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// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Include guard (still compiled once per target)
#include "hwy/cache_control.h"
#include "hwy/contrib/thread_pool/thread_pool.h"
#include "hwy/highway.h"
namespace hwy {
namespace HWY_NAMESPACE {
template <size_t kOuter, size_t kInner, typename T>
HWY_NOINLINE void MatVec(const T* HWY_RESTRICT mat, const T* HWY_RESTRICT vec,
T* HWY_RESTRICT out, hwy::ThreadPool& pool) {
// Process multiple rows at a time so that we write multiples of a cache line
// to avoid false sharing (>= 64). 128 is better than 256. 512 has too little
// parallelization potential.
constexpr size_t kChunkSize = 64 / sizeof(T);
const uint64_t num_chunks = static_cast<uint64_t>(kOuter / kChunkSize);
const ScalableTag<T> d;
const size_t N = Lanes(d);
// Required for Stream loop, otherwise we might have partial vectors.
HWY_DASSERT(kChunkSize >= N);
pool.Run(0, num_chunks,
[&](const uint64_t chunk, size_t /*thread*/) HWY_ATTR {
// MSVC workaround: duplicate to ensure constexpr.
constexpr size_t kChunkSize = 64 / sizeof(T);
// Software write-combining to avoid cache pollution from out.
// Although `out` may be used later, keeping it out of the cache
// now and avoiding RFOs is a consistent 5% overall win.
HWY_ALIGN T buf[kChunkSize];
// Only handle entire chunks here because the Stream is not masked.
// Remaining rows are handled after the pool.Run.
const size_t begin = static_cast<size_t>(chunk * kChunkSize);
for (size_t idx_row = 0; idx_row < kChunkSize; ++idx_row) {
auto sum0 = Zero(d);
auto sum1 = Zero(d);
// 4x unrolling barely helps SKX but likely helps Arm V2.
auto sum2 = Zero(d);
auto sum3 = Zero(d);
const T* HWY_RESTRICT row = &mat[(begin + idx_row) * kInner];
size_t i = 0;
// No clear win from prefetching from the next 1..3 rows.
// clflush &row[i] is slow, clflushopt less so but not helping.
for (; i + 4 * N <= kInner; i += 4 * N) {
const auto a0 = LoadU(d, row + i + 0 * N);
const auto v0 = LoadU(d, vec + i + 0 * N);
sum0 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum0);
const auto a1 = LoadU(d, row + i + 1 * N);
const auto v1 = LoadU(d, vec + i + 1 * N);
sum1 = MulAdd(a1, v1, sum1);
const auto a2 = LoadU(d, row + i + 2 * N);
const auto v2 = LoadU(d, vec + i + 2 * N);
sum2 = MulAdd(a2, v2, sum2);
const auto a3 = LoadU(d, row + i + 3 * N);
const auto v3 = LoadU(d, vec + i + 3 * N);
sum3 = MulAdd(a3, v3, sum3);
// Last entire vectors
for (; i + N <= kInner; i += N) {
const auto a0 = LoadU(d, row + i);
const auto v0 = LoadU(d, vec + i);
sum0 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum0);
const size_t remainder = kInner - i;
if (remainder != 0) {
const auto a0 = LoadN(d, row + i, remainder);
const auto v0 = LoadN(d, vec + i, remainder);
sum1 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum1);
// Reduction tree: sum of all accumulators, then their lanes
sum2 = Add(sum2, sum3);
sum0 = Add(sum0, sum1);
sum0 = Add(sum0, sum2);
buf[idx_row] = ReduceSum(d, sum0);
} // idx_row
HWY_UNROLL(4) // 1..4 iterations
for (size_t i = 0; i != kChunkSize; i += N) {
Stream(Load(d, buf + i), d, out + begin + i);
// Handle remainder rows which are not a multiple of the chunk size.
for (size_t r = num_chunks * kChunkSize; r < kOuter; ++r) {
auto sum0 = Zero(d);
const T* HWY_RESTRICT row = &mat[r * kInner];
size_t i = 0;
for (; i + N <= kInner; i += N) {
const auto a0 = LoadU(d, row + i);
const auto v0 = LoadU(d, vec + i);
sum0 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum0);
const size_t remainder = kInner - i;
if (remainder != 0) {
const auto a0 = LoadN(d, row + i, remainder);
const auto v0 = LoadN(d, vec + i, remainder);
sum0 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum0);
out[r] = ReduceSum(d, sum0);
} // r
// This target lacks too many ops required in our implementation, use
// HWY_EMU128 instead.
// Specialization for bf16 matrix, which halves memory bandwidth requirements.
template <size_t kOuter, size_t kInner>
HWY_NOINLINE void MatVec(const hwy::bfloat16_t* HWY_RESTRICT mat,
const float* HWY_RESTRICT vec, float* HWY_RESTRICT out,
hwy::ThreadPool& pool) {
// Process multiple rows at a time so that we write multiples of a cache line
// to avoid false sharing (>= 64). 128 is better than 256. 512 has too little
// parallelization potential.
constexpr size_t kChunkSize = 64 / sizeof(float);
const uint64_t num_chunks = static_cast<uint64_t>(kOuter / kChunkSize);
const ScalableTag<float> d;
const Repartition<hwy::bfloat16_t, decltype(d)> d16;
// In the remainder loop, we only process a single f32 vector, so load half
// vectors of bf16 to avoid overrun.
const Half<decltype(d16)> d16h;
using V = Vec<decltype(d)>;
using V16 = Vec<decltype(d16)>;
using V16H = Vec<decltype(d16h)>;
const size_t N = Lanes(d);
// Required for Stream loop, otherwise we might have partial vectors.
HWY_DASSERT(kChunkSize >= N);
pool.Run(0, num_chunks,
[&](const uint64_t chunk, size_t /*thread*/) HWY_ATTR {
// MSVC workaround: duplicate to ensure constexpr.
constexpr size_t kChunkSize = 64 / sizeof(float);
// Software write-combining to avoid cache pollution from out.
// Although `out` may be used later, keeping it out of the cache
// now and avoiding RFOs is a consistent 5% overall win.
HWY_ALIGN float buf[kChunkSize];
// Only handle entire chunks here because the Stream is not masked.
// Remaining rows are handled after the pool.Run.
const size_t begin = static_cast<size_t>(chunk * kChunkSize);
for (size_t idx_row = 0; idx_row < kChunkSize; ++idx_row) {
auto sum0 = Zero(d);
auto sum1 = Zero(d);
// 4x unrolling barely helps SKX but likely helps Arm V2.
auto sum2 = Zero(d);
auto sum3 = Zero(d);
const hwy::bfloat16_t* HWY_RESTRICT row =
&mat[(begin + idx_row) * kInner];
size_t i = 0;
// No clear win from prefetching from the next 1..3 rows.
// clflush &row[i] is slow, clflushopt less so but not helping.
for (; i + 4 * N <= kInner; i += 4 * N) {
const V16 b0 = LoadU(d16, row + i + 0 * N);
const V a0 = PromoteLowerTo(d, b0);
const V a1 = PromoteUpperTo(d, b0);
const V16 b1 = LoadU(d16, row + i + 2 * N);
const V a2 = PromoteLowerTo(d, b1);
const V a3 = PromoteUpperTo(d, b1);
const V v0 = LoadU(d, vec + i + 0 * N);
sum0 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum0);
const V v1 = LoadU(d, vec + i + 1 * N);
sum1 = MulAdd(a1, v1, sum1);
const V v2 = LoadU(d, vec + i + 2 * N);
sum2 = MulAdd(a2, v2, sum2);
const V v3 = LoadU(d, vec + i + 3 * N);
sum3 = MulAdd(a3, v3, sum3);
// Last entire vectors
for (; i + N <= kInner; i += N) {
const V16H b0 = LoadU(d16h, row + i);
const V a0 = PromoteTo(d, b0);
const V v0 = LoadU(d, vec + i);
sum0 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum0);
const size_t remainder = kInner - i;
if (remainder != 0) {
const V16H b0 = LoadN(d16h, row + i, remainder);
const V a0 = PromoteTo(d, b0);
const V v0 = LoadN(d, vec + i, remainder);
sum1 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum1);
// Reduction tree: sum of all accumulators, then their lanes
sum2 = Add(sum2, sum3);
sum0 = Add(sum0, sum1);
sum0 = Add(sum0, sum2);
buf[idx_row] = ReduceSum(d, sum0);
} // idx_row
HWY_UNROLL(4) // 1..4 iterations
for (size_t i = 0; i != kChunkSize; i += N) {
Stream(Load(d, buf + i), d, out + begin + i);
// Handle remainder rows which are not a multiple of the chunk size.
for (size_t r = num_chunks * kChunkSize; r < kOuter; ++r) {
auto sum0 = Zero(d);
const hwy::bfloat16_t* HWY_RESTRICT row = &mat[r * kInner];
size_t i = 0;
for (; i + N <= kInner; i += N) {
const V16H b0 = LoadU(d16h, row + i);
const V a0 = PromoteTo(d, b0);
const V v0 = LoadU(d, vec + i);
sum0 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum0);
const size_t remainder = kInner - i;
if (remainder != 0) {
const V16H b0 = LoadN(d16h, row + i, remainder);
const V a0 = PromoteTo(d, b0);
const V v0 = LoadN(d, vec + i, remainder);
sum0 = MulAdd(a0, v0, sum0);
out[r] = ReduceSum(d, sum0);
} // r
// Both mat and vec are bf16.
template <size_t kOuter, size_t kInner>
HWY_NOINLINE void MatVec(const hwy::bfloat16_t* HWY_RESTRICT mat,
const hwy::bfloat16_t* HWY_RESTRICT vec,
float* HWY_RESTRICT out, hwy::ThreadPool& pool) {
// Process multiple rows at a time so that we write multiples of a cache line
// to avoid false sharing (>= 64). 128 is better than 256. 512 has too little
// parallelization potential.
constexpr size_t kChunkSize = 64 / sizeof(bfloat16_t);
const uint64_t num_chunks = static_cast<uint64_t>(kOuter / kChunkSize);
const ScalableTag<float> df;
const Repartition<hwy::bfloat16_t, decltype(df)> d16;
using V16 = Vec<decltype(d16)>;
const size_t N = Lanes(d16);
// Required for Stream loop, otherwise we might have partial vectors.
HWY_DASSERT(kChunkSize >= N);
pool.Run(0, num_chunks,
[&](const uint64_t chunk, size_t /*thread*/) HWY_ATTR {
// MSVC workaround: duplicate to ensure constexpr.
constexpr size_t kChunkSize = 64 / sizeof(bfloat16_t);
// Software write-combining to avoid cache pollution from out.
// Although `out` may be used later, keeping it out of the cache
// now and avoiding RFOs is a consistent 5% overall win.
HWY_ALIGN float buf[kChunkSize];
// Only handle entire chunks here because the Stream is not masked.
// Remaining rows are handled after the pool.Run.
const size_t begin = static_cast<size_t>(chunk * kChunkSize);
for (size_t idx_row = 0; idx_row < kChunkSize; ++idx_row) {
auto sum0 = Zero(df);
auto sum1 = Zero(df);
auto sum2 = Zero(df);
auto sum3 = Zero(df);
const hwy::bfloat16_t* HWY_RESTRICT row =
&mat[(begin + idx_row) * kInner];
size_t i = 0;
// No clear win from prefetching from the next 1..3 rows.
// clflush &row[i] is slow, clflushopt less so but not helping.
for (; i + 2 * N <= kInner; i += 2 * N) {
const V16 b0 = LoadU(d16, row + i + 0 * N);
const V16 b1 = LoadU(d16, row + i + 1 * N);
const V16 v0 = LoadU(d16, vec + i + 0 * N);
const V16 v1 = LoadU(d16, vec + i + 1 * N);
sum0 = ReorderWidenMulAccumulate(df, b0, v0, sum0, sum1);
sum2 = ReorderWidenMulAccumulate(df, b1, v1, sum2, sum3);
// Last entire vector
for (; i + N <= kInner; i += N) {
const V16 b0 = LoadU(d16, row + i);
const V16 v0 = LoadU(d16, vec + i);
sum0 = ReorderWidenMulAccumulate(df, b0, v0, sum0, sum1);
const size_t remainder = kInner - i;
if (remainder != 0) {
const V16 b0 = LoadN(d16, row + i, remainder);
const V16 v0 = LoadN(d16, vec + i, remainder);
sum2 = ReorderWidenMulAccumulate(df, b0, v0, sum2, sum3);
// Reduction tree: sum of all accumulators, then their lanes
sum0 = Add(sum0, sum1);
sum2 = Add(sum2, sum3);
sum0 = Add(sum0, sum2);
buf[idx_row] = ReduceSum(df, sum0);
} // idx_row
HWY_UNROLL(4) // 1..4 iterations
for (size_t i = 0; i != kChunkSize; i += N / 2) {
Stream(Load(df, buf + i), df, out + begin + i);
// Handle remainder rows which are not a multiple of the chunk size.
for (size_t r = num_chunks * kChunkSize; r < kOuter; ++r) {
auto sum0 = Zero(df);
auto sum1 = Zero(df);
const hwy::bfloat16_t* HWY_RESTRICT row = &mat[r * kInner];
size_t i = 0;
for (; i + N <= kInner; i += N) {
const V16 b0 = LoadU(d16, row + i);
const V16 v0 = LoadU(d16, vec + i);
sum0 = ReorderWidenMulAccumulate(df, b0, v0, sum0, sum1);
const size_t remainder = kInner - i;
if (remainder != 0) {
const V16 b0 = LoadN(d16, row + i, remainder);
const V16 v0 = LoadN(d16, vec + i, remainder);
sum0 = ReorderWidenMulAccumulate(df, b0, v0, sum0, sum1);
out[r] = ReduceSum(df, Add(sum0, sum1));
} // r
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments)
} // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE
} // namespace hwy