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// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis.pb.h"
#include "content_analysis/sdk/result_codes.h"
// This is the main include file for code using Content Analysis Connector
// Agent SDK. No other include is needed.
// An agent begins by creating an instance of Agent using the factory
// function Agent::Create(). This instance should live as long as the agent
// intends to receive content analysis requests from Google Chrome.
// Agent::Create() must be passed an object that implements the
// AgentEventHandler interface. Methods on this interface will be called
// at the approriate time to handle specific events. The events are:
// - A Google Chrome browser has started or stopped. This events contains
// information about the browser such as process id and executable path.
// - A request to analyze content. The agent reads and analyses the
// request in to determine a verdict: allow or block. When the verdict is
// known the response is sent back to Google Chrome.
// - An acknowledgement that Google Chrome has properly received the agent's
// verdict.
// The agent is not required to serialize event handling. That is, content
// analysis events can be analyze in the background and the response does
// not need to be sent before OnAnalysisRequested() returns.
// Google Chrome thottles the number of requests sent to the agent to 5
// current requests at a time but this is subject to change.
namespace content_analysis {
namespace sdk {
// Represents information about one instance of a Google Chrome browser
// process that is connected to the agent.
struct BrowserInfo {
unsigned long pid = 0; // Process ID of Google Chrome browser process.
std::string binary_path; // The full path to the process's main binary.
// Represents one content analysis request as generated by a given user action
// in Google Chrome.
// The agent should retrieve information about the content analysis request
// using the GetRequest() method. The agent should analyze the request and
// update the response, returned by GetResponse(), with a verdict (allow or
// block). Once the verdict is set the response can be sent back to Google
// Chrome by calling Send().
// The default verdict is to allow the requested user action. If the final
// verdict is to allow then the agent does not need to update the response and
// can simply call Send().
// If the final verdict should be to block, the agent should first update the
// response by calling SetEventVerdictToBlock() before calling Send().
// This class is not thread safe. However, it may be passed to another thread
// as long as the agent properly serializses access to the event.
// See the demo directory for an example of how to use this class.
class ContentAnalysisEvent {
virtual ~ContentAnalysisEvent() = default;
// Prepares the event for graceful shutdown. Upon return calls to all
// other methods of this class will fail.
virtual ResultCode Close() = 0;
// Retrives information about the browser that generated this content
// analysis event.
virtual const BrowserInfo& GetBrowserInfo() const = 0;
// Retrieves a read-only reference to the content analysis request received
// from Google Chrome.
virtual const ContentAnalysisRequest& GetRequest() const = 0;
// Retrieves a writable reference to the content analysis response that will
// be sent to Google Chrome as the verdict for the request of this event.
// The agent may modify this response in place before calling Send().
virtual ContentAnalysisResponse& GetResponse() = 0;
// Send the verdict to Google Chrome. Once this method is called further
// changes to the response are ignored.
virtual ResultCode Send() = 0;
// Returns a string containing internal state of the object that is useful
// for debugging.
virtual std::string DebugString() const = 0;
ContentAnalysisEvent() = default;
ContentAnalysisEvent(const ContentAnalysisEvent& rhs) = delete;
ContentAnalysisEvent(ContentAnalysisEvent&& rhs) = delete;
ContentAnalysisEvent& operator=(const ContentAnalysisEvent& rhs) = delete;
ContentAnalysisEvent& operator=(ContentAnalysisEvent&& rhs) = delete;
// Agents should implement this interface in order to handle events as needed.
// OnBrowserConnected() and OnBrowserDisonnected() notify the agent when
// instances of Google Chome start and stop. The agent may perform any one-time
// actions as required for these events. The default action is to do nothing
// for both events. If the agent does not need perform any special actions
// these methods do not need to be overridden.
// OnAnalysisRequested() notifies the agent of a new content analysis request
// from Google Chrome. The agent should perform the analysis and respond to
// the event. It is not required for the agent complete the analysis and
// respond to before this callback returns. The agent may pass the
// ContentAnalysisEvent to a background task and respond when ready. This
// callback has no default action and agents must override it.
// OnResponseAcknowledged() notifies the agent that Google Chrome has received
// the content analysis response and how it has handled it.
class AgentEventHandler {
AgentEventHandler() = default;
virtual ~AgentEventHandler() = default;
// Called when a new Google Chrome browser instance connects to the agent.
// This is always called before the first OnAnalysisRequested() from that
// browser.
virtual void OnBrowserConnected(const BrowserInfo& info) {}
// Called when a Google Chrome browser instance disconnects from the agent.
// The agent will no longer receive new content analysis requests from this
// browser.
virtual void OnBrowserDisconnected(const BrowserInfo& info) {}
// Called when a Google Chrome browser requests a content analysis.
virtual void OnAnalysisRequested(
std::unique_ptr<ContentAnalysisEvent> event) = 0;
// Called when a Google Chrome browser acknowledges the content analysis
// response from the agent. The default action is to do nothing.
// If the agent does not need perform any special actions this methods does
// not need to be overridden.
virtual void OnResponseAcknowledged(
const ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement& ack) {}
// Called when a Google Chrome browser asks the agent to cancels one or
// more content analysis requests. This happens when the user presses the
// Cancel button in the in-progress dialog. This is expected to be a best
// effort only; agents may choose to ignore this message or possibly only
// cancel a subset of requests with the given user action id.
// The default action is to do nothing. If the agent does not need perform
// any special actions this methods does not need to be overridden.
virtual void OnCancelRequests(
const ContentAnalysisCancelRequests& cancel) {}
// Called whenever the Agent implementation detects an error. `context`
// is a string that provide a hint to the handler as to where the error
// happened in the agent. `error` represent the actual error detected.
virtual void OnInternalError(const char* context, ResultCode error) {}
// Represents an agent that can perform content analysis for the Google Chrome
// browser. This class holds the server endpoint that Google Chrome connects
// to when content analysis is required.
// Agent instances should outlive all ContentAnalysisEvent instances created
// with it. Agent instances are not thread safe except for Stop() which can be
// called from any thread to shutdown the agent. Outstanding
// ContentAnalysisEvents created from this agent may or may not still complete.
// See the demo directory for an example of how to use this class.
class Agent {
// Configuration options where creating an agent. `name` is used to create
// a channel between the agent and Google Chrome.
struct Config {
// Used to create a channel between the agent and Google Chrome. Both must
// use the same name to properly rendezvous with each other. The channel
// is platform specific.
std::string name;
// Set to true if there is a different agent instance per OS user. Defaults
// to false.
bool user_specific = false;
// Creates a new agent instance. If successful, an agent is returned.
// Otherwise a nullptr is returned and `rc` contains the reason for the
// failure.
static std::unique_ptr<Agent> Create(
Config config,
std::unique_ptr<AgentEventHandler> handler,
ResultCode* rc);
virtual ~Agent() = default;
// Returns the configuration parameters used to create the agent.
virtual const Config& GetConfig() const = 0;
// Handles events triggered on this agent and calls the coresponding
// callbacks in the AgentEventHandler. This method is blocking and returns
// when Stop() is called or if an error occurs.
virtual ResultCode HandleEvents() = 0;
// Prepares the agent for graceful shutdown. Any function blocked on
// HandleEvents() will return. It is safe to call this method from any
// thread.
virtual ResultCode Stop() = 0;
// Returns a string containing internal state of the object that is useful
// for debugging.
virtual std::string DebugString() const = 0;
Agent() = default;
Agent(const Agent& rhs) = delete;
Agent(Agent&& rhs) = delete;
Agent& operator=(const Agent& rhs) = delete;
Agent& operator=(Agent&& rhs) = delete;
// Update the tag or status of `response`. This function assumes that the
// response contains only one Result. If one already exists it is updated
// otherwise a new Result is created.
// The response contained within ContentAnalysisEvent has already been updated.
// This function is useful only when create a new instance of
// ContentAnalysisResponse.
// If `tag` is not empty it will replace the result's tag.
// If `status` is not STATUS_UNKNOWN it will will replace the result's status.
ResultCode UpdateResponse(ContentAnalysisResponse& response,
const std::string& tag,
ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::Status status);
// Sets the response verdict of an event to `action`. This is a convenience
// function that is equivalent to the following:
// auto result = event->GetResponse().mutable_results(0);
// auto rule = result->mutable_triggered_rules(0);
// rule->set_action(action);
// This function assumes the event's response has already been initialized
// using UpdateResponse().
ResultCode SetEventVerdictTo(
ContentAnalysisEvent* event,
ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::Action action);
// Sets the reponse verdict of an event to "block". This is a convenience
// function that is equivalent to the following:
// SetEventVerdictTo(event,
// ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::TriggeredRule::BLOCK);
ResultCode SetEventVerdictToBlock(ContentAnalysisEvent* event);
// Helper class to handle the lifetime and access of print data.
class ScopedPrintHandle {
virtual ~ScopedPrintHandle() = default;
virtual const char* data() = 0;
virtual size_t size() = 0;
ScopedPrintHandle() = default;
ScopedPrintHandle(const ScopedPrintHandle&) = delete;
ScopedPrintHandle& operator=(const ScopedPrintHandle&) = delete;
ScopedPrintHandle(ScopedPrintHandle&&) = default;
ScopedPrintHandle& operator=(ScopedPrintHandle&&) = default;
// Returns a `ScopedPrintHandle` initialized from the request's print data
// if it exists.
CreateScopedPrintHandle(const ContentAnalysisRequest& request,
int64_t browser_pid);
} // namespace sdk
} // namespace content_analysis