Name Description Size Different build variants of Chrome for Android have different version codes. For targets that have the same package name (e.g. Chrome, Chrome Modern, Monochrome, Trichrome), Play Store considers them the same app and will push the supported app with the highest version code to devices. Note that Play Store does not support hosting two different apps with same version code and package name. Each version code generated by this script will be used by one or more APKs. Webview channels must have unique version codes for a couple reasons: a) Play Store does not support having the same version code for different versions of a package. Without unique codes, promoting a beta apk to stable would require first removing the beta version. b) Firebase project support (used by official builders) requires unique [version code + package name]. We cannot add new webview package names for new channels because webview packages are allowlisted by Android as webview providers. WEBVIEW_STABLE, WEBVIEW_BETA, WEBVIEW_DEV are all used for standalone webview, whereas the others are used for various chrome APKs. Note that a package digit of '3' for Webview is reserved for Trichrome Webview. The same versionCode is used for both Trichrome Chrome and Trichrome Webview. Version code values are constructed like this: {full BUILD number}{3 digits: PATCH}{1 digit: package}{1 digit: ABIs}. For example: Build 3721, patch 0, ChromeModern (1), on ARM64 (5): 372100015 Build 3721, patch 9, Monochrome (2), on ARM (0): 372100920 8377 Unittests for the android_chrome_version module. 13136
branding.gni 1793 1003 302
generate_wrapper.gni 3524 Wraps an executable and any provided arguments into an executable script. 7060
java_action.gni 3198 Wrapper script to run java command as action with gn. 2086
LASTCHANGE.committime 10
lastchange.gni 467 -- Chromium revision fetching utility. 11359
lib Presubmit for build/util 1838
process_version.gni 3980
version.gni 6968 -- Chromium version string substitution utility. 7974 Unittests for the version module. 6653