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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/extras/enc/pgx.h"
#include <jxl/codestream_header.h>
#include <cstring>
#include "lib/extras/packed_image.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/byte_order.h"
namespace jxl {
namespace extras {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kMaxHeaderSize = 200;
Status EncodeHeader(const JxlBasicInfo& info, char* header,
int* chars_written) {
if (info.alpha_bits > 0) {
return JXL_FAILURE("PGX: can't store alpha");
if (info.num_color_channels != 1) {
return JXL_FAILURE("PGX: must be grayscale");
// TODO(lode): verify other bit depths: for other bit depths such as 1 or 4
// bits, have a test case to verify it works correctly. For bits > 16, we may
// need to change the way external_image works.
if (info.bits_per_sample != 8 && info.bits_per_sample != 16) {
return JXL_FAILURE("PGX: bits other than 8 or 16 not yet supported");
// Use ML (Big Endian), LM may not be well supported by all decoders.
*chars_written = snprintf(header, kMaxHeaderSize, "PG ML + %u %u %u\n",
info.bits_per_sample, info.xsize, info.ysize);
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(static_cast<unsigned int>(*chars_written) <
return true;
Status EncodeImagePGX(const PackedFrame& frame, const JxlBasicInfo& info,
std::vector<uint8_t>* bytes) {
char header[kMaxHeaderSize];
int header_size = 0;
JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeHeader(info, header, &header_size));
const PackedImage& color = frame.color;
const JxlPixelFormat format = color.format;
const uint8_t* in = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(color.pixels());
size_t data_bits_per_sample = PackedImage::BitsPerChannel(format.data_type);
size_t bytes_per_sample = data_bits_per_sample / kBitsPerByte;
size_t num_samples = info.xsize * info.ysize;
if (info.bits_per_sample != data_bits_per_sample) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Bit depth does not match pixel data type");
std::vector<uint8_t> pixels(num_samples * bytes_per_sample);
if (format.data_type == JXL_TYPE_UINT8) {
memcpy(, in, num_samples * bytes_per_sample);
} else if (format.data_type == JXL_TYPE_UINT16) {
if (format.endianness != JXL_BIG_ENDIAN) {
const uint8_t* p_in = in;
uint8_t* p_out =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i, p_in += 2, p_out += 2) {
StoreBE16(LoadLE16(p_in), p_out);
} else {
memcpy(, in, num_samples * bytes_per_sample);
} else {
return JXL_FAILURE("Unsupported pixel data type");
bytes->resize(static_cast<size_t>(header_size) + pixels.size());
memcpy(bytes->data(), header, static_cast<size_t>(header_size));
memcpy(bytes->data() + header_size,, pixels.size());
return true;
class PGXEncoder : public Encoder {
std::vector<JxlPixelFormat> AcceptedFormats() const override {
std::vector<JxlPixelFormat> formats;
for (const JxlDataType data_type : {JXL_TYPE_UINT8, JXL_TYPE_UINT16}) {
for (JxlEndianness endianness : {JXL_BIG_ENDIAN, JXL_LITTLE_ENDIAN}) {
return formats;
Status Encode(const PackedPixelFile& ppf, EncodedImage* encoded_image,
ThreadPool* pool) const override {
encoded_image->icc.assign(ppf.icc.begin(), ppf.icc.end());
for (const auto& frame : ppf.frames) {
EncodeImagePGX(frame,, &encoded_image->bitstreams.back()));
return true;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<Encoder> GetPGXEncoder() {
return jxl::make_unique<PGXEncoder>();
} // namespace extras
} // namespace jxl