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// Copyright 2023 Matthew Kolbe
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstdlib> // std::abs
#include "hwy/highway.h"
namespace hwy {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
namespace hn = hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE;
template <class DERIVED, typename IN_T, typename OUT_T>
struct UnrollerUnit {
static constexpr size_t kMaxTSize = HWY_MAX(sizeof(IN_T), sizeof(OUT_T));
using LargerT = SignedFromSize<kMaxTSize>; // only the size matters.
DERIVED* me() { return static_cast<DERIVED*>(this); }
static constexpr size_t MaxUnitLanes() {
return HWY_MAX_LANES_D(hn::ScalableTag<LargerT>);
static size_t ActualLanes() { return Lanes(hn::ScalableTag<LargerT>()); }
using LargerD = hn::CappedTag<LargerT, MaxUnitLanes()>;
using IT = hn::Rebind<IN_T, LargerD>;
using OT = hn::Rebind<OUT_T, LargerD>;
IT d_in;
OT d_out;
using Y_VEC = hn::Vec<OT>;
using X_VEC = hn::Vec<IT>;
Y_VEC Func(const ptrdiff_t idx, const X_VEC x, const Y_VEC y) {
return me()->Func(idx, x, y);
X_VEC X0Init() { return me()->X0InitImpl(); }
X_VEC X0InitImpl() { return hn::Zero(d_in); }
Y_VEC YInit() { return me()->YInitImpl(); }
Y_VEC YInitImpl() { return hn::Zero(d_out); }
X_VEC Load(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN_T* from) {
return me()->LoadImpl(idx, from);
X_VEC LoadImpl(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN_T* from) {
return hn::LoadU(d_in, from + idx);
// MaskLoad can take in either a positive or negative number for `places`. if
// the number is positive, then it loads the top `places` values, and if it's
// negative, it loads the bottom |places| values. example: places = 3
// | o | o | o | x | x | x | x | x |
// example places = -3
// | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o |
X_VEC MaskLoad(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN_T* from, const ptrdiff_t places) {
return me()->MaskLoadImpl(idx, from, places);
X_VEC MaskLoadImpl(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN_T* from, const ptrdiff_t places) {
auto mask = hn::FirstN(d_in, static_cast<size_t>(places));
auto maskneg = hn::Not(hn::FirstN(
static_cast<size_t>(places + static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(ActualLanes()))));
if (places < 0) mask = maskneg;
return hn::MaskedLoad(mask, d_in, from + idx);
bool StoreAndShortCircuit(const ptrdiff_t idx, OUT_T* to, const Y_VEC x) {
return me()->StoreAndShortCircuitImpl(idx, to, x);
bool StoreAndShortCircuitImpl(const ptrdiff_t idx, OUT_T* to, const Y_VEC x) {
hn::StoreU(x, d_out, to + idx);
return true;
ptrdiff_t MaskStore(const ptrdiff_t idx, OUT_T* to, const Y_VEC x,
ptrdiff_t const places) {
return me()->MaskStoreImpl(idx, to, x, places);
ptrdiff_t MaskStoreImpl(const ptrdiff_t idx, OUT_T* to, const Y_VEC x,
const ptrdiff_t places) {
auto mask = hn::FirstN(d_out, static_cast<size_t>(places));
auto maskneg = hn::Not(hn::FirstN(
static_cast<size_t>(places + static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(ActualLanes()))));
if (places < 0) mask = maskneg;
hn::BlendedStore(x, mask, d_out, to + idx);
return std::abs(places);
ptrdiff_t Reduce(const Y_VEC x, OUT_T* to) { return me()->ReduceImpl(x, to); }
ptrdiff_t ReduceImpl(const Y_VEC x, OUT_T* to) {
// default does nothing
return 0;
void Reduce(const Y_VEC x0, const Y_VEC x1, const Y_VEC x2, Y_VEC* y) {
me()->ReduceImpl(x0, x1, x2, y);
void ReduceImpl(const Y_VEC x0, const Y_VEC x1, const Y_VEC x2, Y_VEC* y) {
// default does nothing
template <class DERIVED, typename IN0_T, typename IN1_T, typename OUT_T>
struct UnrollerUnit2D {
DERIVED* me() { return static_cast<DERIVED*>(this); }
static constexpr size_t kMaxTSize =
HWY_MAX(sizeof(IN0_T), HWY_MAX(sizeof(IN1_T), sizeof(OUT_T)));
using LargerT = SignedFromSize<kMaxTSize>; // only the size matters.
static constexpr size_t MaxUnitLanes() {
return HWY_MAX_LANES_D(hn::ScalableTag<LargerT>);
static size_t ActualLanes() { return Lanes(hn::ScalableTag<LargerT>()); }
using LargerD = hn::CappedTag<LargerT, MaxUnitLanes()>;
using I0T = hn::Rebind<IN0_T, LargerD>;
using I1T = hn::Rebind<IN1_T, LargerD>;
using OT = hn::Rebind<OUT_T, LargerD>;
I0T d_in0;
I1T d_in1;
OT d_out;
using Y_VEC = hn::Vec<OT>;
using X0_VEC = hn::Vec<I0T>;
using X1_VEC = hn::Vec<I1T>;
hn::Vec<OT> Func(const ptrdiff_t idx, const hn::Vec<I0T> x0,
const hn::Vec<I1T> x1, const Y_VEC y) {
return me()->Func(idx, x0, x1, y);
X0_VEC X0Init() { return me()->X0InitImpl(); }
X0_VEC X0InitImpl() { return hn::Zero(d_in0); }
X1_VEC X1Init() { return me()->X1InitImpl(); }
X1_VEC X1InitImpl() { return hn::Zero(d_in1); }
Y_VEC YInit() { return me()->YInitImpl(); }
Y_VEC YInitImpl() { return hn::Zero(d_out); }
X0_VEC Load0(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN0_T* from) {
return me()->Load0Impl(idx, from);
X0_VEC Load0Impl(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN0_T* from) {
return hn::LoadU(d_in0, from + idx);
X1_VEC Load1(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN1_T* from) {
return me()->Load1Impl(idx, from);
X1_VEC Load1Impl(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN1_T* from) {
return hn::LoadU(d_in1, from + idx);
// maskload can take in either a positive or negative number for `places`. if
// the number is positive, then it loads the top `places` values, and if it's
// negative, it loads the bottom |places| values. example: places = 3
// | o | o | o | x | x | x | x | x |
// example places = -3
// | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o |
X0_VEC MaskLoad0(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN0_T* from, const ptrdiff_t places) {
return me()->MaskLoad0Impl(idx, from, places);
X0_VEC MaskLoad0Impl(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN0_T* from,
const ptrdiff_t places) {
auto mask = hn::FirstN(d_in0, static_cast<size_t>(places));
auto maskneg = hn::Not(hn::FirstN(
static_cast<size_t>(places + static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(ActualLanes()))));
if (places < 0) mask = maskneg;
return hn::MaskedLoad(mask, d_in0, from + idx);
hn::Vec<I1T> MaskLoad1(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN1_T* from,
const ptrdiff_t places) {
return me()->MaskLoad1Impl(idx, from, places);
hn::Vec<I1T> MaskLoad1Impl(const ptrdiff_t idx, IN1_T* from,
const ptrdiff_t places) {
auto mask = hn::FirstN(d_in1, static_cast<size_t>(places));
auto maskneg = hn::Not(hn::FirstN(
static_cast<size_t>(places + static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(ActualLanes()))));
if (places < 0) mask = maskneg;
return hn::MaskedLoad(mask, d_in1, from + idx);
// store returns a bool that is `false` when
bool StoreAndShortCircuit(const ptrdiff_t idx, OUT_T* to, const Y_VEC x) {
return me()->StoreAndShortCircuitImpl(idx, to, x);
bool StoreAndShortCircuitImpl(const ptrdiff_t idx, OUT_T* to, const Y_VEC x) {
hn::StoreU(x, d_out, to + idx);
return true;
ptrdiff_t MaskStore(const ptrdiff_t idx, OUT_T* to, const Y_VEC x,
const ptrdiff_t places) {
return me()->MaskStoreImpl(idx, to, x, places);
ptrdiff_t MaskStoreImpl(const ptrdiff_t idx, OUT_T* to, const Y_VEC x,
const ptrdiff_t places) {
auto mask = hn::FirstN(d_out, static_cast<size_t>(places));
auto maskneg = hn::Not(hn::FirstN(
static_cast<size_t>(places + static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(ActualLanes()))));
if (places < 0) mask = maskneg;
hn::BlendedStore(x, mask, d_out, to + idx);
return std::abs(places);
ptrdiff_t Reduce(const Y_VEC x, OUT_T* to) { return me()->ReduceImpl(x, to); }
ptrdiff_t ReduceImpl(const Y_VEC x, OUT_T* to) {
// default does nothing
return 0;
void Reduce(const Y_VEC x0, const Y_VEC x1, const Y_VEC x2, Y_VEC* y) {
me()->ReduceImpl(x0, x1, x2, y);
void ReduceImpl(const Y_VEC x0, const Y_VEC x1, const Y_VEC x2, Y_VEC* y) {
// default does nothing
template <class FUNC, typename IN_T, typename OUT_T>
inline void Unroller(FUNC& f, IN_T* HWY_RESTRICT x, OUT_T* HWY_RESTRICT y,
const ptrdiff_t n) {
auto xx = f.X0Init();
auto yy = f.YInit();
ptrdiff_t i = 0;
constexpr auto lane_sz =
if (n < lane_sz) {
const DFromV<decltype(yy)> d;
// this may not fit on the stack for HWY_RVV, but we do not reach this code
// there
HWY_ALIGN IN_T xtmp[static_cast<size_t>(lane_sz)];
HWY_ALIGN OUT_T ytmp[static_cast<size_t>(lane_sz)];
CopyBytes(x, xtmp, static_cast<size_t>(n) * sizeof(IN_T));
xx = f.MaskLoad(0, xtmp, n);
yy = f.Func(0, xx, yy);
Store(Zero(d), d, ytmp);
i += f.MaskStore(0, ytmp, yy, n);
i += f.Reduce(yy, ytmp);
CopyBytes(ytmp, y, static_cast<size_t>(i) * sizeof(OUT_T));
const ptrdiff_t actual_lanes =
if (n > 4 * actual_lanes) {
auto xx1 = f.X0Init();
auto yy1 = f.YInit();
auto xx2 = f.X0Init();
auto yy2 = f.YInit();
auto xx3 = f.X0Init();
auto yy3 = f.YInit();
while (i + 4 * actual_lanes - 1 < n) {
xx = f.Load(i, x);
i += actual_lanes;
xx1 = f.Load(i, x);
i += actual_lanes;
xx2 = f.Load(i, x);
i += actual_lanes;
xx3 = f.Load(i, x);
i -= 3 * actual_lanes;
yy = f.Func(i, xx, yy);
yy1 = f.Func(i + actual_lanes, xx1, yy1);
yy2 = f.Func(i + 2 * actual_lanes, xx2, yy2);
yy3 = f.Func(i + 3 * actual_lanes, xx3, yy3);
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy)) return;
i += actual_lanes;
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy1)) return;
i += actual_lanes;
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy2)) return;
i += actual_lanes;
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy3)) return;
i += actual_lanes;
f.Reduce(yy3, yy2, yy1, &yy);
while (i + actual_lanes - 1 < n) {
xx = f.Load(i, x);
yy = f.Func(i, xx, yy);
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy)) return;
i += actual_lanes;
if (i != n) {
xx = f.MaskLoad(n - actual_lanes, x, i - n);
yy = f.Func(n - actual_lanes, xx, yy);
f.MaskStore(n - actual_lanes, y, yy, i - n);
f.Reduce(yy, y);
template <class FUNC, typename IN0_T, typename IN1_T, typename OUT_T>
inline void Unroller(FUNC& HWY_RESTRICT f, IN0_T* HWY_RESTRICT x0,
const ptrdiff_t n) {
const ptrdiff_t lane_sz =
auto xx00 = f.X0Init();
auto xx10 = f.X1Init();
auto yy = f.YInit();
ptrdiff_t i = 0;
if (n < lane_sz) {
const DFromV<decltype(yy)> d;
// this may not fit on the stack for HWY_RVV, but we do not reach this code
// there
constexpr auto max_lane_sz =
HWY_ALIGN IN0_T xtmp0[static_cast<size_t>(max_lane_sz)];
HWY_ALIGN IN1_T xtmp1[static_cast<size_t>(max_lane_sz)];
HWY_ALIGN OUT_T ytmp[static_cast<size_t>(max_lane_sz)];
CopyBytes(x0, xtmp0, static_cast<size_t>(n) * sizeof(IN0_T));
CopyBytes(x1, xtmp1, static_cast<size_t>(n) * sizeof(IN1_T));
xx00 = f.MaskLoad0(0, xtmp0, n);
xx10 = f.MaskLoad1(0, xtmp1, n);
yy = f.Func(0, xx00, xx10, yy);
Store(Zero(d), d, ytmp);
i += f.MaskStore(0, ytmp, yy, n);
i += f.Reduce(yy, ytmp);
CopyBytes(ytmp, y, static_cast<size_t>(i) * sizeof(OUT_T));
if (n > 4 * lane_sz) {
auto xx01 = f.X0Init();
auto xx11 = f.X1Init();
auto yy1 = f.YInit();
auto xx02 = f.X0Init();
auto xx12 = f.X1Init();
auto yy2 = f.YInit();
auto xx03 = f.X0Init();
auto xx13 = f.X1Init();
auto yy3 = f.YInit();
while (i + 4 * lane_sz - 1 < n) {
xx00 = f.Load0(i, x0);
xx10 = f.Load1(i, x1);
i += lane_sz;
xx01 = f.Load0(i, x0);
xx11 = f.Load1(i, x1);
i += lane_sz;
xx02 = f.Load0(i, x0);
xx12 = f.Load1(i, x1);
i += lane_sz;
xx03 = f.Load0(i, x0);
xx13 = f.Load1(i, x1);
i -= 3 * lane_sz;
yy = f.Func(i, xx00, xx10, yy);
yy1 = f.Func(i + lane_sz, xx01, xx11, yy1);
yy2 = f.Func(i + 2 * lane_sz, xx02, xx12, yy2);
yy3 = f.Func(i + 3 * lane_sz, xx03, xx13, yy3);
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy)) return;
i += lane_sz;
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy1)) return;
i += lane_sz;
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy2)) return;
i += lane_sz;
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy3)) return;
i += lane_sz;
f.Reduce(yy3, yy2, yy1, &yy);
while (i + lane_sz - 1 < n) {
xx00 = f.Load0(i, x0);
xx10 = f.Load1(i, x1);
yy = f.Func(i, xx00, xx10, yy);
if (!f.StoreAndShortCircuit(i, y, yy)) return;
i += lane_sz;
if (i != n) {
xx00 = f.MaskLoad0(n - lane_sz, x0, i - n);
xx10 = f.MaskLoad1(n - lane_sz, x1, i - n);
yy = f.Func(n - lane_sz, xx00, xx10, yy);
f.MaskStore(n - lane_sz, y, yy, i - n);
f.Reduce(yy, y);
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace hwy