) {
*bit_pos = (8 - (bits_left_ & 7)) & 7;
// Give back some bytes that we did not use.
int unused_bytes_left = DivCeil(bits_left_, 8);
while (unused_bytes_left-- > 0) {
// If we give back a 0 byte, we need to check if it was a 0xff/0x00 escape
// sequence, and if yes, we need to give back one more byte.
if (((pos_ == len_ && pos_ == next_marker_pos_) ||
(pos_ > 0 && pos_ < next_marker_pos_ && data_[pos_] == 0)) &&
(data_[pos_ - 1] == 0xff)) {
if (pos_ >= next_marker_pos_) {
*pos = next_marker_pos_;
if (pos_ > next_marker_pos_ || *bit_pos > 0) {
// Data ran out before the scan was complete.
return false;
*pos = pos_;
return true;
const uint8_t* data_;
const size_t len_;
size_t pos_;
uint64_t val_;
int bits_left_;
size_t next_marker_pos_;
size_t start_pos_;
// Returns the next Huffman-coded symbol.
int ReadSymbol(const HuffmanTableEntry* table, BitReaderState* br) {
int nbits;
int val = (br->val_ >> (br->bits_left_ - 8)) & 0xff;
table += val;
nbits = table->bits - 8;
if (nbits > 0) {
br->bits_left_ -= 8;
table += table->value;
val = (br->val_ >> (br->bits_left_ - nbits)) & ((1 << nbits) - 1);
table += val;
br->bits_left_ -= table->bits;
return table->value;
* Returns the DC diff or AC value for extra bits value x and prefix code s.
* CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
* Table F.1 – Difference magnitude categories for DC coding
* SSSS | DIFF values
* ------+--------------------------
* 0 | 0
* 1 | –1, 1
* 2 | –3, –2, 2, 3
* 3 | –7..–4, 4..7
* ......|..........................
* 11 | –2047..–1024, 1024..2047
* CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
* Table F.2 – Categories assigned to coefficient values
* [ Same as Table F.1, but does not include SSSS equal to 0 and 11]
* CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
* F. Structure of DC code table
* For each category,... additional bits... appended... to uniquely identify
* which difference... occurred... When DIFF is positive... SSSS... bits of DIFF
* are appended. When DIFF is negative... SSSS... bits of (DIFF – 1) are
* appended... Most significant bit... is 0 for negative differences and 1 for
* positive differences.
* In other words the upper half of extra bits range represents DIFF as is.
* The lower half represents the negative DIFFs with an offset.
int HuffExtend(int x, int s) {
int half = 1 << (s - 1);
if (x >= half) {
JXL_DASSERT(x < (1 << s));
return x;
} else {
return x - (1 << s) + 1;
// Decodes one 8x8 block of DCT coefficients from the bit stream.
bool DecodeDCTBlock(const HuffmanTableEntry* dc_huff,
const HuffmanTableEntry* ac_huff, int Ss, int Se, int Al,
int* eobrun, BitReaderState* br, coeff_t* last_dc_coeff,
coeff_t* coeffs) {
// Nowadays multiplication is even faster than variable shift.
int Am = 1 << Al;
bool eobrun_allowed = Ss > 0;
if (Ss == 0) {
int s = ReadSymbol(dc_huff, br);
if (s >= kJpegDCAlphabetSize) {
return false;
int diff = 0;
if (s > 0) {
int bits = br->ReadBits(s);
diff = HuffExtend(bits, s);
int coeff = diff + *last_dc_coeff;
const int dc_coeff = coeff * Am;
coeffs[0] = dc_coeff;
// TODO(eustas): is there a more elegant / explicit way to check this?
if (dc_coeff != coeffs[0]) {
return false;
*last_dc_coeff = coeff;
if (Ss > Se) {
return true;
if (*eobrun > 0) {
return true;
for (int k = Ss; k <= Se; k++) {
int sr = ReadSymbol(ac_huff, br);
if (sr >= kJpegHuffmanAlphabetSize) {
return false;
int r = sr >> 4;
int s = sr & 15;
if (s > 0) {
k += r;
if (k > Se) {
return false;
if (s + Al >= kJpegDCAlphabetSize) {
return false;
int bits = br->ReadBits(s);
int coeff = HuffExtend(bits, s);
coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]] = coeff * Am;
} else if (r == 15) {
k += 15;
} else {
*eobrun = 1 << r;
if (r > 0) {
if (!eobrun_allowed) {
return false;
*eobrun += br->ReadBits(r);
return true;
bool RefineDCTBlock(const HuffmanTableEntry* ac_huff, int Ss, int Se, int Al,
int* eobrun, BitReaderState* br, coeff_t* coeffs) {
// Nowadays multiplication is even faster than variable shift.
int Am = 1 << Al;
bool eobrun_allowed = Ss > 0;
if (Ss == 0) {
int s = br->ReadBits(1);
coeff_t dc_coeff = coeffs[0];
dc_coeff |= s * Am;
coeffs[0] = dc_coeff;
if (Ss > Se) {
return true;
int p1 = Am;
int m1 = -Am;
int k = Ss;
int r;
int s;
bool in_zero_run = false;
if (*eobrun <= 0) {
for (; k <= Se; k++) {
s = ReadSymbol(ac_huff, br);
if (s >= kJpegHuffmanAlphabetSize) {
return false;
r = s >> 4;
s &= 15;
if (s) {
if (s != 1) {
return false;
s = br->ReadBits(1) ? p1 : m1;
in_zero_run = false;
} else {
if (r != 15) {
*eobrun = 1 << r;
if (r > 0) {
if (!eobrun_allowed) {
return false;
*eobrun += br->ReadBits(r);
in_zero_run = true;
do {
coeff_t thiscoef = coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]];
if (thiscoef != 0) {
if (br->ReadBits(1)) {
if ((thiscoef & p1) == 0) {
if (thiscoef >= 0) {
thiscoef += p1;
} else {
thiscoef += m1;
coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]] = thiscoef;
} else {
if (--r < 0) {
} while (k <= Se);
if (s) {
if (k > Se) {
return false;
coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]] = s;
if (in_zero_run) {
return false;
if (*eobrun > 0) {
for (; k <= Se; k++) {
coeff_t thiscoef = coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]];
if (thiscoef != 0) {
if (br->ReadBits(1)) {
if ((thiscoef & p1) == 0) {
if (thiscoef >= 0) {
thiscoef += p1;
} else {
thiscoef += m1;
coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]] = thiscoef;
return true;
void SaveMCUCodingState(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
jpeg_decomp_master* m = cinfo->master;
memcpy(m->mcu_.last_dc_coeff, m->last_dc_coeff_, sizeof(m->last_dc_coeff_));
m->mcu_.eobrun = m->eobrun_;
size_t offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ++i) {
const jpeg_component_info* comp = cinfo->cur_comp_info[i];
int c = comp->component_index;
size_t block_x = m->scan_mcu_col_ * comp->MCU_width;
for (int iy = 0; iy < comp->MCU_height; ++iy) {
size_t block_y = m->scan_mcu_row_ * comp->MCU_height + iy;
size_t biy = block_y % comp->v_samp_factor;
if (block_y >= comp->height_in_blocks) {
size_t nblocks =
std::min<size_t>(comp->MCU_width, comp->width_in_blocks - block_x);
size_t ncoeffs = nblocks * DCTSIZE2;
coeff_t* coeffs = &m->coeff_rows[c][biy][block_x][0];
memcpy(&m->mcu_.coeffs[offset], coeffs, ncoeffs * sizeof(coeffs[0]));
offset += ncoeffs;
void RestoreMCUCodingState(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
jpeg_decomp_master* m = cinfo->master;
memcpy(m->last_dc_coeff_, m->mcu_.last_dc_coeff, sizeof(m->last_dc_coeff_));
m->eobrun_ = m->mcu_.eobrun;
size_t offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ++i) {
const jpeg_component_info* comp = cinfo->cur_comp_info[i];
int c = comp->component_index;
size_t block_x = m->scan_mcu_col_ * comp->MCU_width;
for (int iy = 0; iy < comp->MCU_height; ++iy) {
size_t block_y = m->scan_mcu_row_ * comp->MCU_height + iy;
size_t biy = block_y % comp->v_samp_factor;
if (block_y >= comp->height_in_blocks) {
size_t nblocks =
std::min<size_t>(comp->MCU_width, comp->width_in_blocks - block_x);
size_t ncoeffs = nblocks * DCTSIZE2;
coeff_t* coeffs = &m->coeff_rows[c][biy][block_x][0];
memcpy(coeffs, &m->mcu_.coeffs[offset], ncoeffs * sizeof(coeffs[0]));
offset += ncoeffs;
bool FinishScan(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, const uint8_t* data, const size_t len,
size_t* pos, size_t* bit_pos) {
jpeg_decomp_master* m = cinfo->master;
if (m->eobrun_ > 0) {
JPEGLI_ERROR("End-of-block run too long.");
m->eobrun_ = -1;
memset(m->last_dc_coeff_, 0, sizeof(m->last_dc_coeff_));
if (*bit_pos == 0) {
return true;
if (data[*pos] == 0xff) {
// After last br.FinishStream we checked that there is at least 2 bytes
// in the buffer.
JXL_DASSERT(*pos + 1 < len);
// br.FinishStream would have detected an early marker.
JXL_DASSERT(data[*pos + 1] == 0);
*pos += 2;
} else {
*pos += 1;
*bit_pos = 0;
return true;
} // namespace
void PrepareForiMCURow(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
jpeg_decomp_master* m = cinfo->master;
for (int i = 0; i < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ++i) {
const jpeg_component_info* comp = cinfo->cur_comp_info[i];
int c = comp->component_index;
int by0 = cinfo->input_iMCU_row * comp->v_samp_factor;
int block_rows_left = comp->height_in_blocks - by0;
int max_block_rows = std::min(comp->v_samp_factor, block_rows_left);
int offset = m->streaming_mode_ ? 0 : by0;
m->coeff_rows[c] = (*cinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)(
reinterpret_cast<j_common_ptr>(cinfo), m->coef_arrays[c], offset,
max_block_rows, TRUE);
int ProcessScan(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, const uint8_t* const data,
const size_t len, size_t* pos, size_t* bit_pos) {
if (len == 0) {
return kNeedMoreInput;
jpeg_decomp_master* m = cinfo->master;
for (;;) {
// Handle the restart intervals.
if (cinfo->restart_interval > 0 && m->restarts_to_go_ == 0) {
if (!FinishScan(cinfo, data, len, pos, bit_pos)) {
return kNeedMoreInput;
// Go to the next marker, warn if we had to skip any data.
size_t num_skipped = 0;
while (*pos + 1 < len && (data[*pos] != 0xff || data[*pos + 1] == 0 ||
data[*pos + 1] == 0xff)) {
if (num_skipped > 0) {
JPEGLI_WARN("Skipped %d bytes before restart marker",
if (*pos + 2 > len) {
return kNeedMoreInput;
cinfo->unread_marker = data[*pos + 1];
*pos += 2;
return kHandleRestart;
size_t start_pos = *pos;
BitReaderState br(data, len, start_pos);
if (*bit_pos > 0) {
if (start_pos + kMaxMCUByteSize > len) {
// Decode one MCU.
HWY_ALIGN_MAX static coeff_t sink_block[DCTSIZE2] = {0};
bool scan_ok = true;
for (int i = 0; i < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ++i) {
const jpeg_component_info* comp = cinfo->cur_comp_info[i];
int c = comp->component_index;
const HuffmanTableEntry* dc_lut =
&m->dc_huff_lut_[comp->dc_tbl_no * kJpegHuffmanLutSize];
const HuffmanTableEntry* ac_lut =
&m->ac_huff_lut_[comp->ac_tbl_no * kJpegHuffmanLutSize];
for (int iy = 0; iy < comp->MCU_height; ++iy) {
size_t block_y = m->scan_mcu_row_ * comp->MCU_height + iy;
int biy = block_y % comp->v_samp_factor;
for (int ix = 0; ix < comp->MCU_width; ++ix) {
size_t block_x = m->scan_mcu_col_ * comp->MCU_width + ix;
coeff_t* coeffs;
if (block_x >= comp->width_in_blocks ||
block_y >= comp->height_in_blocks) {
// Note that it is OK that sink_block is uninitialized because
// it will never be used in any branches, even in the RefineDCTBlock
// case, because only DC scans can be interleaved and we don't use
// the zero-ness of the DC coeff in the DC refinement code-path.
coeffs = sink_block;
} else {
coeffs = &m->coeff_rows[c][biy][block_x][0];
if (cinfo->Ah == 0) {
if (!DecodeDCTBlock(dc_lut, ac_lut, cinfo->Ss, cinfo->Se, cinfo->Al,
&m->eobrun_, &br,
coeffs)) {
scan_ok = false;
} else {
if (!RefineDCTBlock(ac_lut, cinfo->Ss, cinfo->Se, cinfo->Al,
&m->eobrun_, &br, coeffs)) {
scan_ok = false;
size_t new_pos;
size_t new_bit_pos;
bool stream_ok = br.FinishStream(&new_pos, &new_bit_pos);
if (new_pos + 2 > len) {
// If reading stopped within the last two bytes, we have to request more
// input even if FinishStream() returned true, since the Huffman code
// reader could have peaked ahead some bits past the current input chunk
// and thus the last prefix code length could have been wrong. We can do
// this because a valid JPEG bit stream has two extra bytes at the end.
return kNeedMoreInput;
*pos = new_pos;
*bit_pos = new_bit_pos;
if (!stream_ok) {
// We hit a marker during parsing.
JXL_DASSERT(data[*pos] == 0xff);
JXL_DASSERT(data[*pos + 1] != 0);
JPEGLI_WARN("Incomplete scan detected.");
if (!scan_ok) {
JPEGLI_ERROR("Failed to decode DCT block");
if (m->restarts_to_go_ > 0) {
if (m->scan_mcu_col_ == cinfo->MCUs_per_row) {
m->scan_mcu_col_ = 0;
if (m->scan_mcu_row_ == cinfo->MCU_rows_in_scan) {
if (!FinishScan(cinfo, data, len, pos, bit_pos)) {
return kNeedMoreInput;
} else if ((m->scan_mcu_row_ % m->mcu_rows_per_iMCU_row_) == 0) {
// Current iMCU row is done.
if (cinfo->input_iMCU_row < cinfo->total_iMCU_rows) {
} // namespace jpegli