aar.py |
Processes an Android AAR file. |
6465 |
aar.pydeps |
207 |
aidl.py |
Invokes Android's aidl
2108 |
aidl.pydeps |
210 |
allot_native_libraries.py |
Allots libraries to modules to be packaged into.
All libraries that are depended on by a single module will be allotted to this
module. All other libraries will be allotted to the closest ancestor.
Given the module dependency structure
/ \
b d
/ \
a e
and libraries assignment
a: ['lib1.so']
e: ['lib2.so', 'lib1.so']
will make the allotment decision
c: ['lib1.so']
e: ['lib2.so']
The above example is invoked via:
./allot_native_libraries \
--libraries 'a,["1.so"]' \
--libraries 'e,["2.so", "1.so"]' \
--dep c:b \
--dep b:a \
--dep c:d \
--dep d:e \
--output <output JSON>
5364 |
allot_native_libraries.pydeps |
264 |
apkbuilder.py |
Adds the code parts to a resource APK. |
22332 |
apkbuilder.pydeps |
280 |
assert_static_initializers.py |
Checks the number of static initializers in an APK's library. |
7665 |
assert_static_initializers.pydeps |
276 |
bundletool.py |
Simple wrapper around the bundletool tool.
Bundletool is distributed as a versioned jar file. This script abstracts the
location and version of this jar file, as well as the JVM invokation. |
1526 |
bytecode_processor.py |
Wraps bin/helper/bytecode_processor and expands @FileArgs. |
2906 |
bytecode_processor.pydeps |
273 |
bytecode_rewriter.py |
Wrapper script around ByteCodeRewriter subclass scripts. |
1170 |
bytecode_rewriter.pydeps |
249 |
check_flag_expectations.py |
Compare the flags with the checked in list. |
3421 |
check_flag_expectations.pydeps |
286 |
compile_java.py |
29493 |
compile_java.pydeps |
1407 |
compile_resources.py |
Compile Android resources into an intermediate APK.
This can also generate an R.txt, and an .srcjar file containing the proper
final R.java class for all resource packages the APK depends on.
This will crunch images with aapt2.
39500 |
compile_resources.pydeps |
1427 |
copy_ex.py |
Copies files to a directory. |
4140 |
copy_ex.pydeps |
219 |
create_apk_operations_script.py |
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file was generated by build/android/gyp/create_apk_operations_script.py
import os
import sys
def main():
script_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
resolve = lambda p: p if p is None else os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
script_directory, p))
import apk_operations
output_dir = resolve(${OUTPUT_DIR})
[resolve(p) for p in ${ADDITIONAL_APK_PATHS}],
if __name__ == '__main__':
2744 |
create_apk_operations_script.pydeps |
282 |
create_app_bundle.py |
Create an Android application bundle from one or more bundle modules. |
20397 |
create_app_bundle.pydeps |
2152 |
create_app_bundle_apks.py |
Creates an .apks from an .aab. |
1892 |
create_app_bundle_apks.pydeps |
1398 |
create_bundle_wrapper_script.py |
Create a wrapper script to manage an Android App Bundle. |
4514 |
create_bundle_wrapper_script.pydeps |
282 |
create_java_binary_script.py |
Creates a simple script to run a java "binary".
This creates a script that sets up the java command line for running a java
jar. This includes correctly setting the classpath and the main class.
4157 |
create_java_binary_script.pydeps |
273 |
create_r_java.py |
Writes a dummy R.java file from a list of R.txt files. |
2416 |
create_r_java.pydeps |
1229 |
create_r_txt.py |
Writes a dummy R.txt file from a resource zip. |
1066 |
create_r_txt.pydeps |
1251 |
create_size_info_files.py |
Creates size-info/*.info files used by SuperSize. |
6771 |
create_size_info_files.pydeps |
287 |
create_ui_locale_resources.py |
Generate a zip archive containing localized locale name Android resource
This script takes a list of input Chrome-specific locale names, as well as an
output zip file path.
Each output file will contain the definition of a single string resource,
named 'current_locale', whose value will be the matching Chromium locale name.
E.g. values-en-rUS/strings.xml will define 'current_locale' as 'en-US'.
2637 |
create_ui_locale_resources.pydeps |
1268 |
desugar.py |
2367 |
desugar.pydeps |
219 |
dex.py |
25205 |
dex.pydeps |
295 |
dex_jdk_libs.py |
3013 |
dex_jdk_libs.pydeps |
234 |
dexsplitter.py |
4528 |
dexsplitter.pydeps |
231 |
dist_aar.py |
Creates an Android .aar file. |
5960 |
dist_aar.pydeps |
236 |
extract_unwind_tables.py |
Extracts the unwind tables in from breakpad symbol files
Runs dump_syms on the given binary file and extracts the CFI data into the
given output file.
The output file is a binary file containing CFI rows ordered based on function
address. The output file only contains rows that match the most popular rule
type in CFI table, to reduce the output size and specify data in compact format.
See doc https://github.com/google/breakpad/blob/master/docs/symbol_files.md.
1. The CFA rules should be of postfix form "SP <val> +".
2. The RA rules should be of postfix form "CFA <val> + ^".
Note: breakpad represents dereferencing address with '^' operator.
The output file has 2 tables UNW_INDEX and UNW_DATA, inspired from ARM EHABI
format. The first table contains function addresses and an index into the
UNW_DATA table. The second table contains one or more rows for the function
unwind information.
The output file starts with 4 bytes counting the number of entries in UNW_INDEX.
Then UNW_INDEX table and UNW_DATA table.
UNW_INDEX contains two columns of N rows each, where N is the number of
1. First column 4 byte rows of all the function start address as offset from
start of the binary, in sorted order.
2. For each function addr, the second column contains 2 byte indices in order.
The indices are offsets (in count of 2 bytes) of the CFI data from start of
The last entry in the table always contains CANT_UNWIND index to specify the
end address of the last function.
UNW_DATA contains data of all the functions. Each function data contains N rows.
The data found at the address pointed from UNW_INDEX will be:
2 bytes: N - number of rows that belong to current function.
N * 4 bytes: N rows of data. 16 bits : Address offset from function start.
14 bits : CFA offset / 4.
2 bits : RA offset / 4.
The function is not added to the unwind table in following conditions:
C1. If length of the function code (number of instructions) is greater than
0xFFFF (2 byte address span). This is because we use 16 bits to refer to
offset of instruction from start of the address.
C2. If the function moves the SP by more than 0xFFFF bytes. This is because we
use 14 bits to denote CFA offset (last 2 bits are 0).
C3. If the Return Address is stored at an offset >= 16 from the CFA. Some
functions which have variable arguments can have offset upto 16.
TODO(ssid): We can actually store offset 16 by subtracting 1 from RA/4 since
we never have 0.
C4: Some functions do not have unwind information defined in dwarf info. These
functions have index value CANT_UNWIND(0xFFFF) in UNW_INDEX table.
extract_unwind_tables.py --input_path [root path to unstripped chrome.so]
--output_path [output path] --dump_syms_path [path to dump_syms binary]
10400 |
extract_unwind_tables_tests.py |
Tests for extract_unwind_tables.py
This test suite contains various tests for extracting CFI tables from breakpad
symbol files.
4482 |
filter_zip.py |
Returns a function to strip paths for the given patterns.
exclude_globs: List of globs that if matched should be excluded.
include_globs: List of globs that if not matched should be excluded.
* None if no filters are needed.
* A function "(path) -> path" that returns None when |path| should be
stripped, or |path| otherwise.
2003 |
filter_zip.pydeps |
228 |
finalize_apk.py |
Signs and aligns an APK. |
2575 |
find.py |
Finds files in directories.
816 |
gcc_preprocess.py |
2028 |
gcc_preprocess.pydeps |
240 |
generate_android_wrapper.py |
1108 |
generate_linker_version_script.py |
Generate linker version scripts for Chrome on Android shared libraries. |
2142 |
generate_linker_version_script.pydeps |
288 |
ijar.py |
913 |
ijar.pydeps |
210 |
jacoco_instr.py |
Instruments classes and jar files.
This script corresponds to the 'jacoco_instr' action in the Java build process.
Depending on whether jacoco_instrument is set, the 'jacoco_instr' action will
call the instrument command which accepts a jar and instruments it using
7363 |
jacoco_instr.pydeps |
234 |
java_cpp_enum.py |
Normalize keys in |d| and update references to old keys in |d| values. |
15512 |
java_cpp_enum.pydeps |
260 |
java_cpp_enum_tests.py |
Tests for enum_preprocess.py.
This test suite contains various tests for the C++ -> Java enum generator.
26907 |
java_cpp_features.py |
// This following string constants were inserted by
// From
// Into
3378 |
java_cpp_features.pydeps |
272 |
java_cpp_features_tests.py |
Tests for java_cpp_features.py.
This test suite contains various tests for the C++ -> Java base::Feature
7602 |
java_cpp_strings.py |
// This following string constants were inserted by
// From
// Into
3084 |
java_cpp_strings.pydeps |
269 |
java_cpp_strings_tests.py |
Tests for java_cpp_strings.py.
This test suite contains various tests for the C++ -> Java string generator.
5232 |
java_google_api_keys.py |
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is autogenerated by
// From
package ${PACKAGE};
public class ${CLASS_NAME} {
3828 |
java_google_api_keys.pydeps |
298 |
java_google_api_keys_tests.py |
Tests for java_google_api_keys.py.
This test suite contains various tests for the C++ -> Java Google API Keys
1094 |
javac_output_processor.py |
Contains helper class for processing javac output. |
6925 |
jetify_jar.py |
Adds arguments related to jetifying to parser.
parser: ArgumentParser object.
1742 |
jetify_jar.pydeps |
228 |
jinja_template.py |
Renders one or more template files using the Jinja template engine. |
6457 |
jinja_template.pydeps |
1908 |
lint.py |
Runs Android's lint tool. |
20316 |
lint.pydeps |
254 |
merge_manifest.py |
Merges dependency Android manifests into a root manifest. |
5393 |
merge_manifest.pydeps |
263 |
native_libraries_template.py |
// This file is autogenerated by
// build/android/gyp/write_native_libraries_java.py
// Please do not change its content.
package org.chromium.build;
public class NativeLibraries {{
public static final int CPU_FAMILY_UNKNOWN = 0;
public static final int CPU_FAMILY_ARM = 1;
public static final int CPU_FAMILY_MIPS = 2;
public static final int CPU_FAMILY_X86 = 3;
// Set to true to enable the use of the Chromium Linker.
public static {MAYBE_FINAL}boolean sUseLinker{USE_LINKER};
public static {MAYBE_FINAL}boolean sUseLibraryInZipFile{USE_LIBRARY_IN_ZIP_FILE};
public static {MAYBE_FINAL}boolean sUseModernLinker{USE_MODERN_LINKER};
// This is the list of native libraries to be loaded (in the correct order)
// by LibraryLoader.java.
// TODO(cjhopman): This is public since it is referenced by NativeTestActivity.java
// directly. The two ways of library loading should be refactored into one.
public static {MAYBE_FINAL}String[] LIBRARIES = {{{LIBRARIES}}};
// This is the expected version of the 'main' native library, which is the one that
// implements the initial set of base JNI functions including
// base::android::nativeGetVersionName()
// TODO(torne): This is public to work around classloader issues in Trichrome
// where NativeLibraries is not in the same dex as LibraryLoader.
// We should instead split up Java code along package boundaries.
public static {MAYBE_FINAL}String sVersionNumber = {VERSION_NUMBER};
public static {MAYBE_FINAL}int sCpuFamily = {CPU_FAMILY};
1781 |
nocompile_test.py |
Checks that compiling targets in BUILD.gn file fails. |
6952 |
optimize_resources.py |
Parses command line options.
An options object as from argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args()
5165 |
optimize_resources.pydeps |
0 |
79 |
prepare_resources.py |
Process Android resource directories to generate .resources.zip and R.txt
files. |
7496 |
prepare_resources.pydeps |
1334 |
process_native_prebuilt.py |
1134 |
process_native_prebuilt.pydeps |
267 |
proguard.py |
26779 |
proguard.pydeps |
425 |
proto |
test |
turbine.py |
Wraps the turbine jar and expands @FileArgs. |
5965 |
turbine.pydeps |
219 |
unused_resources.py |
2904 |
unused_resources.pydeps |
1238 |
util |
validate_static_library_dex_references.py |
3161 |
validate_static_library_dex_references.pydeps |
385 |
write_build_config.py |
86748 |
write_build_config.pydeps |
1244 |
write_native_libraries_java.py |
Writes list of native libraries to srcjar file. |
4288 |
write_native_libraries_java.pydeps |
279 |
zip.py |
Archives a set of files. |
2408 |
zip.pydeps |
207 |