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// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "hwy/base.h"
#include "hwy/detect_compiler_arch.h"
#define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "hwy/contrib/sort/"
#include "hwy/foreach_target.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
// After foreach_target
#include "hwy/contrib/sort/algo-inl.h"
#include "hwy/contrib/sort/result-inl.h"
#include "hwy/contrib/sort/traits128-inl.h"
#include "hwy/contrib/sort/vqsort-inl.h" // BaseCase
#include "hwy/contrib/sort/vqsort.h"
#include "hwy/highway.h"
#include "hwy/per_target.h"
#include "hwy/tests/test_util-inl.h"
namespace hwy {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
namespace {
using detail::OrderAscending;
using detail::SharedTraits;
using detail::TraitsLane;
using detail::OrderAscending128;
using detail::OrderAscendingKV128;
using detail::OrderAscendingKV64;
using detail::OrderDescending128;
using detail::OrderDescendingKV128;
using detail::OrderDescendingKV64;
using detail::Traits128;
// Verify the corner cases of LargerSortValue/SmallerSortValue, used to
// implement PrevValue/NextValue.
struct TestFloatLargerSmaller {
template <typename T, class D>
HWY_NOINLINE void operator()(T, D d) {
const Vec<D> p0 = Zero(d);
const Vec<D> p1 = Set(d, ConvertScalarTo<T>(1));
const Vec<D> pinf = Inf(d);
const Vec<D> peps = Set(d, hwy::Epsilon<T>());
const Vec<D> pmax = Set(d, hwy::HighestValue<T>());
const Vec<D> n0 = Neg(p0);
const Vec<D> n1 = Neg(p1);
const Vec<D> ninf = Neg(pinf);
const Vec<D> neps = Neg(peps);
const Vec<D> nmax = Neg(pmax);
// Larger(0) is the smallest subnormal, typically eps * FLT_MIN.
const RebindToUnsigned<D> du;
const Vec<D> psub = BitCast(d, Set(du, 1));
const Vec<D> nsub = Neg(psub);
HWY_ASSERT(AllTrue(d, Lt(psub, peps)));
HWY_ASSERT(AllTrue(d, Gt(nsub, neps)));
// +/-0 moves to +/- smallest subnormal.
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, psub, detail::LargerSortValue(d, p0));
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, nsub, detail::SmallerSortValue(d, p0));
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, psub, detail::LargerSortValue(d, n0));
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, nsub, detail::SmallerSortValue(d, n0));
// The next magnitude larger than 1 is (1 + eps) by definition.
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, Add(p1, peps), detail::LargerSortValue(d, p1));
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, Add(n1, neps), detail::SmallerSortValue(d, n1));
// 1-eps and -1+eps are slightly different, but we can still ensure the
// next values are less than 1 / greater than -1.
HWY_ASSERT(AllTrue(d, Gt(p1, detail::SmallerSortValue(d, p1))));
HWY_ASSERT(AllTrue(d, Lt(n1, detail::LargerSortValue(d, n1))));
// Even for large (finite) values, we can move toward/away from infinity.
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, pinf, detail::LargerSortValue(d, pmax));
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, ninf, detail::SmallerSortValue(d, nmax));
HWY_ASSERT(AllTrue(d, Gt(pmax, detail::SmallerSortValue(d, pmax))));
HWY_ASSERT(AllTrue(d, Lt(nmax, detail::LargerSortValue(d, nmax))));
// For infinities, results are unchanged or the extremal finite value.
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, pinf, detail::LargerSortValue(d, pinf));
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, pmax, detail::SmallerSortValue(d, pinf));
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, nmax, detail::LargerSortValue(d, ninf));
HWY_ASSERT_VEC_EQ(d, ninf, detail::SmallerSortValue(d, ninf));
HWY_NOINLINE void TestAllFloatLargerSmaller() {
// Previously, LastValue was the largest normal float, so we injected that
// value into arrays containing only infinities. Ensure that does not happen.
struct TestFloatInf {
template <typename T, class D>
HWY_NOINLINE void operator()(T, D d) {
const size_t N = Lanes(d);
const size_t num = N * 3;
auto in = hwy::AllocateAligned<T>(num);
Fill(d, GetLane(Inf(d)), num, in.get());
VQSort(in.get(), num, SortAscending());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i += N) {
HWY_ASSERT(AllTrue(d, IsInf(LoadU(d, in.get() + i))));
HWY_NOINLINE void TestAllFloatInf() {
// TODO(janwas): bfloat16_t not yet supported.
template <class Traits>
static HWY_NOINLINE void TestMedian3() {
using LaneType = typename Traits::LaneType;
using D = CappedTag<LaneType, 1>;
SharedTraits<Traits> st;
const D d;
using V = Vec<D>;
for (uint32_t bits = 0; bits < 8; ++bits) {
const V v0 = Set(d, LaneType{(bits & (1u << 0)) ? 1u : 0u});
const V v1 = Set(d, LaneType{(bits & (1u << 1)) ? 1u : 0u});
const V v2 = Set(d, LaneType{(bits & (1u << 2)) ? 1u : 0u});
const LaneType m = GetLane(detail::MedianOf3(st, v0, v1, v2));
// If at least half(rounded up) of bits are 1, so is the median.
const size_t count = PopCount(bits);
HWY_ASSERT_EQ((count >= 2) ? static_cast<LaneType>(1) : 0, m);
HWY_NOINLINE void TestAllMedian() {
TestMedian3<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<uint64_t> > >();
template <class Traits>
static HWY_NOINLINE void TestBaseCaseAscDesc() {
using LaneType = typename Traits::LaneType;
SharedTraits<Traits> st;
const SortTag<LaneType> d;
const size_t N = Lanes(d);
constexpr size_t N1 = st.LanesPerKey();
const size_t base_case_num = SortConstants::BaseCaseNumLanes<N1>(N);
constexpr int kDebug = 0;
auto aligned_lanes = hwy::AllocateAligned<LaneType>(N + base_case_num + N);
auto buf = hwy::AllocateAligned<LaneType>(base_case_num + 2 * N);
HWY_ASSERT(aligned_lanes && buf);
std::vector<size_t> lengths;
lengths.push_back(HWY_MAX(1, N1));
lengths.push_back(3 * N1);
lengths.push_back(base_case_num / 2);
lengths.push_back(base_case_num / 2 + N1);
lengths.push_back(base_case_num - N1);
std::vector<size_t> misalignments;
if (N >= 6) misalignments.push_back(N / 2 - 1);
misalignments.push_back(N / 2);
misalignments.push_back(N / 2 + 1);
misalignments.push_back(HWY_MIN(2 * N / 3 + 3, size_t{N - 1}));
for (bool asc : {false, true}) {
for (size_t len : lengths) {
for (size_t misalign : misalignments) {
LaneType* HWY_RESTRICT lanes = aligned_lanes.get() + misalign;
if (kDebug) {
printf("============%s asc %d N1 %d len %d misalign %d\n",
st.KeyString(), asc, static_cast<int>(N1),
static_cast<int>(len), static_cast<int>(misalign));
for (size_t i = 0; i < misalign; ++i) {
aligned_lanes[i] = hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>();
InputStats<LaneType> input_stats;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
lanes[i] = asc ? static_cast<LaneType>(LaneType(i) + 1)
: static_cast<LaneType>(LaneType(len) - LaneType(i));
if (kDebug >= 2) {
printf("%3zu: %f\n", i, static_cast<double>(lanes[i]));
for (size_t i = len; i < base_case_num + N; ++i) {
lanes[i] = hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>();
detail::BaseCase(d, st, lanes, len, buf.get());
if (kDebug >= 2) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
printf("%3zu: %f\n", i, static_cast<double>(lanes[i]));
HWY_ASSERT(VerifySort(st, input_stats, lanes, len, "BaseAscDesc"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < misalign; ++i) {
if (aligned_lanes[i] != hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>())
HWY_ABORT("Overrun misalign at %d\n", static_cast<int>(i));
for (size_t i = len; i < base_case_num + N; ++i) {
if (lanes[i] != hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>())
HWY_ABORT("Overrun right at %d\n", static_cast<int>(i));
} // misalign
} // len
} // asc
template <class Traits>
static HWY_NOINLINE void TestBaseCase01() {
using LaneType = typename Traits::LaneType;
SharedTraits<Traits> st;
const SortTag<LaneType> d;
const size_t N = Lanes(d);
constexpr size_t N1 = st.LanesPerKey();
const size_t base_case_num = SortConstants::BaseCaseNumLanes<N1>(N);
constexpr int kDebug = 0;
auto lanes = hwy::AllocateAligned<LaneType>(base_case_num + N);
auto buf = hwy::AllocateAligned<LaneType>(base_case_num + 2 * N);
HWY_ASSERT(lanes && buf);
std::vector<size_t> lengths;
lengths.push_back(HWY_MAX(1, N1));
lengths.push_back(3 * N1);
lengths.push_back(base_case_num / 2);
lengths.push_back(base_case_num / 2 + N1);
lengths.push_back(base_case_num - N1);
for (size_t len : lengths) {
if (kDebug) {
printf("============%s 01 N1 %d len %d\n", st.KeyString(),
static_cast<int>(N1), static_cast<int>(len));
const uint64_t kMaxBits = AdjustedLog2Reps(HWY_MIN(len, size_t{14}));
for (uint64_t bits = 0; bits < ((1ull << kMaxBits) - 1); ++bits) {
InputStats<LaneType> input_stats;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
lanes[i] = (i < 64 && (bits & (1ull << i))) ? 1 : 0;
if (kDebug >= 2) {
printf("%3zu: %f\n", i, static_cast<double>(lanes[i]));
for (size_t i = len; i < base_case_num + N; ++i) {
lanes[i] = hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>();
detail::BaseCase(d, st, lanes.get(), len, buf.get());
if (kDebug >= 2) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
printf("%3zu: %f\n", i, static_cast<double>(lanes[i]));
HWY_ASSERT(VerifySort(st, input_stats, lanes.get(), len, "Base01"));
for (size_t i = len; i < base_case_num + N; ++i) {
if (lanes[i] != hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>())
HWY_ABORT("Overrun right at %d\n", static_cast<int>(i));
} // bits
} // len
template <class Traits>
static HWY_NOINLINE void TestBaseCase() {
HWY_NOINLINE void TestAllBaseCase() {
// Workaround for stack overflow on MSVC debug.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// TODO(b/314758657): Compiler bug causes incorrect results
TestBaseCase<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<int32_t> > >();
TestBaseCase<TraitsLane<OtherOrder<int64_t> > >();
TestBaseCase<Traits128<OrderAscending128> >();
TestBaseCase<Traits128<OrderDescending128> >();
template <class Traits>
static HWY_NOINLINE void VerifyPartition(
Traits st, typename Traits::LaneType* HWY_RESTRICT lanes, size_t left,
size_t border, size_t right, const size_t N1,
const typename Traits::LaneType* pivot) {
/* for (size_t i = left; i < right; ++i) {
if (i == border) printf("--\n");
printf("%4zu: %3d\n", i, lanes[i]);
HWY_ASSERT(left % N1 == 0);
HWY_ASSERT(border % N1 == 0);
HWY_ASSERT(right % N1 == 0);
const bool asc = typename Traits::Order().IsAscending();
for (size_t i = left; i < border; i += N1) {
if (st.Compare1(pivot, lanes + i)) {
"%s: asc %d left[%d] piv %.0f %.0f compares before %.0f %.0f "
"border %d",
st.KeyString(), asc, static_cast<int>(i),
static_cast<double>(pivot[1]), static_cast<double>(pivot[0]),
static_cast<double>(lanes[i + 1]), static_cast<double>(lanes[i + 0]),
for (size_t i = border; i < right; i += N1) {
if (!st.Compare1(pivot, lanes + i)) {
"%s: asc %d right[%d] piv %.0f %.0f compares after %.0f %.0f "
"border %d",
st.KeyString(), asc, static_cast<int>(i),
static_cast<double>(pivot[1]), static_cast<double>(pivot[0]),
static_cast<double>(lanes[i + 1]), static_cast<double>(lanes[i]),
template <class Traits>
static HWY_NOINLINE void TestPartition() {
using LaneType = typename Traits::LaneType;
const SortTag<LaneType> d;
SharedTraits<Traits> st;
const bool asc = typename Traits::Order().IsAscending();
const size_t N = Lanes(d);
constexpr int kDebug = 0;
constexpr size_t N1 = st.LanesPerKey();
const size_t base_case_num = SortConstants::BaseCaseNumLanes<N1>(N);
// left + len + align
const size_t total = 32 + (base_case_num + 4 * HWY_MAX(N, 4)) + 2 * N;
auto aligned_lanes = hwy::AllocateAligned<LaneType>(total);
HWY_ALIGN LaneType buf[SortConstants::BufBytes<LaneType, N1>(HWY_MAX_BYTES) /
for (bool in_asc : {false, true}) {
for (int left_i : {0, 1, 7, 8, 30, 31}) {
const size_t left = static_cast<size_t>(left_i) & ~(N1 - 1);
for (size_t ofs :
{N, N + 3, 2 * N, 2 * N + 2, 2 * N + 3, 3 * N - 1, 4 * N - 2}) {
const size_t len = (base_case_num + ofs) & ~(N1 - 1);
for (LaneType pivot1 : {LaneType(0), LaneType(len / 3),
LaneType(2 * len / 3), LaneType(len)}) {
const LaneType pivot2[2] = {pivot1, 0};
const auto pivot = st.SetKey(d, pivot2);
for (size_t misalign = 0; misalign < N;
misalign += st.LanesPerKey()) {
LaneType* HWY_RESTRICT lanes = aligned_lanes.get() + misalign;
const size_t right = left + len;
if (kDebug) {
"=========%s asc %d left %d len %d right %d piv %.0f %.0f\n",
st.KeyString(), asc, static_cast<int>(left),
static_cast<int>(len), static_cast<int>(right),
for (size_t i = 0; i < misalign; ++i) {
aligned_lanes[i] = hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < left; ++i) {
lanes[i] = hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>();
std::unordered_map<LaneType, int> counts;
for (size_t i = left; i < right; ++i) {
lanes[i] = static_cast<LaneType>(
in_asc ? LaneType(i + 1) - static_cast<LaneType>(left)
: static_cast<LaneType>(right) - LaneType(i));
if (kDebug >= 2) {
printf("%3zu: %f\n", i, static_cast<double>(lanes[i]));
for (size_t i = right; i < total - misalign; ++i) {
lanes[i] = hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>();
size_t border = left + detail::Partition(d, st, lanes + left,
right - left, pivot, buf);
if (kDebug >= 2) {
for (size_t i = left; i < right; ++i) {
printf("%3zu: %f\n", i, static_cast<double>(lanes[i]));
for (size_t i = right; i < total - misalign; ++i) {
printf("%3zu: sentinel %f\n", i, static_cast<double>(lanes[i]));
for (size_t i = left; i < right; ++i) {
for (auto kv : counts) {
if (kv.second != 0) {
HWY_ABORT("Incorrect count %d\n", kv.second);
VerifyPartition(st, lanes, left, border, right, N1, pivot2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < misalign; ++i) {
if (aligned_lanes[i] != hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>())
HWY_ABORT("Overrun misalign at %d\n", static_cast<int>(i));
for (size_t i = 0; i < left; ++i) {
if (lanes[i] != hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>())
HWY_ABORT("Overrun left at %d\n", static_cast<int>(i));
for (size_t i = right; i < total - misalign; ++i) {
if (lanes[i] != hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>())
HWY_ABORT("Overrun right at %d\n", static_cast<int>(i));
} // misalign
} // pivot
} // len
} // left
} // asc
HWY_NOINLINE void TestAllPartition() {
TestPartition<TraitsLane<OtherOrder<int32_t> > >();
TestPartition<Traits128<OrderAscending128> >();
TestPartition<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<int16_t> > >();
TestPartition<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<int64_t> > >();
TestPartition<TraitsLane<OtherOrder<float> > >();
// OK to check current target, not using dynamic dispatch here.
TestPartition<TraitsLane<OtherOrder<double> > >();
TestPartition<Traits128<OrderDescending128> >();
// (used for sample selection for choosing a pivot)
template <typename TU>
static HWY_NOINLINE void TestRandomGenerator() {
static_assert(!hwy::IsSigned<TU>(), "");
SortTag<TU> du;
const size_t N = Lanes(du);
uint64_t* state = GetGeneratorState();
// Ensure lower and upper 32 bits are uniformly distributed.
uint64_t sum_lo = 0, sum_hi = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
const uint64_t bits = detail::RandomBits(state);
sum_lo += bits & 0xFFFFFFFF;
sum_hi += bits >> 32;
const double expected = 1000 * (1ULL << 31);
HWY_ASSERT(0.9 * expected <= static_cast<double>(sum_lo) &&
static_cast<double>(sum_lo) <= 1.1 * expected);
HWY_ASSERT(0.9 * expected <= static_cast<double>(sum_hi) &&
static_cast<double>(sum_hi) <= 1.1 * expected);
const size_t lanes_per_block = HWY_MAX(64 / sizeof(TU), N); // power of two
for (uint32_t num_blocks = 2; num_blocks < 100000;
num_blocks = 3 * num_blocks / 2) {
// Generate some numbers and ensure all are in range
uint64_t sum = 0;
constexpr size_t kReps = 10000;
for (size_t rep = 0; rep < kReps; ++rep) {
const uint32_t bits = detail::RandomBits(state) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
const size_t index = detail::RandomChunkIndex(num_blocks, bits);
HWY_ASSERT(((index + 1) * lanes_per_block) <=
num_blocks * lanes_per_block);
sum += index;
// Also ensure the mean is near the middle of the range
const double expected = (num_blocks - 1) / 2.0;
const double actual = static_cast<double>(sum) / kReps;
HWY_ASSERT(0.9 * expected <= actual && actual <= 1.1 * expected);
HWY_NOINLINE void TestAllGenerator() {
static void TestAllFloatLargerSmaller() {}
static void TestAllFloatInf() {}
static void TestAllMedian() {}
static void TestAllBaseCase() {}
static void TestAllPartition() {}
static void TestAllGenerator() {}
// Remembers input, and compares results to that of a reference algorithm.
template <class Traits>
class CompareResults {
using LaneType = typename Traits::LaneType;
using KeyType = typename Traits::KeyType;
CompareResults(const LaneType* in, size_t num_lanes) {
CopyBytes(in,, num_lanes * sizeof(LaneType));
bool Verify(const LaneType* output) {
const Algo reference = Algo::kPDQ;
const Algo reference = Algo::kStd;
SharedState shared;
using Order = typename Traits::Order;
const Traits st;
constexpr size_t kLPK = st.LanesPerKey();
const size_t num_keys = copy_.size() / kLPK;
Run<Order>(reference, reinterpret_cast<KeyType*>(, num_keys,
shared, /*thread=*/0);
fprintf(stderr, "\nExpected:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < HWY_MIN(40, copy_.size()); i += kLPK) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n%03zu: ", i);
KeyType key;
CopyBytes<sizeof(KeyType)>(&copy_[i], &key);
fprintf(stderr, "\n\nActual:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < HWY_MIN(40, copy_.size()); i += kLPK) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n%03zu: ", i);
KeyType key;
CopyBytes<sizeof(KeyType)>(&output[i], &key);
for (size_t i = 0; i < copy_.size(); i += kLPK) {
// Results should be equivalent, i.e. neither a < b nor b < a.
if (st.Compare1(&copy_[i], &output[i]) ||
st.Compare1(&output[i], &copy_[i])) {
KeyType expected, actual;
CopyBytes<sizeof(KeyType)>(&copy_[i], &expected);
CopyBytes<sizeof(KeyType)>(&output[i], &actual);
fprintf(stderr, "Type %s Asc %d mismatch at %d of %d: ", st.KeyString(),
Order().IsAscending(), static_cast<int>(i),
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
return false;
return true;
std::vector<LaneType> copy_;
std::vector<Algo> AlgoForTest() {
return {
#if HAVE_SORT512
template <class Traits>
void TestSort(size_t num_lanes) {
// Workaround for stack overflow on clang-cl (/F 8388608 does not help).
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
using Order = typename Traits::Order;
using LaneType = typename Traits::LaneType;
using KeyType = typename Traits::KeyType;
SharedState shared;
SharedTraits<Traits> st;
// Round up to a whole number of keys.
num_lanes += (st.Is128() && (num_lanes & 1));
const size_t num_keys = num_lanes / st.LanesPerKey();
constexpr size_t kMaxMisalign = 16;
auto aligned =
hwy::AllocateAligned<LaneType>(kMaxMisalign + num_lanes + kMaxMisalign);
for (Algo algo : AlgoForTest()) {
for (Dist dist : AllDist()) {
for (size_t misalign : {size_t{0}, size_t{st.LanesPerKey()},
size_t{3 * st.LanesPerKey()}, kMaxMisalign / 2}) {
LaneType* lanes = aligned.get() + misalign;
// Set up red zones before/after the keys to sort
for (size_t i = 0; i < misalign; ++i) {
aligned[i] = hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxMisalign; ++i) {
lanes[num_lanes + i] = hwy::HighestValue<LaneType>();
__msan_poison(aligned.get(), misalign * sizeof(LaneType));
__msan_poison(lanes + num_lanes, kMaxMisalign * sizeof(LaneType));
InputStats<LaneType> input_stats =
GenerateInput(dist, lanes, num_lanes);
CompareResults<Traits> compare(lanes, num_lanes);
Run<Order>(algo, reinterpret_cast<KeyType*>(lanes), num_keys, shared,
HWY_ASSERT(VerifySort(st, input_stats, lanes, num_lanes, "TestSort"));
// Check red zones
detail::MaybeUnpoison(aligned.get(), misalign);
detail::MaybeUnpoison(lanes + num_lanes, kMaxMisalign);
for (size_t i = 0; i < misalign; ++i) {
if (aligned[i] != hwy::LowestValue<LaneType>())
HWY_ABORT("Overrun left at %d\n", static_cast<int>(i));
for (size_t i = num_lanes; i < num_lanes + kMaxMisalign; ++i) {
if (lanes[i] != hwy::HighestValue<LaneType>())
HWY_ABORT("Overrun right at %d\n", static_cast<int>(i));
} // misalign
} // dist
} // algo
void TestAllSort() {
// TODO(b/314758657): Compiler bug causes incorrect results
for (int num : {129, 504, 3 * 1000, 34567}) {
const size_t num_lanes = AdjustedReps(static_cast<size_t>(num));
TestSort<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<int16_t> > >(num_lanes);
TestSort<TraitsLane<OtherOrder<uint16_t> > >(num_lanes);
TestSort<TraitsLane<OtherOrder<int32_t> > >(num_lanes);
TestSort<TraitsLane<OtherOrder<uint32_t> > >(num_lanes);
TestSort<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<int64_t> > >(num_lanes);
TestSort<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<uint64_t> > >(num_lanes);
// WARNING: for float types, SIMD comparisons will flush denormals to
// zero, causing mismatches with scalar sorts. In this test, we avoid
// generating denormal inputs.
#if HWY_HAVE_FLOAT16 // #if protects algo-inl's GenerateRandom
// Must also check whether the dynamic-dispatch target supports float16_t!
if (hwy::HaveFloat16()) {
TestSort<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<float16_t> > >(num_lanes);
TestSort<TraitsLane<OrderAscending<float> > >(num_lanes);
#if HWY_HAVE_FLOAT64 // #if protects algo-inl's GenerateRandom
// Must also check whether the dynamic-dispatch target supports float64!
if (hwy::HaveFloat64()) {
TestSort<TraitsLane<OtherOrder<double> > >(num_lanes);
// Other algorithms do not support 128-bit keys.
TestSort<Traits128<OrderAscending128> >(num_lanes);
TestSort<Traits128<OrderDescending128> >(num_lanes);
TestSort<TraitsLane<OrderAscendingKV64> >(num_lanes);
TestSort<TraitsLane<OrderDescendingKV64> >(num_lanes);
TestSort<Traits128<OrderAscendingKV128> >(num_lanes);
TestSort<Traits128<OrderDescendingKV128> >(num_lanes);
} // namespace
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace hwy
namespace hwy {
namespace {
HWY_EXPORT_AND_TEST_P(SortTest, TestAllFloatLargerSmaller);
HWY_EXPORT_AND_TEST_P(SortTest, TestAllFloatInf);
HWY_EXPORT_AND_TEST_P(SortTest, TestAllMedian);
HWY_EXPORT_AND_TEST_P(SortTest, TestAllBaseCase);
HWY_EXPORT_AND_TEST_P(SortTest, TestAllPartition);
HWY_EXPORT_AND_TEST_P(SortTest, TestAllGenerator);
HWY_EXPORT_AND_TEST_P(SortTest, TestAllSort);
} // namespace
} // namespace hwy
#endif // HWY_ONCE