Name Description Size Prints the lowest locally available SDK version greater than or equal to a given minimum sdk version to standard output. If --print_sdk_path is passed, then the script will also print the SDK path. If --print_bin_path is passed, then the script will also print the path to the toolchain bin dir. Usage: python \ [--print_sdk_path] \ [--print_bin_path] \ 10.6 # Ignores SDKs < 10.6 Sample Output: /Applications/ /Applications/ 10.14 3274
OWNERS 26 Prints "1" if Chrome targets should be built with hermetic Xcode. Prints "2" if Chrome targets should be built with hermetic Xcode, but the OS version does not meet the minimum requirements of the hermetic version of Xcode. Prints "3" if FORCE_MAC_TOOLCHAIN is set for an iOS target_os Otherwise prints "0". Usage: python <target_os> 1724