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# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Copy a list of file into a destination directory. Potentially renaming
# files are they are copied. This also ensures that symlinks are followed
# during the copy (i.e. the symlinks are never copied, only their content).
# Variables:
# dest: Destination directory path.
# sources: List of source files or directories to copy to dest.
# renaming_sources: Optional list of source file paths that will be renamed
# during the copy operation. If provided, renaming_destinations is required.
# renaming_destinations: Optional list of destination file paths, required
# when renaming_sources is provided. Both lists should have the same size
# and matching entries.
# args: Optional. Additionnal arguments to the script.
# The following variables have the usual GN meaning: data, deps, inputs,
# outputs, testonly, visibility.
template("copy_ex") {
action_with_pydeps(target_name) {
sources = []
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
sources += invoker.sources
outputs = []
if (defined(invoker.outputs)) {
outputs += invoker.outputs
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
inputs = invoker.inputs
script = "//chromium/build/android/gyp/"
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.dest, root_build_dir),
rebased_sources = rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--files=$rebased_sources" ]
if (defined(invoker.args)) {
args += invoker.args
if (defined(invoker.renaming_sources) &&
defined(invoker.renaming_destinations)) {
sources += invoker.renaming_sources
renaming_destinations = invoker.renaming_destinations
outputs +=
get_path_info(rebase_path(renaming_destinations, ".", invoker.dest),
rebased_renaming_sources =
rebase_path(invoker.renaming_sources, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--renaming-sources=$rebased_renaming_sources" ]
args += [ "--renaming-destinations=$renaming_destinations" ]