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# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Sets the Fuchsia Amber repository which will be used by default by the
# generated installation scripts. If not specified, then no default directory
# will be used.
default_fuchsia_build_dir_for_installation = ""
# Sets the Fuchsia device node name which will be used by default by the
# generated runner scripts. If not specficed, then no default node name will
# be used.
default_fuchsia_device_node_name = ""
# CPU architecture of the host used to run the tests.
test_host_cpu = host_cpu
# Sets whether emulators need to be included in the test isolates
test_isolate_uses_emulator = true
# A list of additional Fuchsia boot images to include in the test isolates.
fuchsia_additional_boot_images = []
# Generates a script which deploys and optionally executes a package on a
# device.
# Parameters:
# package: The package() target which will be run.
# package_name_override: Specifies the name of the generated package, if its
# name is different than the |package| target name. This value must match
# package_name_override in the |package| target.
# package_deps: An array of [package, package_name_override] array pairs
# which specify additional dependency packages to be installed
# prior to execution.
# runner_script: The runner script implementation to use, relative to
# "build/fuchsia". Defaults to "".
# install_only: If true, executing the script will only install the package
# on the device, but not run it.
# is_test_exe: If true, the generated script will run the command under
# and add arguments expected to be passed to test exes.
template("fuchsia_package_runner") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "runner_script" ])
if (defined(invoker.package_name_override)) {
_pkg_shortname = invoker.package_name_override
} else {
_pkg_shortname = get_label_info(invoker.package, "name")
_pkg_dir = "$root_out_dir/gen/" + get_label_info(invoker.package, "dir") +
"/" + _pkg_shortname
_package_path = "$_pkg_dir/${_pkg_shortname}.far"
generated_run_pkg_script_path = "$root_build_dir/bin/run_${_pkg_shortname}"
generated_install_pkg_script_path =
_generate_runner_target = "${target_name}__generate_runner"
_generate_installer_target = "${target_name}__generate_installer"
# Generates a script which installs and runs a test.
generate_wrapper(_generate_runner_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "target" ])
_is_test_exe = defined(invoker.is_test_exe) && invoker.is_test_exe
if (defined(runner_script)) {
_runner_script = runner_script
} else {
_runner_script = "//chromium/build/fuchsia/"
if (_is_test_exe) {
executable = "//testing/"
executable_args =
[ "@WrappedPath(" + rebase_path(_runner_script, root_out_dir) + ")" ]
data = [
data_deps = [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ]
} else {
executable = rebase_path(_runner_script)
executable_args = []
data = []
data_deps = []
if (defined( {
data +=
wrapper_script = generated_run_pkg_script_path
data_deps += [
# Runner scripts require access to "ids.txt" for symbolization, and to
# the "package" from which to get the name & version to deploy, which
# are outputs of the archive manifest generation action.
# Runner scripts require access to "meta.far" from which to calculate the
# expected Merkle root for the package, to verify it has been cached.
if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
data_deps += invoker.data_deps
# Declares the files that are needed for test execution on the
# swarming test client.
data += [
# TODO( Remove checkout_fuchsia_for_arm64_host from
# gclient_gn_args in //DEPS as well as this condition when builders have
# test_host_cpu set correctly.
if (checkout_fuchsia_for_arm64_host) {
test_host_cpu = "arm64"
if (test_host_cpu == "x64") {
data_deps +=
[ "//chromium/build/config/clang:llvm-symbolizer_data($host_toolchain)" ]
data += [
# TODO( Remove "symbolize" when transition to
# "symbolizer" is complete.
if (test_isolate_uses_emulator) {
data += [
foreach(fuchsia_additional_boot_image, fuchsia_additional_boot_images) {
data += [ "${fuchsia_additional_boot_image}/" ]
package_paths = [ rebase_path(_package_path, root_build_dir) ]
if (defined(invoker.package_deps)) {
foreach(package_dep, invoker.package_deps) {
package_dep_target = package_dep[0]
package_dep_name = package_dep[1]
data_deps += [
package_dep_target + "__archive-manifest",
package_dep_target + "__archive-metadata",
package_dep_path = rebase_path(
get_label_info(package_dep_target, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
package_dep_name + "/" + package_dep_name + ".far",
package_paths += [ package_dep_path ]
foreach(package_path, package_paths) {
executable_args += [
executable_args += [
if (defined(invoker.use_run_test_component) &&
invoker.use_run_test_component) {
executable_args += [ "--use-run-test-component" ]
if (defined(invoker.use_test_server) && invoker.use_test_server) {
executable_args += [ "--enable-test-server" ]
if (default_fuchsia_build_dir_for_installation != "") {
executable_args += [
if (default_fuchsia_device_node_name != "") {
executable_args += [
# Produces a script which installs a package and its dependencies into the
# package repository of a pre-existing Fuchsia build directory.
generate_wrapper(_generate_installer_target) {
executable = rebase_path("//chromium/build/fuchsia/")
wrapper_script = generated_install_pkg_script_path
data_deps = [ invoker.package ]
if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
data_deps += invoker.data_deps
# Build a list of all packages to install, and pass the list to the runner
# script.
package_paths = [ rebase_path(_package_path, root_build_dir) ]
if (defined(invoker.package_deps)) {
foreach(package_dep, invoker.package_deps) {
package_dep_target = package_dep[0]
package_dep_name = package_dep[1]
data_deps += [ package_dep_target ]
package_dep_path = rebase_path(
get_label_info(package_dep_target, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
package_dep_name + "/" + package_dep_name + ".far",
package_paths += [ package_dep_path ]
executable_args = []
foreach(package_path, package_paths) {
executable_args += [
if (default_fuchsia_build_dir_for_installation != "") {
executable_args += [
group(target_name) {
deps = [ ":${_generate_installer_target}" ]
if (!defined(invoker.install_only) || invoker.install_only == false) {
deps += [ ":${_generate_runner_target}" ]