Name Description Size 21284
aom_cx_set_ref.c Get the internal reference frame 12904 See for building instructions. 3134
av1_dec_fuzzer.dict 101 2590
decode_to_md5.c 4015
decode_with_drops.c 4422
encoder_util.c 5131
encoder_util.h 1411
inspect.c 33596
lightfield_bitstream_parsing.c 14896
lightfield_decoder.c 13460
lightfield_encoder.c 21204
lightfield_tile_list_decoder.c 8632
lossless_encoder.c 4385 Parses the next line from the file, skipping empty lines. Returns false if the end of the file was reached, or if the line was indented less than 'min_indent', meaning that parsing should go back to the previous function in the stack. 'min_indent' is the minimum indentation expected for the next line. 'is_list' must be true if the line is allowed to contain list items ('-'). 'indent' MUST be initialized to -1 before the first call, and is then set to the indentation of the line. 'has_list_prefix' is set to true if the line starts a new list item with '-'. 'line_idx' is set to the index of the last line read. 'field_name' is set to the field name if the line contains a colon, or to an empty string otherwise. 'value' is set to the value on the line if present. In case of syntax error, 'syntax_error' is set to true and the function returns false. 35697
multilayer_metadata.h 5054
noise_model.c !\file \brief This is an sample binary to create noise params from input video. To allow for external denoising applications, this sample binary illustrates how to create a film grain table (film grain params as a function of time) from an input video and its corresponding denoised source. The --output-grain-table file can be passed as input to the encoder (in aomenc this is done through the "--film-grain-table" parameter). As an example, where the input source is an 854x480 yuv420p 8-bit video named "input.854_480.yuv" you would use steps similar to the following: # Run your denoiser (e.g, using hqdn3d filter): ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -video_size 854x480 -i input.854_480.yuv \ -vf hqdn3d=5:5:5:5 -vcodec rawvideo -an -f rawvideo \ denoised.854_480.yuv # Model the noise between the denoised version and original source: ./examples/noise_model --fps=25/1 --width=854 --height=480 --i420 \ --input-denoised=denoised.854_480.yuv --input=original.854_480.yuv \ --output-grain-table=film_grain.tbl # Encode with your favorite settings (including the grain table): aomenc --limit=100 --cpu-used=4 --input-bit-depth=8 \ --i420 -w 854 -h 480 --end-usage=q --cq-level=25 --lag-in-frames=25 \ --auto-alt-ref=2 --bit-depth=8 --film-grain-table=film_grain.tbl \ -o denoised_with_grain_params.ivf denoised.854_480.yuv 17196
photon_noise_table.c 17346
scalable_decoder.c 6969
scalable_encoder.c 10669
set_maps.c 6899
simple_decoder.c 5393
simple_encoder.c 9512 98521
twopass_encoder.c 8186