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// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis.pb.h"
// This is the main include file for code using Content Analysis Connector
// Client SDK. No other include is needed.
// A browser begins by creating an instance of Client using the factory
// function Client::Create(). This instance should live as long as the browser
// intends to send content analysis requests to the content analysis agent.
namespace content_analysis {
namespace sdk {
// Represents information about one instance of a content analysis agent
// process that is connected to the browser.
struct AgentInfo {
unsigned long pid = 0; // Process ID of content analysis agent process.
std::string binary_path; // The full path to the process's main binary.
// Represents a client that can request content analysis for locally running
// agent. This class holds the client endpoint that the browser connects
// with when content analysis is required.
// See the demo directory for an example of how to use this class.
class Client {
// Configuration options where creating an agent. `name` is used to create
// a channel between the agent and Google Chrome.
struct Config {
// Used to create a channel between the agent and Google Chrome. Both must
// use the same name to properly rendezvous with each other. The channel
// is platform specific.
std::string name;
// Set to true if there is a different agent instance per OS user. Defaults
// to false.
bool user_specific = false;
// Returns a new client instance and calls Start().
static std::unique_ptr<Client> Create(Config config);
virtual ~Client() = default;
// Returns the configuration parameters used to create the client.
virtual const Config& GetConfig() const = 0;
// Retrives information about the agent that is connected to the browser.
virtual const AgentInfo& GetAgentInfo() const = 0;
// Sends an analysis request to the agent and waits for a response.
virtual int Send(ContentAnalysisRequest request,
ContentAnalysisResponse* response) = 0;
// Sends an response acknowledgment back to the agent.
virtual int Acknowledge(const ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement& ack) = 0;
// Ask the agent to cancel all requests matching the criteria in `cancel`.
// This is a best effort only, the agent may cancel some, all, or no requests
// that match.
virtual int CancelRequests(const ContentAnalysisCancelRequests& cancel) = 0;
Client() = default;
Client(const Client& rhs) = delete;
Client(Client&& rhs) = delete;
Client& operator=(const Client& rhs) = delete;
Client& operator=(Client&& rhs) = delete;
} // namespace sdk
} // namespace content_analysis